Story about Cleells from the South Urals


Next, by the author of the author ZAUDA:

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

I want to share with you my memory about childhood, about those times when we lived in the South Urals.

I was born in 1984 in Ulan-Ude. My father met my mother, beauty from the village of Magnik Chelyabinsk Region, when they studied in Chimels (Chelyabinsk) in the same group. So I appeared, and then my brother.

Often, every summer in childhood we have our mom's parents. Grandfather and granny lived in a wooden house, which, as Mom told me, built the captive Germans after the war. The house was standing (and now it is worth) on a plot of fertile land, where the bushes of red, black currant grew, Malina, Victoria, and, of course, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.

The grandfather had golden hands. I am not very well remembering my grandfather, since, unfortunately, he died in 1990, but, according to Babasi and Mom, and, more, for what remained after him, I can judge how technically competent, erudite , neat and, at the same time, loving nature and her beauty, he was he. The house was browning and painted with bright green, in the courtyard - concreted tracks, on the right and left - flowers for the funny fence painted in bright colors.

I remember the southern Ural for all my life with my soft and changeable climate - in the summer frequent thunderstorms, and in the winter it happens to the snow; juicy Victoria, it could be broken and tired with sugar; pair milk, so fat and tasty; The herd of cows, goats and sheep, who walked early in the morning, and in the evening they came back, adjusted by the shepherds, and each animal knew where the house was located. By the way, for some reason the locals of the herd were called herd. It was interesting for us to meet "Tabun", but it was also interesting to spend it, so somehow the bass was remembered to wake us in the morning (watches at 6 am) when she kicked the cow to graze.

I remember the spring streams in our street, when the brother and I were allowed for a lot of ships for several days in a row until the chippets were started to bleed; fishing on the robus of Kusa, where my brother was caught by the "Malayavok" and Pescare "on the Bank" - a round hole with a diameter of 3-4 cm was cut in a polyethylene lid, the cover was drunk on the bank, the bumps were lightened to the bank, the bumps were tied to the jar; "Alarm" from the angry trifles - the fish was cleaned and fried with eggs in a pan.

I have a lot of impressions, but it was all after my grandfather, when my brother and I came to the summer to Babius.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Grandfather tried to improve not only his site and the house, but also the street. Next to the house they were broken by the Square in the form of an elongated triangle framed by roads. Saplings were planted - birks, rowan; Between the trees on one side of the square were supplied by benches, and from the asphalt road - cast-iron fences.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Through the road, Grandfather organized a platform for children, welded a swing and horizontal barns. Unfortunately, after his death, gradually, for these 25 years, the local things broke out, they cleared, passed on the metal.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Further we will talk about my grandfather's homemade.

First homemade and, I think the most outstanding for its time is a three-wheel car engineer design of L.I. A fox. The grandfather built it in 1957 according to the drawings, published in one of the magazines, most likely, it was a "technique - youth." As I then told Babusi, grandfather even wrote off the author of this car.

Further we will talk about my grandfather's homemade. Auto, retro photos, homemade, do it yourself

That's what I found on the Internet:

"... only one machine of the amateur designer L.I. Lisa was contrary to the recommendations of experts. He built in 1957 the car of an unusual form. Her double outdoor body without doors resembled a scooter body. In the front edge of the body was "embedded" Motorcycle engine IL-49 (346 cm3, 11.5 l. P.). His cylinder acted into the flow of counter air and did not require to cool the fan.

That's what I found on the Internet: auto, retro photos, homemade, do it yourself

But the most interesting thing - the engine brought the front wheels! Moreover, L.I. Lis, engineer in the specialty, clearly represented the difficulties that were waiting for it in the manufacture of compact hinges of equal angular velocities in the handicraft. Therefore, he abandoned the controlled front wheels. Although small in size (5.00-10 "tires), they demanded when it turns out of rather voluminous wheeled niches. If the front wheels are not swivel, then the size of the niches, especially in the transverse direction, decreases and between them are freely plans for the driver and passenger.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

It should be noted that managed L. I. Fox made one rear wheel of his car. Its very light (the equipped mass of about 170 kg) the car was very simple and reliable.

Unfortunately, this is the only example of a front-wheel drive car for those years manufactured in our country ... "

On another site they write: "... This car was built in a single copy in 1957 ..."

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

I suspect that, possibly, besides my grandfather, someone from the craftsmen also tried to build such a car. Unfortunately, the technical characteristics of the Santa car are unknown to me, but I think they did not differ much from the characteristics of the car L.I. A fox. Santa car has not survived to this day, I don't even know how much he existed. It seems to me that grandfather disassembled him after some time as unnecessary.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

He was more interested in passing equipment for the economy. Therefore, I bring to your attention a three-wheel scooter made from "Tula" (grandfather called "Tractor").

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

On the scooter, the grandfather with Babius went to the pouch - to mow the hay, then row it, throw a stack, and on the autumn they exported hay on a homemade trolley.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY


Stuffing: Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, do it yourself

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

There was also a mini-tractor, which was used for plowing the garden, occasionally went to the pouch.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

For his grandson, our cousin grandfather built a three-chain moped with a D6 engine. Dream of all boys of that time! And my brother and I rode on it in the 90s.

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Another homemade - Motoroplug:

Another homemade - Motoroplug: Auto, Retro photos, homemade, do it yourself

I will add an article from "Youth Technicians" №12 for 1956

Story about Cleells from the South Urals 18481_25

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

Story about Cleells from the South Ural Auto, Retro Photos, Homemade, DIY

That's all. Thank you for your attention) Do not forget your parents, grandparents)

Photos are made by grandfather. I scanned.

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