Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class


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I am sure that the Spring-Summer Collection of Dolce & Gabbana impressed many fashionists. And I'm not an exception. In addition to beautiful clothes, the image of the models complemented hairstyles with flowers.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

As far as I can judge the photo, it's just living flowers - roses and carnations. Of course, decorating the hairstyle with living colors is good, but not always practical. Therefore, I wanted to create a more universal version of colors for hairstyles. Fortunately, I have long been fond of creating colors from the fabric, so I decided to make a rose and cloves from silk before the occurrence of summer. And today I want to share the detailed photo of the master class on creating these colors. That's what I did:

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

What will be needed to create flowers from fabric with your own hands:

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

1. Fabric scissors, comfortable enough to cut minor parts.

2. Glue either glue gun. I use the glue "moment" gel, it is not instant, it is convenient to work with it, it's good to be fine, and you can always easily remove the extra glue from the flower.

3. Paper for the pattern of parts.

4. Wire (0.2 - 0.4 mm thick)

5. Thick threads, ribbon or paper to crush the wire.

6. Solder

7. Bulds of different diameters and shapes (knives, double knives, rings)

8. The pad on which you will handle the details. I have a special rubber, but you can independently make a pad with sand. I have a pad in a bright case, but I recommend sewing a cover not from colored fabric, but from white or uncrumbed linen.

9. The fabric treated with gelatin. Flowers can be made from completely different fabrics, but preferably natural silk, it is well processed by a tool, takes the right shape and looks beautiful. You can choose a suitable fabric or buy white silk and paint it yourself in the desired color. To create a rose, I chose white silk and painted it, and to create a carnation I took two different shades of fabric - reddish natural silk and red atlas (not natural silk).

10. Accordingly, if you are going to paint silk, you will also need special colors for textiles.

How to treat tissue with gelatin:

1. On a small piece of fabric, there is not very much gelatin. For example, to treat a piece of silk, which left me on a rose, the size of 20 cm x 100 cm I used 1 teaspoon gelatin and a glass of water.

2. Gelatin must soak cold water to swelling (approximately 10 minutes)

3. Then heat the water with gelatin, constantly stirring until the gelatin is dissolved

4. After that, we lower the tissue into the water with gelatin so that it is completely soaked

Wipe the fabric, waiting for it dry.

And for roses and cloves will need stalks. To do this, cut off a piece of wire you need a length and pay it with a thread (or ribbon or paper). The thread thread, the easier it will be beautifully crushing the wire. First, lubricate the tip of the wire with glue and fix the thread on glue. After that, we lubricate the remaining part of the wire with glue and gently tw in the thread around the wire. This can be done in different ways, I usually steal the wire with one hand, the other hold and whining the thread. Leave stalks to dry.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

How to make a rose from the fabric with your own hands

While driving the fabric treated with gelatin, create a pattern on paper. For roses, you need four types of petals of different size, three leaf and lined. Draw parts on paper, cut out the pattern.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Then we carry the pattern on the fabric. Petals and leaflets should be laid in oblique. Carefully supply pencil thin lines. Then cut the part, cutting off the pencil line so that it does not remain on the finished flower. I cut 2 liners, 4 sheets, 18 large petals, 20 medium and 20 small (for roses), 10 medium and 10 small (for bud).

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Go to the creative stage - painting of petals and rose leaves. We expand the details (better on the newspaper, otherwise you risk not laundering the table), wet their water and painting, adjusting the color intensity at your own discretion, add more paint for darker petals and less - for brighter. Petal can be colored uneven to give more similarities with alive colors.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Then stain with leaves and lined.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

We wait until all the details are dried, as it dry up, if necessary.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

After the details were dried, we begin to process them with bleb. Flowers made of fabric are processed by hot bubs, which are heated from the soldering iron.

We put the petal on the pad and choose the bugger of a suitable diameter (for the largest petals - the largest boulev, for small - lamb). Round boulder make the center of the petal convex, conducting a bleb in the center and pressed on the petal. Thus process all petals.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Then we take a tool for processing the edge of the petal, heating and process the edges of the petals, bending them outward. Thus all petals are processed.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

After all the petals are treated with bubs, we begin to assemble the rose. To do this, we take the wire, shipped with a thread and make a small loop at her end. On the loop, we drip glue and wrap your cotton, forming something like a small bud.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

We stick the first petals to the watt bouton by closing completely wool.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

All petals are glued in a circle, with a small adhesive on the previous petal. First glued the smallest petals, then large, and at the end are the largest.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

From the remaining petals, by the same principle gathered a small bouton in a pair to rose.

Treatment of leaves for roses from fabric

After the flowers are assembled, proceed to the processing of leaves. First we glue to the leaflets from the wrong side of the wire, sought threads. We are waiting for it to stick well.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

We start processing a sheet to create volume, texture and accommodation. Heat the double knife and spend them on the sheet with the front side along the wire, forming a central vehicle. Then we take another tool - the ring, heating it and spend the side streak.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Connect the flower and leaves. To do this, take a leaf flower stalk. I attached three sheets to the rose flower, and one sheet is to the bud. After that, we close the base of the liner. In the center of the liner, we make a small hole so that you can turn the wire, we apply glue on the liner and glue it to the base of the flower with the leaves.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Rose from fabric and bud is ready.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

How to make cloves from the fabric with your own hands

Go to the creation of carnations. Here I did not paint the cloth, but took ready-made suitable colors. Reddish fabric - natural silk, red - not natural. It was easier to work with natural.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

For carnations, we cut two types of petals - big and small. Small I got out of orange silk, and large - made of red fabric. Little petals 18, large - 14. All carnation petals I processed by one tool, spending from the center of the petal to the base alternately with the wrong and front side.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

After all the petals are processed, processed to assembling the carnations. To do this, we take a cloud of a wire, we make a small loop at the end, dripping glue and attach the first petal, trying to close the wire. Further the petals are attached in a circle with a small adhesive. First glued all small petals.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

After all the small petals are collected and glued, we begin to glue larger petals. They are also glued in a circle with a small overlay.

When the flower assembly is finished, we glue the leaves. Then, to the base of the flower we glue a bit of wool and glue the liner. All, carnation from the fabric is ready.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Next, you can attach any fastening to the flower (hairpin or brooch). Since I needed flowers in a hairstyle, I just secured them with a wire on the hairpins.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Everything remains to consolidate the flowers in the hairstyle.

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

Fabrics from Dolce & Gabbana Fabric: Master Class

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