Bags weaving


Weaving beaded

Weaving techniques are most suitable for the manufacture of pictures, cloths, guitans and other products.

To do this, you can use a weaving machine, where the needle's role is performed by a needle, and the duck is a thread with beerinks.

Bags weaving

If you do not have a machine, it is easy to make it. Take a sheet with a thickness of up to 1 cm. 6-10 cm wide and 60cm long. At each end of the table, type the wooden specks with a width of 1.5-2Cm and a height of 2-5 cm. On skimming patterns, at a distance of 2-3 mm from each other, score minor fuses to secure the filaments of the base or make slots.

Bags weaving

Tension the filament of the bases on the cloves, not forgetting that the filaments for the base should be one more than the beerin in the pattern (width). Tightening the threads are not very tight so that they do not pull the finished product and did not frow it.

Bags weaving

Bags weaving

The working thread is well attached to the left external filament of the base. Slide beads on the needle according to the scheme. The needle with the rented beads under the base of the base. Each beeryne is between two threads (step 1). Finger left hand press the beads to the beads of the base from below and holding them with two fingers, stretch the needle to the right. Thus, the working thread lies under the filaments of the foundation.

Bags weaving

Now, spend the needle to right to left over the bases of the base through the holes in the bead (step 2). Exact the thread and type the following bisper row. This is how a series is performed behind near the desired length of the product.

Bags weaving

Bags weaving

It is only necessary to ensure that the bead ranks firmly fit to each other. To do this, press each row to the previous one. After performing the work, the threads are tuned on the machine. Remove from the machine, tie several threads with each other or carefully hide the threads, skipping several times through the bayerin holes. Finished product (step 3). For patterns, you can use the embroidery motifs of the cross.

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