Mezen painting. Dudling ancient Russia


Girlfriend, seeing my work in the style of Dudling, noticed, he very much reminds the Mezen painting, which she was fond of lately. Inspired by the story of the friend, I decided not only to learn more about this painting, but also to work in this style. The process was very exciting. So my herd broke his herd of wonderful bright horses. The first work was performed by a marker and wovers on paper.


Well, what is not Dudling?

Perhaps reading this article, someone will discover new opportunities in creativity.

So, a little history. Mezensky painting originated at the beginning of the XIX century in the lower reaches of the river Mezen of the Arkhangelsk region. She painted homemade utensils - strands, buckets, boxes, chests, caskets.

Traditionally, only two colors were used in the work. red and the black (soot and ocher, later Surik). The painting was applied to a neglished tree with a special wooden stick ( Tish ), Plukhary or Tetherov pen, with a tassel from a human hair. The painted object was covered with oil, which prevented paint from erasing and gave a golden color product. Currently, in general, the technology and technique of Mezensky painting remained. There is another interesting feature: men were performed all the work, women are doing more in her time.

It seems to me that it would be interesting to use the motives of Mezensky painting, work with the help of various materials, but adhering to the traditional color range and elements of the ornament.

I had a desire to paint in this style a small segment of the wall in a wooden house. I would choose acrylic paints to work. I wonder the embroidery with Mezen motifs will look.

I especially want to say about the ornament itself, which is a hieroglyphic writing, which has both its history and its development.

Symbolism has undergone some changes due to the spread of Christianity in the Russian north: some characters have ceased to be used, but new appeared. The images wrote on a tree, birch and skin cranberry juice and soot. Hence the traditional black and red gamma. Painting is read from below up. It consists of three tiers, separated by the belts: underground, earth and celestial, limiting belts and the closing all three tiers of edging symbolizes the protection of over. For example, some characters were designated as follows: ice - three broken lines like steps, youth - image of sprout: double curl and red bud over it, the house - a symbol similar to a tent or tent, the sea - a wavy red line, and under it repeating it thin Black, abundance - a wand with two curls from above, summer is a double square with a flower inside.

The most vivid characters of the Mezensky painting:

  • Red Koni. - the conditional sign of the Sun, his movements in the sky;
  • Velenihi - Heavenly Genuineers, they give life to the whole living on earth;


  • clarition, geese, swans - The souls of distant ancestors who go around and help us in a difficult moment;

Mezensky painting

  • Christmas tree - the personification of male strength, a new life.


  • Mythological tree of life - consists of a trunk filled with diamonds, countless births. The roots of the tree roam in the spirals, personifying the underground world. The top is crowned with a solar sign - the sign of the heavenly world;
  • In the painting there are small, but very important elements that symbolize the universe, and the wind, and the stars ...

Creative process

Creativity with children

Interesting Facts

Mezen painting. Dudling ancient Russia

Mezen painting. Dudling ancient Russia

Mezen painting. Dudling ancient Russia

Mezen painting. Dudling ancient Russia

Illustrations taken from the article "Tradition. Mezen painting. Symbolism pattern. Ornament elements.

Author of Fadeeva Elena

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