"Richelieu" on the glass (acrylic lace)


Master class from Yulia Levashova (Julia-Ju)

Once upon a time (in the creative process

) It was born this way to decorate the glass: I paint the glass surface of acrylic paint, covering the lacquer, cut out different patterns, the edges of the slices "otkurovyuy" contours of the glass. Admire

I'll show you on a specific example:

It is a piece of the mirror (there was a trim after repair), very well - with holes for fasteners.

Cash with black paint along the edges of the mirror. Once 5-6, each time completely dried. The thicker the layer of paint, the easier it is later it removed. Then 2 times pokaring varnish (I did not show it, it's clear)

You can cut on a predetermined drawing. So I painted some of the Zagunks, and the scalpel cut right in the drawing lay on the painted area.

In fact, without a stencil, I am more interesting to cut, so I switched to the "free" cutting - I imprvizing.

For the top of the zekraral, still painted the future stencil and diligently rose so much ...

That's how I remove the carved paint fragment. Not always, of course, it is so easy to remove, paint residual scalpel. No need to pay attention to (maybe) not very smooth cuts edges - it all closes "points".

Especially showing the fragment largely, this is a workflow: something already believed, something is only overt.

When the whole drawing is cut out, the routine work begins - all the edges of the slices "pump" with small dots (such tubes with contour paint on glass and ceramics), trying to get on and on the paint and on the mirror, that is, as if "soldered" paint to glass.

Well, and then - finally !!! - The most interesting!! I take contours (Decola and Tair - Silver, Black Pearl) - and rushed !!

Here is the result. You can screw the wall to the mirror fasteners, and you can hang on a silver lace with tassels. For "glamority"

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