In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


Almost every home in Japan with the onset of cold weather gets Kotatsu - a hybrid of the table, blankets and a heater. And all because there is no central heating in the country of the rising sun. And, although the cold there is not so harsh, as we save them from colds and other diseases thanks to this invention.

Kotatsu - Traditional Japanese piece of furniture: Low wooden frame frame, covered with a Japanese futon mattress or heavy blanket, on top of the table top. Under the blanket there is a heat source, often built into the table. Kotatsa originates from the hearth for cooking, which was always in one place. The modern analog can be transferred to any room.

In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


Tol Countertop blanket h x Electric heater d Heater on coals

Flickr, Wikipedia

In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


In Japan, there is no central heating, and that's how they are saved in winter


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