Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands


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Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

Recently, the bas-relief technique on the walls became so popular that I decided to try myself as an artist on plates and make a bas-relief in the children's room, especially since the repair of my babies has long been time to do. I just fascinated me, as if growing trees from the walls from the gypsum, so there was no problems with the choice of the theme of the drawing. It was decided to make a tree, and on the tree a couple of birds. So, my master class on the bas-relief presents to your attention.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

To start the wall, I lined with plaster plaster, lured to an ideally even state. The primer did not take place - it decided to rejuvenate before painting the finished bas-relief. I wanted to create such a tree so that his bark, twigs, the leaves were as much as possible to real, so I used a thick, well-bent wire and gauze (bandage) as a frame. At first, the wire bent in such a position in which the trunk of a tree will look, then the hands of a slightly believed induced, very thick plaster (I added a droplet of a brown koller) and all this was kept bandage. It turned out a curved gauze sausage.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

By the way, I added a plaster to the gypsum in front of the manufacture of a tree trunk so that the bas-relief on the wall turned out to be the most natural. In the future, when the entire bas-relief is covered with paint, and the leaves and branches will sway and the difference in the shades of foliage and the bark will be noticeably fine.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

Further in the place where the tree trunk will be located on the wall, drilled three holes, drowned a dowel and screwed the workpiece on the wall on the tapping screw. It is necessary to attach that it is a wet blank, since when it dries, it is very problematic to strengthen on the wall, and you can turn the wet workpiece as it is necessary and tightened. Just if when the wire is screwed, it was not as it was, it can immediately be inhabited. In general, after fastening the workpiece on it, the plaster plaster was brought to it and with the help of a spatula, a teaspoon and a thin nozzle drew a notch on the crust, slept on the branch. It turned out so natural that he did not expect. It inspired me, and the work further flowed faster!

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

On the corner of the walls assumed a bird that will sit on the branch and take off. Therefore, made from the wire the second framework frame, again the plaster washed and wounded the bit, attached the same way (self-tapping). Again, over the entire surface of the workpiece applied plaster and shaped the bas-relief of the tree trunk, which drowned into the wall. More subtle branches I have already drawn right on the wall by plaster, helping myself with a spoon, a spatula and a knife, removing everything too much.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

When the central barrel with branches was ready, painted a pencil on the wall of the leaved, leveled their edges with a knife and a spatula, surplus gypsum removed. The tree on the wall turned out to be very different, but then the task was to stand for me: how to cut birds from the gypsum. And not just sitting on the branch, but with open wings gathering as it would takele. It was decided for the manufacture of Bird Birds to use small pieces of thin mesh for wings and again wire and bint for the body of a bird.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

At first, the bird's body has formed when the blank dried slightly, attached pieces of mesh on the gypsum on the sides. During the day, the bird slowed down, and then I put it gently on the branch of the bas-relief. The wings attached to the wall on the tapping screw, and so that she did not settle under her weight until he was dry, a roulette lay under his stomach.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

After complete drying of the gypsum, I began to form the legs and other parts of its body. When it created a head, beak and other small pieces of bas-relief, used for better work and accuracy ordinary painting tassel. She applied plaster, she smoothed, wetting in water. The finished bird lied to the smoothness by the sandpaper Zero - and Voila! Bird, opened the wings and as it were, I was going to fly out, only the wall keeps her for the wings. Sorry, in the photo of the manufacturer of the bird on the camera lens came the plaster, so the pictures are slightly darkened. According to the same principle, I made a second bird with the only difference that the second bird just sat on a branch without twisted wings.

Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands
Bas-relief from gypsum on the wall with your own hands

Then he followed monotonous work on the grout of the sandpaper of all unnecessary gypsum smears, removing unnecessary elements and wiring light to the bas-relief. But ultimately it turned out in the completed gypsum version here is such a bas-relief with your own hands.

Bas-relief tree and birds

Bird bas-relief

Bird of plaster

Bird bas-relief on a branch

Bas-relief trunk of a tree

Bas-relief branch of a tree

Bas-relief on the wall

The author is Natalia Kobzeva.

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