6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos


With the advent of digital cameras and cameras in all mobile devices, each of us boasts a huge number of pictures. But we are used to store them exclusively on electronic media - the tradition of printing pictures, insert them into the frame and collect albums gradually goes into the past.

We offer to decorate your interior beautifully awesome photos, because they remind of pleasant moments of life and make the house so cozy.


A rather simple way to place photos, but despite this, due to clear lines, it looks very advantageous. Place the square frames of the same size at the same distance from each other so that the square is the result. In the framework, you can insert photos on a single topics or simply collect your favorite pictures in one color scheme - the main thing is that they harmoniously looked together.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

© Tara Whitney.

It is interesting to look a glass framework for photos without clear boundaries, and to create a common style you can use special digital effects that will turn your pictures into small masterpieces.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

Blogspot / AntonRomanov.

Black and white photos in retro-style are perfectly suitable for the interior in calm colors and do not distract all attention to themselves.

The ideal option for hosting photos of different sizes is to arrange them in an arbitrary order. Start from the largest photos, placing them in the central part, and then place the rest around. For the integrity of perception, the distance between photos should be approximately the same.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos


Use the frames in one style, but different colors - so the composition will look more dynamic, and playing in contrasts, you can highlight the most valuable pictures.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

HeartTreeHome / PotteryBarn.

The most popular framework of black, white and brown colors, as these colors are prevalent in most interiors.


In contrast to the previous version, in this case, the framework of different sizes are located so that their external parties are not extinguished for the overall boundaries, creating a square or a rectangle. Such a way more time-consuming, but looks very impressive.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

© Alaina Kaczmarski / Decozilla

Use the frames of various sizes and colors, you can insert photos or pictures. You can also add small pictures or panels - the main thing is that all the elements of the composition are organically combined with each other and complemented the interior of the room.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

InmyLovelyhome / Decozilla.

If you print snapshots on canvas, then you will not need a framework. It will only need to raise photos in the right order. This is a good idea for a birthday gift or anniversary.


Place the largest or just most beloved photo in the center, and the rest - around it. You can make clear boundaries from the outer sides of the framework, and you can simply arbitrarily arrange photos in a circle.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos


If the central frame is wider and larger than the rest, the photo in it will attract the most attention - it is worth placing the most memorable and favorite picture.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

Pinterest / Pinterest

Even small photos will perfectly decorate the walls, if you place them in the form of a collage.

Photos on the shelves

Shelves are suitable not only for souvenirs and vases, they beautifully look at photos with photos. To do this, there are special shelves for paintings - they have a limiter who retains them reliably. This embodiment of the interior is ideal for changeable thoughts, as it allows you to change photos at any time and move them depending on the mood.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos


A very interesting effect is created if the frames of different sizes are located. White color frames does not overload the interior, and the whole composition looks at air, despite the large number of elements.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos


You can choose the shelf contrasting with the color of the walls - it focuses on them. But on the shelves in the color of the walls, the pictures will seem "suspended".


This option looks the most advantageous in the design of the staircase walls. Such walls are usually undeservedly empty, but they are great for accommodating pictures. Hang photos along the stairs, observing a bias, try to choose neutral pictures - you do not want your guests to have stumbled when looking at them.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos


Warm family photos will add comfort to your interior.

6 cool ideas how to raise frames with photos

PotteryBarn / Dom-Dacha-Svoimi-Rukami

Of course, the pictures located in this way the most organically look at the design of the walls along the stairs, but this is an optional condition. Step-layered photo suitable for wall decoration in rooms

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