Plastic bottle hedgehog


Plastic bottle hedgehog

From an empty plastic bottle, you can make a very cute hedgehog, which will serve as an excellent decoration of any garden, garden or just lawn in front of the house.

You will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • black acrylic paint or paint spray;
  • Empty plastic bottle;
  • 2 black buttons;
  • Thermoclaysheaver pistol;
  • twine;
  • land for plants;
  • Cacti or any other small plants.

Remove the label from the plastic bottle and wash the remnants of the glue. Cover paint black. Reliable a rectangular hole in the bottle - for this, use a sharp stationery knife or preheated ordinary knife. Do not forget to remove the plastic ring around the thread.

Plastic bottle hedgehog

Apply a few hot glue on the neck of the bottle and start wrapping it with the twine. Continue to wrap the bottle, fastening the twine with the help of glue and laying one row close to the other.

Plastic bottle hedgehog

After you reach the holes cut earlier in the middle of the bottle, fasten the twine and cut the end. Continue to wrap the bottle already from the other end.

Plastic bottle hedgehog

At the edges of the hole, make small cuts with a depth of about 1 cm and wrap them with the twine, as shown in the picture.

Starting the edges around the perimeter of the feet slightly bend inside.

Plastic bottle hedgehog

Make small drainage holes at the bottom of the bottle, stick your eyes and screw the tube.

Plastic bottle hedgehog
Pay attention to another interesting master class - a plastic bottle tree.

And on how to make a Penguin from a plastic bottle, you will learn here:

Fill the hedgehog earth and plant fluffy plants.

Plastic bottle hedgehog

Make several such hedgehogs using a bottle of different volumes and shapes as the basis, and various plants are as a filler.

Instead of one big hole, you can also do a lot of small holes in the bottle, fall asleep in her land and plant seeds. Then you will only wait until the plants are sprouting.

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