10 decoration ideas curtains


Harmoniously, beautifully decorated window becomes the center of the interior of any room. Not in vain say that the windows are "the eyes of the house", they not only occupy a significant part of the wall, becoming an integral element of the interior, but also noticeable from the street. That is why guests can create an idea of ​​your accommodation, not yet entering the apartment - you can simply see the style and design of housing just looking at the windows.

10 decoration ideas curtains

Leave the windows "bare", that is, without curtains, a curtain or at least the Roman curtains means to leave the interior design of the room unfinished. Yes, and blinds, despite their undoubted functionality, remain too cold, an office option that can make an uncomfortable evenly furnished bedroom. In any case, even if an amazing view of the sea or mountains opens from your window, without an elegant curtain "for beauty" and Reliable protection against hot sunlight can not do.

Window design is a real art in which you can show your designer talent and demonstrate a good taste. In addition, a huge selection of fabrics and, so-called Baances - braids, velvet, brushes and cords - allows you to decorate the curtains yourself, turning the framing of the window into the original masterpiece.

We offer you a few ideas for decorating the curtains that can be applied on both old porters and curtains, changing their appearance and giving room a highlight and new ones. Of course, you can order ready-made "clothes" for the window in the workshop, however, if you are friends with threads and needles, love to experiment with the details and cloth - why not try to do the curtain decor yourself!

10 decoration ideas curtains

Agree, an amazingly beautiful version of the window framing is luxurious and eastern magnificent. Of course, such heavy curtains will fit far from each interior.

The first idea - side pickups

Just hanging vertically curtains or curtains are already bored, designers consider the designers and offer to use side pick-ups, devices that will help dilute and fasten the curtains to the side parts of the window or wall.

Looks like such fasteners can literally anything - from a simple metal vintage hook to an elegant ring or an openwork wrought detail. It is possible to pick up and secure the scope both at the top and in the middle and even below. Where exactly arrange the pickup, and in what place the wall or windows will arrange the mount for the curtains - to decide for you. Before drilling the wall, try several options, just applying the fabric - so you can clearly appreciate the effect of the new decor.

10 decoration ideas curtains
The curtain mounted on the wall decorates no longer just a window, but also a solid part of the room. This version of the decor is also suitable for a variety of interior styles - from strict classics to a robust country, you only need to choose a suitable fabric.

10 decoration ideas curtains
Massive side pickup has become the main decorative emphasis on a smooth wall painted in neutral color. By the way, the metal color does not necessarily have to be combined with a shade of the curtain - maybe it will be better to play in contrast

10 decoration ideas curtains
In this case, the holder looks even more massively, but at the same time stylish, contrasting with tender cordial cloth

The idea of ​​the second - brushes and twisted cords

To give an elegant shape with heavy porters and decorate the window unusual, immediately noticeable details, designers advise to use twisted cords and brushes. Such baons usually differ quite large sizes and become the main part of the window design. Remember that large brushes should not be much - quite enough one or two to create a bright decorative focus in the right place.

You can choose cords and brushes not only in the color of the curtains - usually bassa are made from the threads of several shades, so the cord with a motley brush will serve as a link for all multicolored textiles in the ensemble you created. By the way, you can catch the cord with a pair of unusual tassels not only in the sides of the sides, but also the lambrequen in the middle, attaching it to the eaves.

Another important point is to pick up cords with brushes only heavy curtains and curtains, it is better to use decorative pins for fine tissue. And, by the way, decorate the curtains of incredibly easily easily, no effort is required, it is enough to buy a nice cord or brush and experiment, placing it on your curtain.

10 decoration ideas curtains
The French company Houles is known as the manufacturer of magnificent basses, in particular, cords and brushes for the clutch of curtains. Such a rich decoration will turn your curtains in the masterpiece of designer art

10 decoration ideas curtains
In this case, twisted cord with two large brushes is used non-traditional in the form of pickups, and as an elegant jewelry of the lambrequin

10 decoration ideas curtains
One such massive brush is enough to decorate a heavy porter. Try to break the canons and use a large brush in the frame of the small window - the effect may be unexpectedly successful

The idea of ​​the third - fringe

Option for those who love a magnificent window decoration. However, the fringe can be any: monophonic and motley, consisting of pumps and tassels of the same or different length, twisted and straight - to choose the option for your curtains will not be difficult.

The color of the fringe can echo with a shade of the curtain, can be harmoniously combined - the connection of beige and golden, for example, is already considered to be a classic, but can also play on the contrast, pickup bright fringe for neutral curtains.

Of course, you will have to spend time and strength to shoot the fringe to the bottom of the curtain or lambrene, but the resulting result is worth - even the old curtains will receive an original appearance and will play with new paints.

10 decoration ideas curtains
The classic version of the fringe passing throughout the side of the heavy curtains. Small tassels are chosen in tone fabric

10 decoration ideas curtains
Elegant fringe has become the final detail of the decor of these curtains, passing along the edge of the lambrequin and giving strict classic curtains a special charm

The idea of ​​the fourth - braid

Another fairly simple and not too expensive way to decorate the curtains - a braid, which can pass along the side or lower edge of the curtain, decorate the middle, making an emphasis on the connection of two types of fabric, as well as transform the place of connecting the curtain curtains.

The curtain braid is considered an indispensable detail for drapeting the top of the curtain. With it, you can form folds and adjust the distances between them.

If the braid is selected for finishing the lower edge of the Roman curtain or the short curtain in the kitchen or in the bedroom, it is necessary to see how Bason will look like on the lumen, and also carefully pick up the shape that will emphasize the boundaries of the curtains and make it more expressive.

10 decoration ideas curtains
The existing huge selection of braid will make even an experienced designer make it even. Choose several options in the soul - then stop at one or use everything at once, why not! However, going after the braid for the curtains, you should take a piece of fabric with you to the store to attach in place and evaluate the combination of colors and textures.

Idea Fifth - Beads, Beads, Coins, Pompons

In addition to the usual fringe and threads, the edge of the curtains can be made with all sorts of beads, decorative coins, as well as beads. Yes, to put it all on the edge of the curtain will not be so easy and will take quite a lot of time, but it will look like this decoration will be especially cheerful and bright.

Weightless, transparent beads on the organze will make the slope even more air and suitable for light fabrics, but pumps from threads can drip the curtains and are suitable, rather, for curtains, dense textiles.

10 decoration ideas curtains
Beads became a natural continuation of the braid. Such transparent droplets are capable of making easier and air even enough tight speed

10 decoration ideas curtains
Decorative coins and just brilliant circles along the edge of the curtains will give her a few Eastern appearance, adding a note of exotic

The idea of ​​the sixth - change the lambrequen

Lambreken is a French word, meaning the type of drapery, decorative finishing of the upper part of the window. Most often, the lambrequen is a separate part of the curtain, which is easy to change, without replacing all the curtains entirely. That's right, beautifully selected drapery of the top of the window opening is able to radically change the appearance of the curtain, become the main highlight of the ensemble.

Lambrequin's drapery can be decorated with braid or fringe, pick up a fabric that will differ from the main curtains, but at the same time it is harmoniously combined with it. The folds usually immediately take up, which facilitates the lambrene washing process and then easily hang it into place.

Drapery can be one-layer, but the combination of two and even three different in the texture and shade of tissues gives a stunningly beautiful effect. Of course, such a lambrequin turns out more magnificent and is not suitable for every style of the interior.

10 decoration ideas curtains
Brown and pink cloth are perfectly combined with each other, and the unusual cut and soft folds of this lambrequin gave the room a special charm

The idea of ​​the seventh - additional cornice

Typically, the curtains hang on one single karnis that often has two rails - for mild curtains and heavy porter. It seems that another eaves are simply not needed, however, why not one of the main fastening is one more, which will perform a decorative function and will allow you to decorate the cloth with an unusual lambrene.

Use another eaves of the same size as the main one is not worth it, it is better to choose a mount for doorways, shorter. Fabric hanging with beautiful folds from such an upper extra eaves, turn the window opening to the masterpiece of design art.

10 decoration ideas curtains
A short cornice for the doorway allowed us to create an unusual lambrequin with a lush draper. Folds can be searched, but also deliberately carelessly pierced fabric strip will also look original

Eighty Idea - Bows

Again, the option for those who love the curtain enough and magnificent decoration of the curtains, however, the bows may look extremely cute and become the center of the entire composition of the window opening.

The bow can be created from the satin ribbon - this is the classic version of such a decoration, as well as from other types of fabric. As in the case of the use of the braid, the choice is limited only by the fantasy of the owners.

One large bow can be a beautiful lambrequin decoration, denoting the drapery center. Bows can also serve as a beautiful fastening for the curtain, decorate the folds, ruffles or edges of the curtains.

10 decoration ideas curtains
The bright red bow became the center of this two-layer composition. In addition, it performs and important function - serves as a fastening for folds of the curtain

10 decoration ideas curtains
Cute satin ribbon bows became the main decoration of this simple mild curtain in the kitchen

10 decoration ideas curtains
Such a linen curtain will be perfectly looking at the mediterranean style or country interior. And simple bows from the satin ribbon of the selected to the tone serve not just decoration, but also with garters on which Gardin is holding

Ninth idea - Fabric flowers

If you can easily make a beautiful bow from the satin ribbon, then amazingly beautiful, lush flowers, from which you can make a whole bouquet from the porter and curtain fabric.

The technology of making colors cannot be called simple and easy - you will also need the ability to work with patterns and painstaking work with a needle and threads. However, as a result, uniquely beautiful flowers, which will be the original and bright decoration of the curtains are obtained.

Remember that for decorating heavy curtains and flower it is better to produce from the same dense fabric. But for light curtains and the bouquet should be the same air - from Tulle or Organza.

10 decoration ideas curtains
Gentle, incredibly beautiful flower made of numerous petals, carved out of thin fabric, can be sewed to the center of Lambrequen or around the edges of the curtain

10 decoration ideas curtains
A whole bouquet of gentle roses has become a beautiful garter for dense curtains. The shade is made perfect, and the flowers themselves completely replaced twisted cord with a brush

Idea Tenth - Fabric Strip

If the hardin or porter is monophonic and look boring, you can not change the curtain entirely, but to "dilute" a one-window ensemble of a tissue strip with a bright ornament or a large pattern. For example, if the window is decorated with beige curtains, you can pick up a tissue strip into a brown cell, strain and sew to the top or start along the lower edge (you can combine both options).

The choice of drawings and colors is huge, so that the space for creativity opens wide. The main thing to remember is that the fabric of the new strip and the main curtains should be approximately the same by density and texture. Although designers believe that, for example, silk and synthetics are perfectly combined with each other, so it is possible to carry out an experiment and attach to a heavy satin porter easier, air tissue or lace - will be very unusual and beautiful.

The strip can be located both vertically and horizontally. From multicolored bands, you can create a real rainbow - cheerful and bright, but, of course, this option will fit far from every interior.

10 decoration ideas curtains
Dark strip on the upper and lower edge of this light curtains looks very stylish and elegant

10 decoration ideas curtains
Especially often decorated with stripes of fabrics Roman and Japanese curtains, which is quite understandable - to shoot the fabric to a flat web, namely, both options look much easier. Yes, and the tissue itself will need less

It is impossible to underestimate the effect of decoration of the window opening on the overall interior of the room. This is a very noticeable and most of the premises, and beautifully illuminated. Therefore, any of your experiment with the Decor Gardin and the Porter will immediately appreciate the guests and will make the interior more interesting.

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