9 non-standard ways to use paper towels


Paper towels - a thing that will be found in any house. But many hostesses are more familiar to use towels from the fabric, so paper towels are often lying on the shelf as a spare option.

We have prepared a selection of best tips for using paper towels. From now on, you will be more respectfully to treat this brilliant product, because it's time to learn how to get the maximum benefit from paper towels in everyday life!

How to use paper towels

    1. So that fresh greens do not sluggish quickly, wrap it with a wet paper towel. And if you store greens in the refrigerator, then lay a dry paper towel into the container. It will absorb excess moisture and Spent storage period Products.

Storage of greenery


    1. Layer fat On the surface of the broth spoil appetite? Paper towel - what you need!

      Take a pure saucepan and put it in the sink. Place a sieve or colander in the pan. Distilted on the bottom of the cock paper towel. Perfoliation broth through colander with a towel. The liquid will fall into a new pan, and the fat will remain on the towel.


    1. So that the bread after the refrigerator does not become wet, it is enough before frost to wrap it into a paper towel.

White bread

    1. Remove stains From wax pencils, it is easy if you sit on a dirty surface with a paper towel and stroke it with an iron at low temperatures.

Wax pencils

    1. So that the microwave remains clean after you are preparing bacon, it is enough to complete the pieces of bacon into a paper towel before cooking. Turn on the microwave for 1 minute each time the bacon becomes crisp. 3-4 minutes - and everything is ready!


9 non-standard ways to use paper towels
9 non-standard ways to use paper towels

    1. If there is no Filter for coffee , You can strain the fragrant drink through a piece of paper towel.

Filter for coffee

    1. To prepare crisp , Write it before cooking paper towel.

raw meat

    1. Often, after a reusable use on a bottle with an oil remains fatty. To prevent it, wrap a bottle with a paper towel and fasten it with a rubber band.

vegetable oil

    1. Purchase Makeup removal napkins And your cotton drive takes a lot of money?

      Cut the roll of paper towels across. In the plastic container pour a cup of clean water, add a couple of droplets of coconut (castor, olive) oil. Optionally, you can add a means for removing makeup. Perch in the resulting liquid half of the roll of paper towels.

      paper towels

      When paper softening, removing the cardboard insert from the roll.

      Make-up removal

      The resulting wet wipes can be stored in a cool place for several weeks.


As you can see, the use of paper towels will help save money And forces, so be sure to use our recommendations.

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