Decoupage Masters - Maria Arch


Maria Spirina refers to those wonderful masters, seeing the signature of which under work or master class, you realize that now you are waiting for something amazing :) Extremely talented craftswoman with your style and incredibly subtle taste. Bravo, Maria !!

I want to offer your attention to admire the wonderful works of Mary and see how the master creates his work on the example of a mini-comeda decoupage. Happy viewing!

"Everyone is geniant. But if you judge the fish by her ability to climb on the trees, she will live all his life with faith in his stupidity. (C) Albert Einstein" - written on the personal page of Mary (DCPG.RU)

2 (700x700, 289kb)

7EB8063277-Dlya-Doma-Interara-Vremya-Muzyki-Skatulka-N6209 (1) (700x476, 124kb)

1 (700x505, 203kb)

Decoupage Masters - Maria Arch

0 (700x598, 248Kb)

1A25672593-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Korob-Bonbonerka-Dlya-Kuhni-N6397 (700x539, 184kb)

3b05441443-dlya-doma-interara-shkatulka-glamurnaya-sobachka-n2521 (700x495, 144kb)

4Ad6949989-dlya-doma-interara-klyuchnitsa-vintazh-v-n5784 (497x700, 314kb)

6A77267483-Tsvety-Floristika-Lejka-Retro-Anyutiny-Glazki-N3296 (547x700, 201kb)

7A95546957-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-Strekoza-Prodana-N4938 (700x468, 168Kb)

6FC5546959-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-Strekoza-Prodana-N4938 (700x468, 178Kb)

7E95701723-Dlya-Doma-interara-chajnaya-shkatulka-raznotrave-N7100 (700x477, 235Kb)

8B77664475-Dlya-Doma-Interara-Kupyurnitsa-Retro-Avto-N3280 (700x556, 177Kb)

38E6357629-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-Parizhanka-N6301 (700x594, 200kb)



95D7502969-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-Gortenziya-V-N6242 (700x590, 193Kb)

1446012311-DLYA-DOMA-DOMA-INTERERA-SHKATULKA-OSEN-N6327 (700x592, 260KB)

1726359231-Tsvety-Floristika-lejka-vintazhnye-rozy-n2735 (543x700, 267kb)


9446980113-Dlya-Doma-interara-Korob-Ezhevika-N2817 (700x468, 200kb)

B326980119-DLYA-DOMA-INTERERA-KOROB-EZHEVIKA-N2817 (700x468, 175Kb)

B576357633-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-Parizhanka-N6301 (694x700, 283kb)

B605349841-Dlya-Doma-Dlya-ukrashenij-dlya-ukrashenij-n2692 (700x550, 147Kb)


BD47136171-Dlya-Doma-interera-shkatulka-vospominaniya-O - N2491 (700x579, 214Kb)



C927029449-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Komodik-frantsuzskoj-modistki-n4244 (700x463, 150kb)


D5B5961251-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Korob-Penal-Polevye - Tsvety-N4169 (700x475, 222Kb)

E0D5307215-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-More-Tihaya-Gavan-N2857 (700x531, 173Kb)

E246359829-Dlya-Doma-Interara-Korob-Anyutiny-Glazki-N4280 (700x557, 188Kb)

E375916707-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Shkatulka-Kupyurnitsa-Retro (700x468, 196KB)

EB78196261-Dlya-Doma-Interera-Veshalka-Rozovoe-Serdtse-N9492 (700x668, 263Kb)

Master Class


To work, we will need:


1. Boot comoxy

2. Wooden medallion

3. Acrylic Angel as a sample

4. Soil for decoupage Tair

5. Glue for Decoupage MOD Podge Matte

6. Normal office paper A4

7. White layers from napkins or just white napkins separated by layers

8. Glue Pencil

9. Scissors

10. Acrylic paints

11. Baget Paste Tair Antique Gold

12. Double-having cracker Maimeri 753/754

13. Black-grained emery paper (from P400 and smaller)

14. Aqua varnish poly-p silky-matte

15. Aqua Gel Matte Polyurethane La Bottega Della Seramica

16. Ruba shape 100ml (mass to create blinds) La Bottega DELLA CERAMICA

17. Selfless Pasta Jovi

18. White tight cardboard

19. Fabric

20. Glue Moment Crystal Universal

21. Adhesive epoxy two-component

22. Pigment PEARLEX Antique Gold

23. Speakerter drying acrylic paints

24. Alcohol to remove flames

25. Painting ribbon

1) Billet blade, places where decoupage will be covered with soil.


2) We do the printouts we need on napkins. To do this, one white layer of napkins is glued to the A4 sheet on the pencil glue around the perimeter of the napkin, departing from the edge of the sheet to which it will be thrown into the printer about 5 cm. We glue carefully, smoothing the napkin from the center to the edges, so that there are no folds and bubbles. Cut up excess on the sides. We print on a printer with pigment inks, having a drawing on the sheet so that he hit the napkin and did not hit the glue. That's what we get:


3) We give printouts to skip the night (or sprinkle with a car lacquer and stroke the iron through paper - these manipulations with the already separated from the paper napkin). Separate our napkins from paper (pull out the desired motifs) and glue to the chest on the decoupling glue. After drying, they are dryly external on the edges and sand the edges of the glued napkins in order to hide the napkin / blank.


4) Color our comedomes with gray and vintage white acrylic paint, seeking uniform staining, but not painting the drawing of monograms available on the boxes. For neat staining, we use a painting ribbon! We cover all the painted parts by a pair of layers of varnish poly-p.


5) Establish the manufacture of angel. Take the existing angel in the presence and begin to do a duplicate from him)). We take the rumble-shape, out of each jar, repent about the same parts of the mass and quickly mix in the hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting mass is carefully failed our sample of angel. We are waiting for 3 minutes .. and we get a frozen silicone form, from which our sample is easily extracted. In the resulting form, we put a self-deepening mass of JOVI (important, weight should be fresh and not dry!) ​​And we leave for the night. In the morning we get out of the duplicate form). The resulting degraded angel is slightly open, we glue on a wooden medallion on epoxy glue (selected as it fills emptiness. You can take epoxylin, liquid nails ITP). Collect the resulting design.




On the previous photo on the left of the original, on the right casting


6) On the white parts of the chest and in the angel, we make two-step crackers 753-754 (on drawers and sides we apply cracker and on gray places too, but we will only wear white). We apply the first step, waiting when it becomes transparent, then we apply the second step, waiting for drying. Cracks that are sipped by dry PEARLEX antique gold pigment. We wash off the second step, drying from the water, after drying it is covered with varnish Poly-P (I'm still usually in front of the poly-p splashing with an aerosol, so as not to accidentally lubricate the pigment with a brush). Larkes of varnish so much to remove the possible appeared on the surface of the irregularity from the cracker.



7) According to visible vensels, drawers draw a point pattern of tair baguette paste. I do not draw a point up, but as if the points from left to right, starting a new point from the end of the previous one. This allows you to avoid sharp "peak" at the end of the point. Pencil is placing monogram on the sides of the Komodka and also draw their bagent paste.



8) After drying the bagent paste, paint the antique gold


9) Mix the "mud" from black, brown, green paint and dried retarder. This mixture is applied to the monogram with a tassel, then we wash a wet cotton wand. After drying on top of the golden brush with light gold. The same mixture on the sponge is our comedom for all corners and faces. In inaccurate corners, we also do the most dry bristle brush.

The same mixture, diluted with water pack of angel - we applied and erased with a cloth superfluous, dark raid remains only in recesses.

10) We cover the whole comodicle the finish layer of matte varnish, an angel I splashed with an aerosol.

11) We make inside the boxes - from the cardboard, cut the rectangles under the size of the boxes (1-2mm less than the size itself), cut the parts from the tissue to 1 cm on each side, we glue the allowances to the cardboard, cutting the extra corners. The resulting fabric rectangles glue in the boxes.



12) We glue an angel on your place and metal elements.

13) admire the result!







Huge thanks to Mary for aesthetic pleasure !!

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