20 examples of amazing human actions


True kindness

There are quite a lot of skeptics who believe that humanity is no longer saving that there is too much evil and bad people around. But perhaps, you should not be asked for grandparents and save all of humanity, it is better to look around at yourself and correct what we are able to.

Most of these 20 actions are fairly simple, do not require a lot of money or time, they require only inner kindness and sensibilities. These people are examples worthy of admiration.

School teacher Antoni La Kava created a mobile library

He bought a truck and books and now goes in Italy, pleaseing the children in remote villages. Each visit becomes a real holiday for them.

Best examples of kindness

Guys risked life to save the lamb

Examples of kindness alive

Christians defended Muslims

During rallies in Egypt, Christians were surrounded by a Muslim ring, so that they could calmly pray

The example of human kindness

The same Muslims did during Christmas worship in Egypt.

Human kindness

Elephant gets Prosthetic

This elephant came to Fugas and lost part of the leg. People who are not still taken care of prosthesis

kindness alive

Water park do it yourself

Vyacheslav Ivanovich, a pensioner from Belarus, created on his own initiative a free water park for everyone.

Examples of human kindness

Afghan brought tea to American soldiers

Humanity of kindness alive

The boy saves a deer during flooding in Bangladesh

kindness of people still alive

Athlete Jacqueline Khiplym helps her opponent

kindness of people

In the metro in Canada, the turnstile broke and there was no one from the workers, so people left the money like this


Football players defended children from rain

During the match, rain began in Kiev and so that children who, by tradition, did not go to the field, Israeli footballers gave them their sweatshirts

kindness of alive and humanity

Care and studies

Guo Shdigin grew up in a very poor family, and his dream was studying at the university. His father did during his work damaged his father, and Guo was before a difficult choice. But he did not throw her father or sacrifice her studies, but he achieved permission to pick up his father in a hostel and now take care of him and at the same time studying.

Human deeds

Girl shares water with police

Acts of real people

In one of the houses in Finland 20 euros were found

Founded did not take them to himself, and hung an announcement of find

DBROTH people

Salvation elephant

Passengers of the train in India saw the stuck elephant, the driver persuaded the driver and fed to the leaves before the rescue service arrival.

True kindness

Firefighters Sit Coal during a fire in the forest

kindness and humanity of people

Police worker stands with a ball who handed a girl

Kindness of people 2.

Christmas miracle

8-year-old Dlyini Brown from the USA is sick by myeloleikosis and 10 thousand people gathered in front of her home to sing her Christmas songs.

Walked and humanity

A man gives his shoes homeless girl in Rio de Janeiro

Acts of man

Joined adult life

Instead of challenging the graduation, Serbian schoolchildren decided to collect money and give to those in need of families with seriously sick children.

Acts of people kindness

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