"VineGaroon" - black dye for the skin, cheap and much!


Vigarun "(VineGaroon) is a black dye for the skin of plant tweezing. It is done at home and its composite is the usual vinegar and iron. When mixing and excerpting for a month (or so), the process of iron oxidation occurs, it dissolves in vinegar and It turns out the fluid that, when interacting with plant tanners in the skin, gives a reaction and acquires black color. The more tannings - the same darker and rich color. Therefore, it is possible to withstand the skin in a strong chain or coffee or walnuts and the color will be deep black . And it is for this reason that this "dye" is applied only to the skin of plant tweezing, he does not work on chrome skin - there are no vegetable tanning substances. The dye is in principle, too, it is impossible to call it because it is in nature not paint and the oxide that comes into reaction and changes color. During socks, such painted skin does not leave black traces on clothes as often happens with Noah paint.

The charm of this dye is that it is very cheap (simple table vinegar and the cheapest metal rods, or even cheaper - if there is a handful of old rusty nails). It can be done and a liter and two and more without much cash costs. And it paints better than the usual paint - through, and does not rub about clothes.

I want to note that this recipe is not invented personally in person. I collected information on the Internet in the forums of the Kozhevnikov and Wood Masters (Vigarun is used to toned wood products - there are the same tanning substances in which the skin is treated). Based on the assembled material, on the mistakes and success of others, I decided to try to make Vigarun herself. In the course of the matter, I decided to take pictures and share with you my result.

I can not answer all questions as a specialist and as a person who has read about it "and" tried himself. " If you give the word "VineGaroon", you will find a lot of information on this topic (if you are interested).


All that we need is a pure white vinegar without impurities and rusting washcloths for dishes. Old rusty nails are perfectly suitable, as well as iron chips. The main thing is that it was not a stainless steel.

In my nearest store, I did not find ordinary washcloths (only stainless steel) But I found a washcloth with soap. They cost a penny, but you have to crawl all the soap.

In the photo - a small bottle of vinegar and a pile of washcloths is too much, as it turned out, it will be necessary only 3-4. Vinegar need more.


I died up not just in hot water but also with an admixture of detergent for dishes. To make all the oils whom the rods are covered in order not to rust. That's finely and thinner fibers - the better and faster they will oxidize and dissolve. Look for small and thin in the store.

Working with leather

Take a glass unnecessary jar. I did not have this so I took the "necessary." What to do..

Wrap the 3-4-meters and fold them to the jar. Do not presate them, let "hang" in the free flight.

Here I drank a full jar, but then I took out half.


Fill with vinegar. I bought only one bottle but now I just understood what you needed more ..


Oxidation begins instantly - vinegar becomes rusty per second

Paint for leather

Cover the can with a lid. Do not close tightly - you need a small hole in otherwise evaporation gases will cut the lid with the can.

We put in a warm place. My bank was standing on the floor in the kitchen. There was no smell, only if you stick the nose into the bank - then Brrrrrr!

Literally the next day, the fluid is cleaned and becomes transparent. Iron covered with bubbles - the process went!

Every day we mix the whole mixture.

Black paint.

It should be dispersed and dissolved all this should not less than two weeks, better - month. During this month I added more vinegar and iron - I decided that half the banks are very small (probably glory).

In the photo you see that I got after the month and week of insistence. Iron was dissolved, oxide crust appeared on top and precipitate at the bottom. Liquid is almost transparent. Yellow color in the photo is rust on the walls of the jar.


Now you need to strain all. You see that the liquid is transparent. You also see black oxide pieces.

the black

This is what remains at the bottom. I got excited and also poured it into a common boiler but probably it was better to throw it away.

The liquid turned out quite muddy

.. at that I did again again

That's what remains on the napkin

Now I left the bank to be for a couple of days, but already with a fully open lid, so that all the couples wipe. The main oxidation process was held at the expense of vapors, so it was very important to keep the cover closed during the month leaving only a couple of holes for the exit of extra gases. Now we give everything to milder.

After a couple of days, my liquid was smelled as you see in the photo.

I again pulled it through several layers of a dense napkin. Red color is the top layer

Now I went the middle layer - it is lighter and yellow

We don't need a precipitate - we will throw it

These are still pieces of oxide after the second stage of insistence.

And this is our dye. Vigarun. Everything is leaky and packaged in banks (or in bottles if you want).

Now it can stand and the year and two. It depends on how often you will use Vigarun. You color the skin, then merge the liquid back with the can and close. Leave until the next use. And so - while the "fortress" will not weaken. When you see that the color is not entirely black and that for coloring you have to keep the skin in Vigaren, everything longer and longer - time to update it. You do not pour the fluid, and simply add a couple more washcloths and a bottle of fresh vinegar and pass the whole process of tincture again.

The color of the vigarer can get different (I mean the color of the liquid and not the color of the painted skin). I got a beautiful amber, but honestly - on all forums they usually write that it turns out or black or muddy red or transparent .. it all depends on the proportions of vinegar and iron, I think, as well as from the conditions of insteading - lighting, temperature, time of insteading. Many tumors are very impatient and begin to use the tincture after two weeks or even before. It will dye black, but for a really high-quality infusion, it is better to suffer and withstand a month.

Therefore, if you get another color, not like me - it does not mean that you did something wrong. Maybe incorrectly made i

If, during "fermentation", the liquid has become red-muddy, it means that you have moved with hardware and vinegar missing to recycle everything. Add fresh vinegar to the bottle and everything will be cleaned every other day.

Now let's try to paint the skin. It is best to do it in the bath. Take the bath for the technique of photos (if you have such, I have a lot of stormy childhood, but everyone remained in Ukraine), you can take any other suitable non-metallic container which in size will contain your skin pieces. I am not painting anything now, I just took a piece of leather and the bath I will not apply. Smell right to the jar.

If you are using a bath - pour Vigarun into it and lower the skin there.

Hold the skin in the solution for a few seconds and remove. Here in the photo I kept only one second - I mumbled and took out. The skin instantly becomes gray - the reaction began

I melted once again and took out immediately. This is for clarity. That area that spit is 1 second in solution. The one is darling - 2 seconds in solution.

Now put the skin on the surface of the table and look at it. Color changes in front of her eyes. Black and black with every second.

Without 5-10 minutes (I have passed 2 minutes, but you need to be soaked so much so that it is impregnated and smoking well). Now you need to stop the reaction and for this you need to lower the painted piece of the skin into a solution of food soda. I put a complete tablespoon of soda per liter of water.

I lower the skin into this solution and immediately remove it. If you hold for a long time the skin "burns". You will see how the skin is covered with bubbles with soda solution with soda solution - there is neutralization of the oxidation process (I do not remember when I operated as smart words for the last time - probably even at school!

Now immediately omit the skin under the flow water and wept all well. No need to mive and unscrew the skin - if you have embossing on your skin, you destroy it. Just hold under the crane for a long time or handle in a basin with clean water so that the soda faded

This is an exhaust.

That sound a little. You see a line that shares a bright area and darker. How do you remember - the one that has been glad, was in Vigaren only one second and the one is darling - 2 seconds.

It is necessary to keep no more than one minute when the solution is completely fresh, then even half a minute will be enough. I kept one and two seconds - just to see how it works.

Here is our piece of skin very dry. Color black but not black. Now real magic - give the skin deep black.

During this process, the skin lost oil and became dry. Therefore, the color is greater gray than black. We need to return the skin lost oil so that she could buy a real beautiful color. You can use any skin oil. You can use NeatsFoot Oil - it is the best for the skin. You can use any other which you will find - look for manufacturers of tools for skin treatment.

Do not use olive or sunflower vegetable oil - these are mineral oils and they are not suitable for working with the skin.

I took what was at hand - one of the oils that I use when working.

I applied oil only half a piece of the skin so you saw the difference.

It is also said that you can use air conditioner for leather (not for your skin on the face A for leather products) instead of oil. I decided to try and took my favorite.

Applied air conditioning on a small area - on the right in the upper corner of the skin.

I caught an oil too - but quite a bit so that the skin is not sour in oil but enough to change the color

I decided to go to the end and applied a fixer - a little, for brilliance.

On that plot where the oil did not have a fixer absorbed instantly - there is dry skin and needs a feedback. And where the oil caused the oil - there the skin is already quite upset and the fixer absorbs slowly, reluctant.

I note that at the place of application of the air conditioner, the fixer was absorbed as very quickly, which means that the air conditioner was not enough to return the right substances. It is better to use oil.

That all absorbed and dried. The lower part of the skin in the photo - coated with oil. Beautiful black rich color. At the top of the right - a piece of conditioned by air conditioning. If not to compare with the oil piece, in principle - ok. Left at the top - pure vigaren without subsequent oil treatment. The skin lost oil and color gray, dry.

Here is a photo under a different angle (black is quite difficult to photograph). Red circuit without oil treatment or air conditioning

Snapshot closer.

It can be seen on the cut that on the area of ​​the coated oil (right), where the oil absorbed the color became black. And where there are no oils - on the left - the color inside the skin remained the same.

Red arranged a plot that stayed in Vigaren one second. Everything else is 2 seconds in solution.

It can be seen on the cut that where the skin stayed in a solution only one second, the dye did not have time to absorb the skin inside. And where I kept two seconds - the dye penetrated deeper. When coloring the skin in the vigarer during 30 seconds and the longest solution will penetrate deep into the skin and paint it from the inside completely. Hathem Oil will finish work and the color will become beautiful black.

This is my experience to make Vigarun - black dye. I shared a process with you through which I passed. If you have questions - ask, maybe I can answer them. But I remind you that I am not a specialist in this. I just tried what I found on the Internet. I don't even use a black color when working, - tried out of curiosity! (But maybe now I will use - not to pour the same one and a half times!)

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