Dresser, which is not distinguished from shop! Do it yourself


Chest of drawers

I could not give time for a long time to write another article and finally forced it to do it. The chest of chest of drawers for more than six months ago, just from the furniture shields.

Initially, I decided that the chest of drawers would be high and should contain at least five retractable boxes. In order to save a little, I decided to use a furniture shield of 400mm wide, and according to my calculations, this volume should have been enough.

He began with sidewalls. Determined with a height (1200mm), with the calculation that

Chest of drawers

I considered the distance under the bottom panel of the base, the distance to the upper backbar, and the height of the front panels of five drawers (for the manufacture of which used furniture shields width 200mm wide, such a width made it possible to choose the optimal depth of the boxes - 170mm). In the rear lower part, it washed under the plinth, in the upper front rounded the sharp angle (drove it with a pulling and finalized with shredded paper). Thus, he made two sidewalls.

Next, upper and lower shelves. Their width calculated under its needs (800mm), naturally based on the width of the drawers. To impart the reliability of the design in the middle of the back, posted the workpiece from the remnant of the furniture shield, but it was possible to use any other bar.

Then he moved to the assembly of the structure. Began with fixing the lower shelf. Determined with the height of the plinth, dried in both sidewalls holes under the lower shelf and brought three shields with self-draws. Next posted this design on the floor, the back of the ceiling. After that, posted one on one earlier facial blanks for pull-out drawers. So that the distance between them was the same, I took advantage of ten agile coins (put two pieces with the right and the left side of the front panels of the boxes, including ends). So unmistakably decided on the height of the upper shelf, dried for her holes in the sidewalls and brought with self-draws. The rear edge edge has not yet attached.

Chest of drawers

Next put the future chest of drawers in the vertical position. From a piece of fiberboard he saw the rear wall for the product. Then she caught it with the help of self-tapping screws in the rear top. With the help of the square, put even angles and secured the wall.

Chest of drawers

Chest of drawers

Only after that he secured the rear workpiece from the external sides of the rear blanks (two screws on each side).

In the same way, attached the upper bar, leaving a small space under it, in order to be in mind to place the lighting device or an aquarium in the dresser did not have to drill additional holes for the wires. It also manufactured from remnants of furniture shields.

Chest of drawers

And so after the assembly of the main framework smoothly switched to the manufacture of boxes. Retractable mechanisms that purchased in advance in the store (do not forget that their length is less than the depth of the chest), attached in the lower inside of the design, drowned them to the depth of the front panel. So I decided on the size of the bottom of the drawers, which

Chest of drawers

I chastered from plywood with a diameter of 6mm. Dropping the bottom switched to the manufacture of sidewalls. Their height was 170mm.

Chest of drawers

Chest of drawers

The width of the front and rear sidewalls made in the width of the box of the box (so it will not be noticeably screws that make the sidewalls to each other: the back of the box will not be visible, and the front will close the front panel) and brought the front panel to the base, without forgetting to pre-drill holes to avoid cracking plywood.

Chest of drawers

Then it was not difficult to calculate the width of the left and right side of the drawer. Also secured them to the base with self-draws, and then to the front and rear sidewalls. Box ready. In the same way made five pieces.

Next, measured the distances in the main framework under the rest of the boxes. The process was not easy and painstaking. Two rules, a couple of tens of minutes and retractable mechanisms were in their places. Signing the mechanisms with drawers, moved to the manufacture of the bottom panel of the base.

I extinct the bottom panel of the base, drank it from the remnants of the furniture shield and secured with the furniture corner at the bottom of the chest.

After that, everything covered with a double layer of varnish, including the front panels of the boxes. A day later began the final assembly. Determined with the location of the handles and drilled the holes for them.

Chest of drawers

Put the panel (starting the bottom) to the drawer and through the drilled holes made marks on the front side of the box, drilled and brought them with each other bolts from the handle, plus additionally

Chest of drawers

From the inside with self-reserves. And so five times. For convenience, the selection of the gap between the height panels also used the same tenth-art coins, only one on each side, because Taking into account the lacquer, the front panels became a little wider.

Chest of drawers

The result was pretty good. The dresser is operated for almost a year and there were no complaints from my second half. Thank you for your attention, good luck in your endeavors.

Chest of drawers

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