Original ideas for the kitchen: We make a basket of paper towels


In the house of the real needlewoman, even ordinary items look unusual. I want to add a new highlight to the interior, but nothing original seems to do not come up with? It's time to realize new original ideas for the kitchen: we make a basket of paper towels.

Original ideas for the kitchen: We make a basket of paper towels

Required tools

For work you will need:

Original ideas for the kitchen: We make a basket of paper towels

  • pack of paper towels;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • framework;
  • Termoklay;
  • Decor (buttons, ribbons, bows, pebbles).

Any box is suitable as a frame. If there is nothing suitable for hand, you can make it yourself, for example, from cardboard. In order for the finished product nicely looking, you should enclose the box with paper towels.

No need to worry that the towels are coming - after painting the product will look very impressive.

Master class step-by-step

First, from paper towels you need to make harnesses. To do this, the towels are gradually deceived by glue and twisted into the rope. If in the process of work the harness will end, then nothing terrible, just twist to him new. When ropes are ready, you can be taken for weaving.

Operating procedure:

Original ideas for the kitchen: We make a basket of paper towels

Original ideas for the kitchen: We make a basket of paper towels

  1. The bottom of the baskets to line the harms parallel to each other. Until you need to glue anything.
  2. Perpendicular to the first harness . To make a weaving, you need to pass it alternately through the bottom and the top of the first harnesses. It is necessary to try the ropes to the bottom as weaving.
  3. So get the bottom of the basket.
  4. Go to the side . If the ropes are over, they should be "lengthen", that is, to twist new ones.
  5. When the side parts are passed, cropped the remaining ends.
  6. To decorated the edges of the basket . You can use the tape, fabric, or weave the braid from the harnesses.
  7. Paint a product. If the edges are decorated not by harness, but ribbon, then it should be attached after painting.
  8. Attach decorative elements with thermoclause.

Sometimes baskets make without a ready-made frame. In this case, the foundation is necessary that the plastic bucket will be mastered. At the end, the base of the stencil gets and it turns out a basket exclusively from paper towels. So that the harnesses are not glued to the stencil, it needs to be wrapped in a food film.

You can use different techniques. Do not be afraid of sophisticated weaving. Even if the harness breaks, it can easily twist a new one. On the finished product, such problem areas will not be visible.

In such a basket, you can store all kinds of trinkets. But even if she just will turn on the shelf, it will be an excellent addition to the interior.


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