Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine


Annemieke Maine (Annemieke Mein) is a textile artist from Australia., It is considered the founder of the textile sculpture - a new direction in art.

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Her work - a mixture of volumetric appliqué, painting and embroidery

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Heroes of her textile sculpture - birds, frogs, butterflies, dragonflies, for which she likes to observe in nature.

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Anneyiek was born in Holland, but her parents moved to Australia when she was seven years old. Parents had to work a lot in a new place and the girl spent almost all the time alone. Her struck nature and animals of Australia, she studied the plants and the life of butterflies and grasshoppers. Since childhood, she had a talent for drawing and a special gift to the enhanced painstaking work. Her mother earned sewing, his father was a dental technician and in addition, masterfully made prostheses - eyes, noses and ears. After school, Anneyke went to learn art, but at the beginning of the sixties was the height of love for abstractionism, and she did not like it at all. Instead, she learned to nurse, worked in the hospital, married and gave birth to two children.

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And at the time while she was sitting at home, her passion turned to manual work - all the walls were covered by Macrame, she sewed, lace waslated, made lace paintings, embroidered with all ways, was engaged in felt, nail and tale, made paintings from bird feathers And the bark, she was engaged in ceramics, Lepila from clay, knitted with crochet and knitting needles, was engaged in Paper-Masha, made a hand paper, worked with the skin, did Pechover and Decoupage and restored the old furniture. Every time it was drawing. And soon began to translate its drawings of the Australian nature into textile sculptures. These panels and separate compositions and made it world-famous. These were huge work, they are not at all those elegant needlework in the chambers, which belong to crafts. For work, Anniek was not partition, but they began to be exhibited in art galleries.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Coast banks - was the first work made in the relief. With her, Anneyke won in the competition and was very proud of this victory.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

The leaves are made of wool and silver velvet for the inside, and the "bump" from the booklined wool, wool fabric and felt and silk.

The drawing in the background is embroidered with free movement, so. As she would draw a pencil. It seemed to many. What work is "not over", but it became an alieke's style - several plans in the picture - from almost volumetric front, through a flat-sewing applique to the drawing or linear embroidery on the background.

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Cloak with volumetric dragonfly from the collection of decorated clothing items. It sews from hand woven coarse cotton and embroidered with silk, wool, fur, dacron and embroidered threads.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Old Lady Mole It was done specifically for sight by visitors. At every exhibition, Annieuque has hardly driven out visitors who are tucked to touch the convex parts - is it true of the fabric? Therefore, this work was made specifically from very durable fabrics and in the dark range. Next to her stood the plate, inviting visitors to touch and feel the work.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Composition "Freedom" - About forty butterflies twenty-five different types, the exit of the image of the image outside the canvas is another favorite reception Anneyke:

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Mussels and algae - Free standing textile sculpture 109 cm long. Only the backs of the shell are visible from behind, and in front - all their shining open flaps.

Algae svalas from wool and manually painted. The backs of seashells are made of layers of painted organza over dark wool, and the insides of several layers of painted iridescent organza and atlas.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine


Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Relief "Grasshopes" Consists of two cloth 105 by 105 cm. And the grasshoppers are recreated with scientific accuracy. Anneyiek was looking for a long cloth for their particularly shiny facet of facets and her village generously gave her to her yellow silk tie, which perfectly approached.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

It can be seen that each blade is embroidered to show the sheet fibers.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine


Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Other works Anneyiek:

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

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Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

"Finally she flies!".

This is completely personal, homework, placed in the book because it is of great popularity in exhibitions, in fact it is not an exhibition work, this is a gift to Anniek her mother-in-law for his birthday.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

In 11 fluffy chicks depicted 11 grandchildren of the Alma Maine - and all of them know which of them are depicted.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Annemasiek has a lot of time to conduct books on zoology and biology to achieve realism of their characters. She has to pick up suitable textures and color cloths, use various shades of threads for stitches.

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Its paintings are so realistic that visitors are trying on exhibitions all the time trying to touch them, to make sure that the leaflets and blades are a complex embroidery, and not a glued herbarium. For the most curious she made a picture, with a butterfly, which can be touched

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

Volumetric textile panels Anneyke Maine

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