Matching houses do it yourself


Matching houses do it yourself

Crafts from matches are exciting entertainment available to each family member. The resulting decorative toys can be put on the shelf at home or give friends or relatives.

Master class number 1

You will need:

Matching houses do it yourself

  • several boxes of matches (6-7);
  • a box of a CD (it is convenient to use it as a working surface);
  • Coin (2 or 5 rubles).

Place 2 matches on the box. They must lie in parallel to each other and the distance between them should be slightly smaller than the length of one match.

Matching houses do it yourself

On top of two matches, put 8 more matches, placing them this time perpendicular and at an equal distance from each other.

Matching houses do it yourself

Now it is necessary to put the second layer of 8 matches, also placing it perpendicular to the previous one.

Matching houses do it yourself

To build a house wall, lay match two pieces on each "floor", as shown in the picture. In total, you should get 8 floors. Make sure that the heads of the matches watched one way.

Matching houses do it yourself

From above, you must lay out another "floor" of 8 laid in a row. Unlike the "floor of the ground floor" heads this time should look in the opposite direction.

Matching houses do it yourself

At the top, put another 6 matches so that they firmly fit together, and put the coin on them.

Matching houses do it yourself

Holding the coin with a finger, insert into each of the four angles on the match, as shown in the picture.

Matching houses do it yourself

And now cautiously placing matches around the perimeter at home, insert them vertically, separated by the horizontally located matches. Do not forget to hold the coin.

Matching houses do it yourself

After that, the coin can be removed, picing her match.

Matching houses do it yourself

Take the house in the hands and, slightly pushing on the side walls, the floor and the ceiling, align it.

Matching houses do it yourself

Now it is necessary to turn the cube from matches upside down.

Matching houses do it yourself

Now the walls of the house need to "strip." To do this, on each side, it is vertically inserting matches, their heads should look up.

Matching houses do it yourself

Now lay out another row, this time there are matches horizontally.

Matching houses do it yourself

Now it's time to make a roof. In the corners, insert missing matches, and the rest (located vertically) pull at about half.

Matching houses do it yourself

The "beams" of the roof are perpendicular to the last level.

Matching houses do it yourself
Matching houses do it yourself

Make another "layer", placing matches perpendicularly.

Matching houses do it yourself

If you wish, you can also build a smoke pipe by inserting four matches into the roof. To make the windows and the door, break a few matches in half and paste them between the floors, the heads outside. Ready!

Matching houses do it yourself

Lesson number 2.

Matching houses do it yourself

And to collect this house without glue will not succeed. Walls are assembled by the same principle as the design basis in the previous lesson. To make a roof, glue two matches on each side, having them vertically at an angle. Then glue matches on them, having them horizontally.

Inspirational ideas

From the matches you can make not only volumetric figures, but also whole landscapes. To repeat the picture "House under the birch", just carefully read the arrangement of matches. If you wish, you can use matches with green heads for the crown of wood.

Matching houses do it yourself

To build houses presented in the following pictures, just carefully read them and try to understand the sequence in which matches are laid.

Matching houses do it yourself

Matching houses do it yourself

Matching houses do it yourself

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