What we regret after repair


It is remembered, one of the laws of Murphy states: "Usually we only after work, why it was necessary to start." So, dear gentlemen, learn from other people's mistakes! We have collected the statements of all the "victims" of the repair that will help you avoid the "unforgettable" nestlications.

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So, 100 repair errors:

1. For nothing, do not combine the toilet and the bathroom, if there is no "dubler". This is not functional, especially when there are more than two people in the family.

2. Linoleum is not the best floor coating option in the kitchen.

3. Do not trust the repair of my wife. Let her do it under the direction of the designer. And then you will get a copy of the apartment of your friends or acquaintances, because they have "so everything is beautiful." It is terrible to realize that the owners of the apartment are deprived of individuality.

4. Difficult walls in everyday life were not practical. Especially in the field of switches - endless prints.

5. In the kitchen, it is better to provide a box under the corrugation for an exhaust.

6. Never laid space under the bathroom.

7. Never separate the cutting area of ​​the kitchen with the cooking panel.

8. Never use carpet.

9. I will never use gray-blue, blue and malachite shades for the bathroom!

10. Never let's hang up the top cabinets of the kitchen above the eye line!

11. I would not put a laminate or parquet board in the kitchen. The first leakage and immediately the problem.

12. Do not make a white or very bright tile in the bathroom - the feeling that in the hospital.

13. In vain set kitchen furniture along the entire wall in the rectangular kitchen, it is much more convenient for neighbors - to arrange an angle.

14. I will not save on plumbing and tile - then it will be bad to look for several years, and you will not be redone.

15. In vain made a small dressing room, so that more space remains in the room. This half-meter is not saved by the meter, and when the dressing room is broken by a bit - you can not build another.

16. Based on the stuffed cones, it would not have done a wiring of electricity in the apartment, without making a pre-plan for the placement of furniture - and the final plan that no longer change!

17. Dark floor and dark tile (especially on the floor in the bathroom). It is not clear that any dirt is every dust and a drop, especially from a washing machine. It is necessary to cleanse several times a day.

18. Many open shelves with a bunch of souvenirs. This is an unreal dust collector!

19. Do not install sockets "in the floor". Very uncomfortable, constantly open, dust will be copied and it is impossible to wash the floor normally.

21. Do not forget to install sockets right in the bathroom for a hair dryer, an electric set for manicure and razor. One can one, but then select the mirror in which the sockets are also built into the extension manner.

22. Provide referee (dimmers) in the child's bedroom, so that the light is not inclusive, and slowly.

23. Make a warm floor. In principle, at first it can not even be included, but it is better to do it right away. Well, if he were in the hallway too.

24. Do not buy chandeliers with flat horizontal open beeps - there so much midges will be copied, remove - torture.

25. Halogen lights are better to choose with an angle of inclination, and not firmly fixed.

26. If the wiring is old - to completely replace. By the way, it would be nice to write (or photographed with measurements) its location, otherwise the sniper is in the wiring and fall.

27. Provide the entrance to the apartment for all possible cables (wide cable channel).

28. Switches all "euro" (at an altitude of 80-90 cm) - so that children can turn on the light, not jumping.

29. Light and socket on the balcony - just in case. It can be useful.

30. Backlight in the kitchen right above the working surface (built-in lamps in the kitchen visor - it is beautiful, but not functional).

31. Use two switches / light switch - when entering the bedroom and the bed in the bedroom, so as not to get out of bed, wanting to turn it off.

32. I still regret that on the floor in the hallway and the kitchen laid a tile rough, i.e. There, as if holes on the surface. It is impossible to wash!

33. Floors are warm necessarily with a timer, otherwise if you turn on in the morning, it warms it in 2 hours.

34. Immediately decide where the kitchen furniture and the refrigerator will stand, do not lay a warm floor under them! I have a depth of outdoor cabinets of 60 cm, and the floor does not warm on 1 meter from the wall (well, they laughed, they told the repairmen - a meter from the wall retreat, still the furniture will be), so it's a shame, you're preparing, and your legs do not heat up. And under the refrigerator heats. And in the hallway, it is better not to warm all the hallmarks to surf the shoes.

35. Windows is better with microwing function and safe leaks for children and animals.

36. Place under the counter to choose in advance. And the position of the switch in the hallway is better to extort more.

37. Doors with glass insert will interfere with sleeping if light is on in the next room.

38. In the children's children's sports complex in advance, and strengthen the holes for the Swedish wall.

39. Refractory materials should be placed near the hot surfaces. High risk of fire flammable materials.

40. Batteries do not need to sew too much, leave access to their overlapping.

41. The only thing that regret is - that they did not find the place for the boiler in case of turning off the hot water or its extremely low temperature.

42. If you are going to make built-in wardrobes or chests to order, it is necessary to smooth the walls!

43. It is necessary to think over the little things in advance. Already after the repair, a water heater was bought for 80 liters, they decided to put in the toilet - it took a socket, it was necessary to strob in new wallpaper.

44. There was too slippery floor tiles in the kitchen and covered with a light grout (first it was very beautiful, and now putting up stains, not washed away - kind of horror).

45. When installing the bathroom, borders were not laid on the wall, where it is joined with tiles, and simply seerfully silicone sealants ... The result - in the corners there is always water.

46. ​​Sorry that they did not make warm floors everywhere.

47. Pipes to batteries pass in the floor. In the bathroom, the sleeve sensor was put too close to them. Outcome - When the heating is included, the thermostat has only two modes: off or at full power.

48. Too rough tile on the floor in the bathroom. Poorly washed away.

49. Sewing in a hippery ceiling too narrow ventilation for exhaust. The result is the drop in suction power at the exhaust.

50. When separating the floor in the kitchen-living room to the working area (tile) and the rest area (parquet) made too many tiles. Conclusion: it is necessary to plan carefully and taking into account the volume of future furniture.

51. The waterproof was made according to a consistent scheme, very regret that he did not make plumbers to remake.

52. We have a Spanish tiles in our kitchen, very beautiful, but one minus, very deep chamfer, there every dirt quickly accumulates and is poorly washed away. It was necessary to choose absolutely smooth, but not glossy and to almost the champers.

53. With the outlets of the trouble. They need much more than it seems, especially in the kitchen. It is better to do more than then on new wallpaper to stick.

54. It is very cool that switches made in the corridor and bedroom. In the corridor, you do not need to walk there and here to turn off the light, and in the bedroom the light can be turned off, lying on the bed.

55. Watch very well to make slopes on the windows and everything is carefully propenged.

56. When installing a bath, you follow the tilt of the bowl of making to the plum, and the water almost does not leave if the bath is installed in terms of level.

57. Forced the Proba to make the outdoor tile flashes in the bathrooms and the kitchen. Those. If there is water under the bathroom or kitchen furniture, it flows into the middle of the room (you can immediately score the alarm).

58. When choosing a tile, collided with a variety of problems: the spreadsheet (moved to lay the color palette), different size (up to 3mm), non-stalking pattern. With Spanish and Italian there were no such problems.

59. I had to warm and close the gap on my own. But still the difference between "relatives" and the new window is awesome.

60. Do not forget about the heated towel rail!

61. The sewer pipe is very coherent. All are good plastic pipes, but they are pretty well, so do sound insulation - turn it on something.

62. If there is a little curious child, it is better to make keys or punctures on all doors, especially in the bedroom. And keep dumplings higher, but in an affordable place.

63. If you yourself buy corners in the bathroom, then take care of them during the transportation of scratches and damage, and they punish their builders, otherwise all scratches turn into dark stripes.

64. Think over the protection of the protruding corners with wallpaper and do not cut the corners - go out.

65. Stretch ceilings are super! Make immediately in the entire apartment.

66. Plan the kitchen immediately. Summary of many communications depends on it.

67. I would never have done an angular dryer in the kitchen - very uncomfortable.

68. It would not be to do a monophonic light floor in the bathroom - each Musorinka is visible, at least once every hour.

69. Problems with a boiler arose, no one warned that it was dangerous to hang on the plasterboard wall.

70. I must first think - do you want to change the windows, and then make cosmetic repairs in the apartment. Replacing glass windows after sticking wallpaper - that still stupidity ...

71. Do not use a white grout for tiles in the kitchen - dirty will look.

72. First you need to consider the wiring of electricians in the bathroom, and then put the tile.

73. Be sure to put the warm floor in the bath and the toilet - it is such a pleasure!

74. Do not save on Watergery - buy a cumulative at least 80 on the family, and better than 100 liters.

75. It is better to make a bathroom in warm colors. For the first time I live in such now - it seems that the temperature is higher than degrees at 5-6.

76. Now I would have forbidden to touch the kitchen appliances from a stainless steel to build a strict setting.

77. I would bought a non-parquet board, and the parquet is real, because A few years later, the board, even very expensive in my case, began to get suture slightly and the seams were expanded between the boards.

78. Do not regret make sockets. I read this advice earlier, but the husband pulled me for the sleeve (died appetites), as a result, there were extension cords that would very much like to avoid.

79. Warm floors: wherever there is a tile, be sure to.

80. Doors: When the interior doors were installed, it never even came to mind that the switch should be near the handle operating the door. And we hung them so that the switch was from the loop side.

81. Storeroom: If there is at least some place that you can donate in favor of the storage room, do it! Vacuum cleaners, rollers, sledges, skiing, Christmas toys, mops, basins, buckets, household appliances that do not use every day - everything is there. I do not know where all this folded if they did not make a separate storekeeping!

82. Parquet: We have a dark parquet. It looks very nice, but on such a dark floor, especially on a sunny day, each dusty is visible, so you have to clean every day.

83. Ceiling: Promach - made a glossy ceiling in the living room, but did not take into account that under it another ceiling level with the inside lamps - all these lamps now do not dispel the pleasant light around the perimeter of the room, as it was assumed, and reflected in the ceiling, as in Mirror. Horror! All exhaust, as they say, is obvious.

84. In the toilet, bathroom (and wherever there is a lot of moisture) necessarily need a stretch ceiling. Beautiful, nothing swells, not falling off, but most importantly - if the neighbors flooded you, the water does not bloom widely in your apartment, but is going to the ceiling itself. We saved us 2 times. The ceiling simply saves, and the water remains inside. Then they caused the masters, they removed the part of the ceiling, merged the water, and it was installed back.

85. Loggia (or balcony): You need to withdraw the lighting and necessarily a socket!

86. In the bathroom sockets should be moisture-proof (with a cover) - washing machine, hairdryer, razor and email brush is just vital.

87. Need forced exhaust in the bathroom.

88. Make hidden storage sites (for example, buckets, rags, chemistry and other hosts).

89. From what they did right:

1. In the guest bathroom put a shower cabin. When it is necessary to quickly, wash themselves there, and it is still very convenient to wash the dog. In such dirty weather, only this is saved! Because In the bath of my Labrador, do not shook, and it's unpleasant to share with a dog bath.

2. Warm floors, boiler, insulated loggia (with warm floors, light and socket).

3. Many boxes and closed shelves + wardrobe in the nursery, there is where all children's economy is inhabited 4. Built-in dishwasher - a dream).

90. I would have won the designer to immediately see the whole picture! Many things do not like exactly because of the unprincipled.

91. When I plan, where to place a sleeping place, I will take into account the direction of drafts. Now our bed is standing near the wall, where the front door is located in the room and if there is a small draft (even from micro-taking), then this draft flows right on the bed and flows into the door. If the bed was standing at the opposite wall, it would not touch her stroke.

92. And I got the buttons and stakes on the plinths. I don't like terribly. It seems to be picked up. And the sister, they were in the same collection - they are not visible practically.

93. Door handles with sharp corners - periodically someone hurt their hand or something else, it hurts and clothing rushes.

94. Vinyl wallpaper under the painting of Ukrainian production - in the same room a sirdora was stuck - horror horror! German - super are invented.

95. I would not enhance with unfinished repair and lack-flat furniture. Opportunities were. And now all this is so stretching ... it seems to be used to it, and the time is always missing so as not to finish everything.

96. Single sockets are just funny! Non-shifted! Now with hated tees I live.

97. About the light grout on the floor is already so much written !!! But apparently I was not enough ... a very untidy look.

98. I will never glue in the children's "fluffy" wallpapers that can be pulled off - in the process of falling asleep. Children all the time they pick themselves with her finger - they hated everything near the bed.

99. All accurate dimensions of the furniture would learn before repair. In the kitchen, a sofa (or not even a sofa is a very, very wide chair-chair), which we want to buy - has a height of the back of 90cm - the circuit breaker for the sconce is recently in a height of 90cm, that is, starts with a height of 86cm. I got straight into the back. To transfer the switch above, and suddenly after a few years the sofa will change.

100. We experienced overhaul and realized that most importantly - do not save on materials - wallpaper, paint, glue - everything should be a good quality! In the kitchen I have a lot of unsuccessful moments - a small sink from the porcelain stoneware - I somehow did not believe the designer - and now I have a mountain dishes next to her - waiting for a queue in the dishwasher. Little ordered roll-out mechanisms - it seemed expensive, but it was necessary to do. In vain ordered glass translucent doors - everything can be seen what lies on the shelves.

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