How to collect mosaic


How to collect mosaic

Have you ever wondered how to collect a mosaic? How from hundreds and thousands of pebbles of different colors is a solid artistic canvas? I had speculative ideas about this, but in reality everything turned out to be quite different. In this post, I will show the Jordanian technology, and I will tell you how to encrusted with a tree ...

How to collect mosaic

Previously, seeing a mosaic, I thought the artists stuck pebbles on the wall on the sketch. It turned out, everything is not at all. First, the mosaic is going with the inside. On a sheet of paper or fabric, the contour is drawn, according to which the pieces are started:

How to collect mosaic

Secondly, mosaic elements are cut in advance. They are not selected in shape, like puzzles. Initially, the Master has long sticks of stone:

How to collect mosaic

During operation, it cuts them with pieces of the desired shape and size:

How to collect mosaic

Then each piece gently puts tweezers to the neighbor:

How to collect mosaic

How to collect mosaic

Why is the mosaic going with the inside? Everything is very simple. Since pebbles of different shapes, the surface comes out uneven. From this side, the drawing is poured by a fastening composition:

How to collect mosaic

But on the other hand, it turns perfectly smooth:

How to collect mosaic

It is much easier to perform a fake under the mosaic. Here a clay coating with a pattern is stupid and "pieces" are cut. After the claline is processed in the oven, it is practically not distinguished from a real mosaic:

How to collect mosaic

Somehow somehow pump out "pixel" drawings on eggs. Unfortunately, did not reveal the technology:

How to collect mosaic

Now about how the inlays are doing:

How to collect mosaic

Initially, the element looks like this. Woods from wood of different breeds are collected together:

How to collect mosaic

Sometimes elements of very small size:

How to collect mosaic

How to collect mosaic

A wooden "pie" is collected from the sticks. When it glues, it is simply cut off with a layer of layer, which is glued where necessary:

How to collect mosaic

For example, on the back of the chair:

How to collect mosaic

How to collect mosaic

All this is covered with varnish and looks very smoothly:

How to collect mosaic

Assortment of finished products. According to the tradition of Arabic (and not only) the world, the area of ​​the workshop takes ten square meters, while the store is all one hundred!

How to collect mosaic

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