How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

Heat the room in the absence of heating and electricity

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

How to warm at least a small room or to heat / cook food in the absence of such an achievement of civilization like electricity? The review contains advice and instructions of people who have already come across such a pressing problem.

In a situation where in the room it is cold, the heating does not work and the electrical heater is not turned on either, or not as - no light, for example, can be each. And Luganchanam today is a sign of the ban on the use of electrical heaters due to the danger of electric lines overload, which can lead to a complete disconnection of the city from electricity, which almost daily warns the city council.

And if in the summer in the absence of light, the question is only on how to cook food, then with the onset of cold weather, the problem of heating the room becomes no less acute.

But, as they say, a gol on the fiction of the cunning. And Lugancane is not united who faced the problem of heating the room in the absence of elementary benefits of civilization. Below we collected popular and tried methods for heating a small (!) Premises, heating of food and improvised heating of girlfriend.

1. Sequin heater

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

The flame candle shines quite nice, but an attempt to warm up with it - it seems madness. Meanwhile, just as a source of light candle - an extremely waste device. But as a heater of the room, it can be useful. Under a number of conditions.

California inventor Doyle Doss (DOYLE DOSS) and its Doss Products offer the original Kandle Heeter system, that is, the "candle heater".

This strange candlestick is approved by its creator, it may be indispensable when the electricity is disconnected. Its height is about 23, and the width is about 18 centimeters.

And from his appearance draws attention to the overtook pot over the candle. In this pot (and in the "past life" with a floral pot and was) and the main highlight of the system is hidden.

This pot is not simple, but composite. It is made of three pots of different diameters embedded one in another and connected long metal bolt, on which a whole heap of the washers and nuts rushing (the blessing of the hole in the bottom is usually already in the pots).

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

The usual candle burning in the room, heat gives, as it seems, quite a bit. And the point here is that the hot "exhaust" simply leaves up and quickly disappears with ventilation.

Meanwhile, the supply of energy in the candle is not so small. Moreover, with a hot flux of combustion products, most of its energy content leaves, and only smaller - goes into light.

The labyrinth cap over the flame collects energy and carefully accumulates it, heating quite strongly (the central rod is especially split). And then it warmly slowly passes the air with the entire surface of the ceramic radiator.

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

Pots are also helping to trap in a trap South from the flame, which favorably affects the purity of the ceiling.

The inventor emphasizes that one such device will in no way save you in winter when heating and electricity is disconnected, but, on the other hand, it is better than nothing.

By the way, clay pots, of course, are not bad, but they are short-standing and better replace them with a metal-like design, for example, from tin cans of various sizes or old Soviet cans from under bulk products, who else stores as a memory :))

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

2. Tea candle mini heater

The author acquired a tent heater acting on tea candles. Several pieces of such heaters save fishermen in tents from freezing. And therefore, several candles in tin cans with holes for the air supply will be suitable for a small room or a cabinet :)

3. Heater + hiking stove for heating food from cans - alcohol

The design is known abroad called Alcohol Stove, or in Russian - alcohol. In the Swedish army, even adopted.

Alcohol is used because when burning it does not smoke. So, the dishes remain clean and soot and smoke does not fly in the air. The design is simple, as 3 kopecks and is repeated in a few minutes from any girlfriend. As a donor for the stove, for example, a beer bank, a bank from under coffee or condensed milk.

More specifically: you need a small iron container with the iron lid, or it will have to be covered with something.

The author used the bank from under the rooted condensed milk - it is convenient because there is an almost hermetic cover from above, but without it everything will work if the tableware will stand with a flat bottom.

So: We take the jar, a ruler, a strip of leaf into a cell and a marker or any drawing or scratching item.

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

1. We celebrate the lane on the bank by retreating from top by one third. The easiest way to do this by srolling the jar holding a marker in one position.

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

2. The strip of paper is winding along the edge of the mark and fasten a piece of tape or glue.

3. We start drilling, pierced with a seboard or cut through the knife of the hole in the marked strip. In this case, I made a number of holes with a diameter of 0.8 mm through 10mm and a 5mmf know - which option is better for you - decide for yourself. How they burn seen below. The small diameter of the holes for proper burning is better than large, but you can make 3-5 holes and by centimeter. Uniformity of the holes is a purely aesthetic moment to get a beautiful crown of flames like a conventional gas stove. Everything!

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

Well, not quite certainly, now learning to kindle it. It is necessary to pour alcohol and close the lid, 50 ml is lit minutes 15 and more. Put on a non-flammable surface and shake slightly so that the alcohol poured a little jar from the outside through the holes. We set on the alcohol outside and wait until it is unwind. We repeat the procedure until we get a self-sustaining flame from improvised nozzles around the bank. It is usually enough to repeat 2-3 times and everything starts to work itself.

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

The principle of operation is simple: the flame warms the walls of the can, heat through the walls is passed down to alcohol, the alcohol boils at the walls and the pressure increases inside, the alcohol pair goes under pressure through the holes and mixing with the air perfectly burn. Now we put the bowler, the kettle, a mug, or simply warm around the stub - it gives a lot of heat and burns long.

For greater heat transfer, you can put a homemade alcohol into a large iron container, which would have heated and moved heat:

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

The smaller the number of holes, the hardest to know, but less fuel consumption and less heat from it. A liter of water boils in less than 10 minutes. Stable to the wind, grieving with coverage, fuel to lay as much as you need otherwise you have to wait for burnout or overflow hot alcohol back into the container, which is not safe.

Similar options "One mug" from tin can with a bay hole, which is closed with a coin and from an aerosol can:

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

How to warm the room in the absence of electricity?

4. Wood burner for heating food

And here they offer a slightly more complex design of the burner operating on wood fuel - from 2-3 cans. True, with this option, you need to remember the ventilation of the tent or room.

5. Plastic Bottles Harves

This way to warm up an ice bed or warm legs sitting at a writing desk well-known students living in hostels :))

Ordinary plastic bottles can be filled with hot water and use instead of a heating.

Attention! If the temperature of the water is close to boiling, then when filling the bottle, a trouble will necessarily happen: the bottle will begin to erase ... water temperature is 60-70 degrees optimal.

Employee experience shows that on a slightly spoiled bottles, not completely filled with heat / hot water, tightly closed (!) You can even sit :) or wearing 1-2 bottles with hot water in a backpack for "insulation" backs))

By the way, in the summer of the same bottles you can make "air conditioning".

To freeze at all bottles filled with water, put them on a tray or towel (start gradually thawed) before the fan turned on. The air temperature in the room will significantly decrease.

The most important thing : In the desire to warm up do not forget about the rules of fire safety and be careful!

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