Volume beaded buttons with their own hands


In fact, of course, not only buttons. The use of these pretty things I think there is a mass of ideas and opportunities: from gum for hair, to buttons or broochs on a fur coat or even shoes. It can be both functional things and purely decorative, everything is on your imagination. And they are made very easily and quickly.

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

On a dense basis, we draw a circle to a regular thin line ten beers and make a carcass-army, then the following (according to the seam principle "back needle") as shown in the photo, then also ... - Close a row. The next row is the same, only with arches from 12 beery, the third row - out of 14, etc.

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

You can come up with amazing combinations of colors, size and bead shape, take another quantity, etc., the main thing is to practice and understand the principle of weaving, which is completely simple in performance.

Having finished weaving, close the opposite side by a piece of skin, felt or dense fabric. I used the usual glue the moment of the crystal universal transparent.

Try - it is absolutely accessible and simple, but which shock things can be done if you choose the desired beads or beads. I did from what I found at home, as a trial step, while I was training at once, so many ideas were drawn in my head - I advise you, you will like it.

Good luck to inspiration and beautiful life!

Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands
Volume beaded buttons with their own hands

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