How to make a bed for cat do it yourself


I picture how to make a bed for a cat with your own hands.

For those in whose house there are no fluffy family members, a bed for a cat seems to be excesses - a cat is not a dog, so it can sleep in any chair and even on a master sofa. But most of the Kotowers are with admiration look at numerous houses, laying and other cat supplies exhibited in the showcases of pet shops. And this is not surprising - every family member has its own bedroom, and since the cat is if not the main thing, then, undoubtedly, a very favorite member of the family, he also wants to buy a personal "bed". Unfortunately, not every owner can afford to buy the original bed, so we will look at how to make a bed for a cat yourself. I liked this option.

This hand made a bed for a cat looks in a royal, and make it enough easy if you have a stool with a suitable shape of the legs. If your cat loves to fit into a variety of baskets and boxes, it will have such a laying to taste.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

In order to make a laying, we need:

- ordinary stool with curly legs;

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

- four wooden bowls of medium size (as they will perform the function of the legs at the laying, if necessary, the balls can be replaced by other wooden parts);

- tip from cornice for curtains - 4 pieces;

- polypropylene ceiling eaves, which will be the back of a bed - a segment equal to the distance between the legs of the stool;

- glue;

- acrylic paint;

- brushes;

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

- cloth with a beautiful pattern;

- threads;

- scissors;

- Pins;

- lightning;

- material for packing.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

We sew a thick pad - that's this.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

To do this, we take a piece of unnecessary fabric (or plastic bag), turn the stool up the legs and put the fabric in the middle, repeating all the bends of the bottom of the tobuck.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

Fix the cloth with pins, take it out of the base of the toaster and make the pattern on a beautiful fabric.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

We sew a case, having folded the fabric "face to face" (do not forget to leave the hole, equal to the length of the zipper, through which then turning the case).

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

We sew zipper. You can do without a castle, and just sew the hole with a secret seam, but the cushion will be practical with the lock - the cover will always be removed and wrapping.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

Tightly fill with syntheps our pillow.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

Now proceed to the manufacture of the base of the laying. First you can paint the backstool, a piece of cornice, knobs and wooden balls in the color you like. The stool can be painted on top, but this part is visible will not be, as it becomes the base of the bed.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

When the paint is driving, we glue the balls at the corners of the top of the toilet.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

After glue grabbing, we glue the knobs to the legs of the tobabere.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

Between two legs, we glue a piece of cornice and highlight the decorative elements on it with silver paint.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

When all the details are securely glued, we put the pillow and invite the cat to appreciate his new place to relax.

Picture how to make a bed for a cat do it yourself

This layout is done for the cat with their own hands quickly, does not require expensive materials, but it is important that it fit into the interior of the room and liked your pet. Such a "throne" is more suitable for calm and lazy cats (often the peers differ in such character), as very moving cats can ignore your efforts, and the cats are amenable to the dresser.

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