Assembly "Autumn. Morning. Paris ..."



"Autumn. Morning. Paris ..."

Necessary materials:

1. Billet (tree, plywood, organic, MDF, canvas on cardboard ...) Punk,

or blank for hours, or maybe one side of the journal, or

The lid of the box ... size is about 25 to 35 (to be where to turn around).

2. Mass for modeling (selfless). Anyone. White.

3. Lace (or thin twine, or thick thread)

4. Food foil

5. Napkin, corresponding to the topic !!!

6. Plotlevka

7. Any Khabiores-Prickindors on the topic: Shells, stones, glands, rags, branches, wood, buttons, ...

8. Glue, varnish, paints, patina

Stage 1.

1. Mass for the modeling rolling 0.5 cm thick. Cutting carefully

Plast on smooth squares (and maybe on uneven, it all depends on

Figure on the selected napkin)

2. Without waiting for drying, we glue the napkin on the resulting mosaic

3. Despise all together and lachm

4. We cut the napkin layer and eat the sidewall sideways

(you can round the edges and fill out, but look at

Picture !!!) We glue with a minimum gap.

Before we turn to the next stage, I would like to notify you

About the least ... We will make a collage (more precisely the Assembly).

Therefore, it will be necessary to know the basic rules for composite construction.

In the meantime, you can search for a place for your mosaic based on. This element

It will most likely visually the most difficult. Therefore, we have it in

The bottom of the base.

Glue mosaicinks with a small gap. Not to the edge of the base, of course.

Now a little about the composition (hereinafter K). I will try in my words without ability (although with everything is very difficult ...)

The definitions of the sea ... I would call it like this: to - this is the combination of elements of a random in a natural whole.

We will make the easiest view to - frontal, plane. There is also a bulk and spatial ...

The basis of any composite construction is the idea that will allow everything to combine.

In order for our elements to not look disparate and random, you need to know signs to:

1. I do not want to add nor down, nor move any element.

2. There is a desire to consider and study to and receive aesthetic pleasure from this.

3. Elements should look intelligently, and for this they should be from 5 to

9 maximum!; They must be compact, so that the connection is not lost

between them (the more they will remove them from each other, the weaker

communication); It should be felt a natural adjoining of elements of each other

to a friend (as a sectional sofa: at least slim him, even throw it, - you see that

Sections are sharpened to each other)

4. Must be to be dominant - the main element standing out against the background of the rest and first of all attracting our attention.

5. The visual equilibrium should be felt. Here

it requires, probably clarification ... Do not put larger and dark

The objects are above small and light. Do not overload one part

Plane, leaving the second part free. Do not place all the texture with

One side, leaving the second glossy, etc. ....

What else is important ...

- scale. Elements should be large-scale each other! And to the whole!

- proportionality, i.e.

Harmonious combination and proportionality of elements. Harmonious proportions

Found a long time ago, there is a "golden cross section" ... you can search for them

Calculate ... But in the selection of proportions and the authorship is felt. So know

They need them, but to use without fanaticism!

There is also such a concept as an emphasis - this is a raisin K. Accents

just like the dominant, sharply contrast with the surrounding background, but

these are much weaker and do not attract attention directly to themselves, but

contribute to a variety.

Stage 2.

Imitation of chakeanka

1. Create a volume ornament of the future "chasing". It can be volumetric

lace; pattern made by bulk contour; twist

or thick thread; Sometimes there are beautiful volumetric candy boxes

Plastic liners ... maybe you still think up. Find a place for

This thing and glipe on the glue type of moment.

2. After drying, we stick the bulk element of the food foil,

Carefully and gently pushing all the hollows. I think better foil

Plant on varnish.

3. Patinate the resulting "chasing". If the patches are no special, you can

Use the usual acrylic paint with a dried retarder. Shave

put the entire surface completely, and then erase the paint on

bulges. Only without fanaticism! did not satisfy the result -


Stage 3.

Finishing (traditional creative)

Now popular has become the technique of "Terra". This is a floristic technique, and we are the idea of ​​the idea ... Muffle in the putty all that they prepared on the topic. Just do not forget about the composition !!! Under the twin hitch and edges of the foil.

Author Lyolik Veronica

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