Tie your friend


Tie your friend

Jo Hamilton is an American artist Scottish origin. One of the directions of its activity is to knit paintings with crochet.

Tie your friend

She creates portraits of real people, their friends and acquaintances, types of cities with a hook.

Tie your friend

Joe recalls that she taught her grandmother when she was not also ten years old. But she could not express himself, although she studied at the Glasgow Art School.

Tie your friend

But when she saw knitted creativity at one of the exhibitions of the museum Crafts, she understood how to reveal their talents. Her knitted portraits are quite detailed, however, Joe claims that he does not use any stencils, she just knits portraits.

Tie your friend

When knitting paintings, the artist does not make sketches and does not build plans, sometimes she does not even know what happens in the end. She just looks at the shelves with yarn, laid down in colors, and begins to knit.

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Tie your friend

Here is the link of a good video about Joe, to embed, unfortunately, in no way: http://watch.opb.org/video/2289498121/

Tie your friend

Author at work:

Tie your friend

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