She just brought plastic cups ... Look what happens when the light is lit!


She just brought plastic cups ... Look what happens when the light is lit!

To make a very beautiful and original thing for the house, do not necessarily spend a lot of money on materials and apply heroic efforts. To create a wonderful, very spectacular lamp, you will need anything: 50 plastic cups, stapler, garland, which remained after the New Year holidays and patience.

She just brought plastic cups ... Look what happens when the light is lit!

When guests see the creative owner created by the hands Interior elements They cannot be removed from looking at such things, and the festive mood arises from everyone instantly. This lamp is stunning! Just look, and you immediately want to make the same.

Lamp do it yourself

You can decorate the living room with such a lamp with a garland of the same color, for the children's ideal option will be multicolored light bulbs. If you're an avid fan Hendmade - Start with paper clips and immediately begin to make a wonderful lamp. It will become one of the most atmospheric things you have at home, you will see.

I am sure that even the fact that you will have to make 50 cups with clips, will not be able to keep your desire to decorate the house so unusually!

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