How to create a tile handmade


Prayer tiles manually

We love to work with unusual materials and especially appreciate handmade items for their special charm and warmth. Of course, when we were invited to visit the production of handmade tiles, we could not resist and went to find out all the secrets of creating ceramic tiles to our friends in the studio poscart. And of course, we are now divided by all secrets with you. This is how the tile is born ...

First, of course, the idea. The tile can be of any color and repeat the historical ornament, and can be painted personally.

Creating a tile with your own hands

Then the layout of the future tile is created. It can be made of wood, plasticine or gypsum.

Cut the tile

The next step is to create a working plaster form when the layout is poured by plaster. Then the master forms the reservoir clay with a roller and cuts out the workpiece.

Give form

Then the clay is pressed manually, and everything is superfluous.

Pour the shape of tile

When everything is ready, the wizard takes out the tile from the form, leaves to dry and sends it to the ducklings.

Rack with tiles

Then the artist is taken for business and paints the tiles to the glaze.

Bright interior tiles

The next step is the final firing at a temperature of 1200 degrees. This is how the tile looks like in the furnace. It is thanks to this tile can be laid on the street, it is frost-resistant and does not change the color, and the glaze will not fade.

Tile with texture

And here is the finished tile, neatly laid down on the boxes and preparing to go on the road.

Tile in boxes

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