Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator


In many homes there are still cast iron heating batteries, and their owners are in no hurry to say goodbye. And this is not good! After all, they have a lot of advantages that may well satisfy the needs of a private trader in heating its premises. One of the shortcomings of such products is the low level of aesthetics, but this is a corrected business, and what the radiators did not put their creators, you can always make it yourself. Decoration of heating batteries - this will be discussed in this article.

Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator

Modern cast iron heating batteries

Now you will learn how to turn simple and non-zero products into beautiful heating batteries with almost without material costs.

Possible decoration options

If you ask a homeowner how quickly, it is impressive and most importantly inexpensive to make beautiful heating radiators in your home, most likely he has difficulty response.

And the Lark just opened up ...

Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator

Decoupage old battery

In fact, there are a lot of options that will help to transform your heating appliances, give them completeness and exclusivity. Let's list all possible methods that can help make beauty and finally complement the interior design of the room:

  1. Performing a decoupage on heating batteries is a fairly common option that is in a hurry to offer designers to all owners of the hydraulic heating system not only private houses, but also apartments. It is very effective and, most interesting, an economical method that allows only a few hours to transform its premises.
  2. Hand-painted - the decoration method is very common among creative people who do not feed bread, but let them decorate something. If there is a zeal, why not shoot two hares at once - to satisfy the desire and decorate the cast-iron battery.
  3. Radiator painting is another option that not only private traders, but also manufacturers. The only difference is that if the first one needs to attach a certain amount of effort, while spending quite some money for paint materials. The manufacturer immediately proposes to buy a ready-made and painted battery, only the problem is that the price of such a product is different.

Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator

Battery painting

Important! Decoration by staining radiators is a rather time-consuming and painstaking process, so not every owner of a private house wants to use this method. In addition, the Council immediately follows from this - use painting if your heating system is located at the construction stage or you are going to repair batteries.

  1. Hiding for the decorative screen - if there are no creative ideas, or wishes you can simply hide the battery for a beautiful decorative screen. The method is simple, reliable, economical and fast, which is why it is also quite often used in everyday owners of apartments or private real estate.

Important! When creating a screen, you need to pick up such materials so that they do not create obstacles to the streams of warm air, otherwise the room will notice well.

And now the most interesting thing is because we will talk about how the heating batteries are finished with their own hands. Let us analyze in more detail the easiest economical of the types of decoration - decoupage, namely, where it is used and how to do at home.

What is decoupage and how it appeared

To date, the photo of the decoupage of heating batteries can be found everywhere - both on the Internet and in the catalogs of designers who so kindly offer their services in such a simple matter for the high cost. Why pay more, if you can do yourself, although about this a little later, and now let's plunge into the story to see when the decoupage appeared, and for what they were applied.

Art originated in China at the dawn of the 12th century, and later smoothly moved to Europe, where in France got the greatest application. The method is based on the cutting of various shapes or ornaments of fabric, leather or paper, to then paste on some surface.

In those days, decoupage was performed on:

  • cabinets;
  • chairs and chairs;
  • beds;
  • Even bedside tables.

In general, as soon as China shared art, Europeans immediately began to apply it everywhere, where it was possible. Well, today such a method smooth into radiators smoothly, allowing the owner of private houses to carry out decoupage of heating batteries with their own hands without the help of designers.

Decoration of heating batteries by decoupage

Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator

Preparation of battery for staining

Well, now let's consider how such decoration is being done, which is called under the microscope. As mentioned earlier, it is very simple to make this work, to convert the radiator, you do not need a lot of things, and you will need the following:

  • Several brushes for drawing, preferably the largest and soft;
  • napkins with ornament;
  • PVA glue;
  • Little water container;
  • scissors;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • small-grained sandpaper;
  • The heat-resistant varnish is how the effect will possess, choose yourself.

Now a few words about choosing a napkin for converting the radiator, they are selected from the need to focus on the battery or simply disguise the product under the design of the room. The same with varnish - its choice is based on your preferences and purposes you guide. It is clear with this, so now you can start decoking:

  1. Stripping and flushing. The decoration of heating batteries begins with its stripping by paper. It is necessary to remove all irregularities, defects or unsuccessful paint. In addition, you need to prepare a place to apply glue, which is why the first thing is performed. After the work is done, it is necessary to wash the battery with water, and then leave for some time that she dry.

Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator

Painting of the cast-iron battery

Council : Before moving to the stage of sticking your napkins, it will also be advisable to raise the towel under the heating battery or the old newspaper. It will save your flooring from the glue hitting it. If the material of the droplets onto the parquet, there is nothing terrible in this, but if it is a carpet or track, then problems will arise.

  1. Preparation of napkins. In order not to lose in vain time while the radiator dries out, you should cook napkins for applying. At this stage, there is marking and cutting strips, which will then be glued to create an ornament. If a multilayer napkin, you need to separate the top layer, which shows the drawing from all others - you can get rid of them.

Council : The top layer is better to shoot before cutting down the napkin on the part - it will be much easier, and therefore the chances of damaging it is significantly less.

  1. Sticking. When the battery dried can be attached to applying the PVA glue and gluing your billets.

Important! Be careful - the upper layer very quickly absorbs the glue, because of which its structure becomes very fragile, so the thumb carefully and try to do everything from the first time.

  1. Adjustment. By sticking the layer, focus on how it will fall in relation to your battery - you can sculpt it, leaving the upper corners of the section unaffected up, or covering them. Finish - the napkin lay down and is now important to carefully remove the air that has accumulated under it. For this, the second dry brush is taken, and then smooth movements on the surface of the bubbles are easily removed from there. In addition, on the edges, your paper can be passed insufficiently good enough to correct it. It is easy to walk in these places with glue with glue. Now give the ornament to dry and get to the next step.

Important! The material absorbed moisture from glue, which means that the structure is currently unstable - just remember this so that your movements are not rude - it will spoil the napkin.

  1. Application of varnish. The finishing of heating batteries by decoupage is completed by the stage of applying paintwork materials. Tassel, which served to apply glue, washes pretty well. In addition to the fact that the lacquer will give the completion of your work, it will further close the napkin with the battery so that the ornament lasted as long as possible. Of course, it is possible to do without the final varnish layer, but then the paper will quickly come into disrepair - you will have to redo. It is necessary to apply the material on the napkin carefully and carefully not to spoil it. After applying the first layer, let work dry, and then proceed to the second.

On this decoupage of heating batteries, you can be considered completed with your own hands. Thanks to everything above, you can easily and just cope with such a simple work. Now, if you are interested in such a way to decorating the batteries, it was probably interesting, and where can I buy everything necessary for decorating this method?

Where to buy everything you need for decoupage?

Decoration of heating batteries, or how to decorate a cast iron radiator

Tools for decoupage

With where you can get glue and tassels for drawing, you should not have any questions, because you can buy them in any stationery store. The problem is that not everyone knows the places that offer the choice of interesting napkins with a bright pattern. To do this, it is enough to visit a large store specializing in the house products. In it, as a rule, a large selection of napkins is presented - it is there that you will be guaranteed to select the appropriate material for decoupage.

Paintwork materials are best to buy in stores that sell products for artists. There, on the shelves, you can find a variety of options, with different effects - matte, glossy and so on. When you select, follow the goals to execute Decoupage:

  • To attract attention, it is better to choose a paint material with a glossy effect;
  • If you want to simply transform your battery - matte.

Remember! Varnish must be heat-resistant, easily withstand temperatures not lower than 150 degrees.

Well, it is best to contact the construction store for fine-grained emery paper, and it is already there from the proposed assortment to choose the cheapest option for stripping the surface of your cast-iron battery.

On this question: how to create colored radiators of heating in a private house - you can close, because now you know such a unique way as decoupage.

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