Fragrant Sasha with lavender


A few days ago she sewed these sachets, within which the lavender seeds are located. The seeds are very fragrant and a long time retain a persistent pleasant smell (the seeds that I used collected last summer, but they did not lose their pohnuffs at all).

The properties of lavender are truly unique. Lavender essential oils have long been used in aromotherapy. They have soothing, pacifying properties. Charity affect the nervous system, help get rid of insomnia, stress and depression. They have strong wound-healing and disinfectant properties, as well as immunostimulating. He has a number of healing actions, helps to get rid of cough. Bags with lavender well hang from the headboard, especially children's. The child will sleep firmly and calmly. Well, in general, multilateral positive influence on our body gives lavender essential oil, which is contained both in the leaves and in its inflorescences.

I wanted such aroma bags not only perfectly smelled, but also were decorating the interior. And when the patterns of these sachets fell into the hands, I immediately began to sew. It is very easy to make them, in one evening it is quite possible to make 3-5 things.

So, I needed:

- Felt of two colors (I used white and purple)

- Organza

- Threads of contrasting

- Different ribbons, flowers ... Beads - it's already at will

- Adhesive gun.

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Several pictures close-up.

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Patterns of data Sasha, which I kindly gave my girlfriend Louise. But if you give the will of fantasy, you can sew other forms, for example in the form of birds, or the moon ... possibilities are limitless. I print them two things per sheet format A4.

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At first cut out the pattern and circled it on fetra, retreating several millimeters.

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So that good and gently cut felt need to use very sharp scissors, preferably small. You need to cut two segments of each form.

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On one of them cut the inner part, as painted on the pattern.

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She crossed a thread of contrasting color, it takes to do it carefully trying to observe the same distance between the stitches.

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Then you need to sew organza. I cut it a little more internal opening, but it was much easier to sew, and then cut (as in the photo with a butterfly).

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First, she sewed an organza at the top to the segment with the opening inside. Then he folded two parts and sewed them together. Thus, it turns out a pocket in which and fall asleep the lavender seeds.

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With the help of an adhesive gun, various bows of ribbons are fixed, you can decorate with artificial flowers of lavender, can be beads.

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Fill with tea spoon with seeds. So that they are then not poured up, it is standing up to bore a drop of hot glue or thread, but it is very easy to replace the lavender in fresh at any convenient moment.

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I hung my sachet in the headboard, on the bedside table and dresser, as well as near the bathtubs, soaming early in the morning to breathe on the full of this wonderful fragrance.

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Lavender - evergreen decorative mixing perennial plant. Adult bushes give up to 1000 blue-purple inflorescences in the form of spikes. They bloom in June-August and attract many pollinators to themselves: bees, bumblebees, etc.

Easy touch and you will enhance the cloud of an unusually pleasant smell. I adore go to the garden early in the morning, leaning over covered dew droplets by stalks and breathe their divine fragrance. Collect the lavender for drying should be as soon as its inflorescences completely revealed. Then they are most saturated with aroma.

Who has the opportunity to grow lavender, I recommend it to everyone. It blooms it is not long, but then the whole year will delight you with a charming fragrance. By the way, the seeds can also be used in the manufacture of lavender soap, and in cooking.

This is a lavender in my tiny garden.

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Another variety. It blooms from March until now. Seeds have not yet collected, so I can not say anything, how long the fragrance is saved.

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Girls today have traveled both birds and hurry to download pictures. Drew them from hand. And then everything is the same scheme.

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Author master class ~ Kotova Lyudmyla

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