How to make steps on the country


Not everyone can boast a perfectly level dacha plot without drops in height. And sometimes gardeners make multi-level gardens intentionally to make the landscape more interesting, and the garden is picturesque. In this case, it is quite difficult to do without steps that will help move between tiers. Such steps can be performed not only practical, but also a decorative function. If you decide to organize steps in your garden, we offer you a selection of ideas that will help to fulfill conceived.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

Consider the first version of the steps that are suitable for large gentle slopes, as each stage is quite wide.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

The frame of the staircase is made of large wooden bars, which are collected in a solid design using the appropriate fastener. Void inside the wooden formwork can be fill in pebbles or rubble.

Such steps look original, water does not accumulate on their surface, as it seeps through the backfill. The disadvantages include the need to periodically add rubble, as it can crumble through flights.

If you liked the technology described above, but we need a staircase pounder and easier, the bars can be replaced by the boards, and the length of the steps to reduce. Summer, made according to such technology, can be easier to make curved.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

If you want to approach the construction of the ladder in the garden thoroughly, pay attention to the stronger and durable materials, brick and concrete.

There are several approaches. For example, the outer walls of the steps can be made of bricks, flood the cavity with rubble, and to lay concrete slabs on top.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

There is another option. Steps are poured out of concrete, and the front edge is laid out with bricks. In this case, you have to use a formwork. This approach is sense to use if each stage is long enough.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

If you want to refine, railway sleepers can be used for the manufacture of steps. With the help of sleepers, you can choose a garden track. Pour the gaps between them with a solution or pour into large rubble. It turns out quite interesting

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

Speals can be used and instead of formwork for the fill of concrete steps. The option is not much different from the first, but look such steps will be original, especially if the sleepers are old.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

Recently, the gardeners refuse to the concrete of garden tracks in favor of paving slabs. When dismantling old tracks, you can remain a lot of large pieces of concrete, which can also be used to create original garden steps.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

If money is not a problem, the steps can be made of stone plates. True, for this you need to have good skills in construction, or take advantage of the services of professional builders with the relevant equipment.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

You can decorate the usual concrete steps using a ceramic tile fragments. Such a staircase will look more fun and more interesting.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

Remember that the steps do not have to be geometrically ideal. Here is an example of how you can make an interesting staircase with the help of styled chaotic concrete blocks.

How to make steps in the garden in the garden, steps

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