How to optimize a place in the house?


How to optimize a place in the house?

We use the space that is usually empty even in the smallest apartment:

How to optimize a place in the house? (selection)

In a small apartment, it is not easy to store a lot of things. Especially if you like Shopping. A limited place must be used with the maximum benefit. If your things do not fit into the closet, hang in the corner an extra hanger: it will help to organize space more efficiently.

Simple shelf for spices do it yourself

If you like to cook, it is very important that the favorite seasonings and spices are always at hand. Use office trays-organizers as shelves. Well, if you take magnets, then such a shelf can easily be placed directly on the refrigerator. Exactly nothing will be lost!

Sproves storage space

If there are not many places in your kitchen, then at least the walls are always there! It may seem unreal, but every centimeter of the wall can be used! For example, it is convenient to place hooks for frying pan and utensils that you often use.

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Stand for jewelry

Limited space is a real torture for women who love accessories. Use the record chalkboard, and your jewelry will always be fine. Comfortable hooks and pins will help accurately place earrings, bracelets and beads on the board.

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Place for storing detergents

Most of us keep cleaning and cleaning products under the washbasin. It takes that it leads to a mess and impossibility to find anything in the booming. Place the crossbar between the walls of the locker and grind bottles with sprayers.

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Suspended shelves

The bathroom usually makes the highest requirements. But very often they are made too small in size. If you need more space, post the shelves on the walls: they will provide an additional smooth space, and you will not need to take place on the floor.

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Stand for towels

Towel is an important object of the bathroom that takes too much space. Instead of storing them away in the closet, use the stand for wine: roll up towels into a roll and place instead of wine bottles.

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Organizer for storage room

Most conveniently packaged food are very uncomfortable to store. For convenience, use the organizer for shoes in the storage room. It can greatly store packages with juice, seasonings and other packaged products.

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Additional crossbar in the bathroom

The crossbar is usually used to distinguish the curtain on it. Place the second, and it will be very convenient to hang brushes, washcloths and various little things.

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Machine Fuse

One of the big problems of small garages in the house is a lack of space in order to open the door of the car. As a result, the wall is damaged and the door is scratched. To avoid this, attach to the wall cut along the foam roller. And the door of the car, and the wall of the garage will be safe.

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