Gift box for money with newlywed dolls


Gift box for money with newlywed dolls
Today I want to share with you one unusual wedding gift, but if you can do it with my own hands.

I think that envelopes for money and chests, where they collect all this paper disgrace with all orders of fed. I will show you the original way to give money so that this gift is remembered by the newlyweds and even long delighted the new family.

So, Create a money box with newlywed dolls.

To begin with, we will define List of materials and tools.

We need:

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

  • - Cotton: Body, White, Gray;
  • - white fatin;
  • - lace on the grid;
  • - satin tapes of different widths and colors;
  • - Wool threads for hair;
  • - threads; beige, white, gray, pink;
  • - acrylic paints on the fabric;
  • - Pastel dry;
  • - a box with a lid of 20 per 15 cm (or cardboard for self-making);
  • - scissors, needles, pins;
  • - sewing machine;
  • - glue;
  • - double sided tape;

Separate your master class for convenience by 4 parts (something like content):

Stage 1 - We sew the body of future dolls.

2 stage - dress up the bride and groom.

3 stages - We make a hairstyle and draw a face.

4 stages - Decorate the box.

Stage 1. Body.

To begin with, we need a pattern of future pupae and body fabric. On the left of the bride - slim and pretty, right of the bride and the widespread and courageous.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

We fold the fabric in half and carry the pattern with a simple pencil or a special marker. I took a lighter cloth for the bride and more "tanned" for the groom, you can make them the same.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

We flash the parts on the sewing machine, leaving 1-1.5 cm to turn out the details. These edges, I always flash several times to back and forth, so that during the turning and packing seams did not diverge. Holes for head turning - upstairs, hands and torso - side.

Details cut out, leaving 2 mm input. Do not forget to make cuts of fabrics in convex and "inkoux" places :) It is necessary so that the fabric does not swake when stuffing. Cuts do almost to the seam, trying not to damage the seam itself.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Soak our details. For these purposes, you can use a conventional wooden wand for sushi.

I think that with your head and handles everything will be clear. I will stop a little on turning the body. We begin to turn off the legs, then go to the neck:

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Stroke all the details. And we can already admire the result. Love is born here :)

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Now we need to make a small seam to highlight the ears. To do this, we take threads suitable for the color to the fabric and seam "Back Neck", we flash the ears at a distance of 2 mm from the edge.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Now you can proceed to packing a pupa. As a filler, I usually use Snempuphus, it keeps the form well and does not create lumps. Put the body with the same wooden stick.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

When the damping density suits us, finish and take a needle with a thread. Our task to sew details as imperceptible as possible with a secret seam. We are clinging with a needle literally 2 mm of fabric, then with one, then on the other hand and slightly tighten.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Finished handles while set aside, we will sew them later. For now we need to attach your head to the body. We will not do any cuts. Sevive large stitches the base and several secretly sew your head to the neck:

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

On this we graduated from the first stage - made the foundations for future dolls. Now they need to wear :)

Stage 2. Dresses.

We begin with the bride: we take a piece of fate of 50 by 9 cm. We collect it on a thread and tighten until the pupa's body grunts. Send fatin like a dress, at the chest level. It will be the bottom dress, which will give the desired volume along.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Now we need lace on the grid. We measure the top of the pupa's shoulders and cut the trapeze. The angle depends on how much a lush dress you want to get (patterns I intentionally I do not give you to turn on the fantasy and learn how to sew what you see in your head).

Lace we fold the front side to each other. One side sew from the bottom to the top, and the other from the bottom to the middle. We put on the future dress on the head, as shown in the photo and continue to sew on the doll. Fix the thread and turn the dress. My dress turned out very long, so I fix it with several folds in the waist area.

And now you can already sew the handles.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Shoes newlyweds We will not sew, for her imitation we use acrylic paint.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

The bride is ready, proceed to the groom along the groom.

We start with a shirt. For her, we need a white cotton fabric, from which we cut a square of 7.5 by 7.5 cm. The square is folded in half diagonally and apply to the back of the groom so that the fold is from above. Now we will be flexing a little less than a centimeter of the fabric and we throw this "handkerchiefs" on the shoulders, fix the pins. It remains to sew its one stitch and the shirt is ready.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

For the sleeves of the jacket made of gray cotton fabric, we cut two rectangles in size 4 by 7 cm. Bend the fabric along in half and flash, as in the photo. Soak, we bring and stretch into your hands. Like this:

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

The jacket without a pattern is also very simple. :-) Cut the rectangle in size 14 by 12 cm. Bend 2 cm of fabric inside and as well as in the case with a shirt, we apply tissue to the back. We begin the collar and challenge the pin. Right on the doll you can cut the hem of the jacket. Now remove and end the collar. From the side of the jacket will hang around like a cape, so we need to make shaves - we plan them with pucks on the doll. Remove and spend the bottom. Everything, the jacket is ready.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

The pattern of trousers do very simply - we supply the pattern of the body, adding 2-3 mm from all sides (if you want troughs in the appearance, if you want a classic, add more). Fabric fold in half, we supply the pattern and flash. Cut the excess fabric, leaving the allowance and do not forget to make cuts between the trousers. Soak, we turn.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Dress the groom. To begin with, we rush the jacket pin, then fasten the handle. When everyone was leveled and we like everything, sew. I added a small button of pink color to the jacket.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Do not forget about the butterfly. Still, the event is solemn :) We take a piece of satin ribbon, fold and flash in the middle, we pull and wind by threads. Fresh to a shirt with several stitches:

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

3 stage. Hairstyle and face.

To create hairstyles we will need yarn. You can take any, I prefer the half-go. It looks very beautiful that so twisted. The bride, I decided to make a blonde, boughie brunette.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

We start with blonde hair: cut the thread of the desired length. I have 20 cm. Bend each thread in half and sew to the head with one stitch, starting from the forehead. Sevive at a distance in about half a centimeter from each other. I fix several curls for one and after another ear and continue to sew. Do not fill with "hair" the whole head differently the hair will be very magnificent and it will be difficult to put it. Next, hang tips and create a hairstyle: 3 strands on each side we collect back and fix the thread.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Well, what bride without Fata! :) For her, we cut out from the veal oval size about 10 to 20 cm. We retreat one third and flash, tightening the fabric. Bend fatin in the place of the seam and fasten it with pins on the hairstyle. Send to the head with the help of thread and needles.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

We proceed to the hairstyle of the groom. "Hair" cut into shorter - 5 cm. Also bend in half and sew to the head. Here we are opposite to complete the whole head. Now make a haircut and admire the result.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

It remains to draw faces and dolls ready. First, we make a pencil sketch, and then fill it with paints. If you did not paint before that face, you can practice on paper. First, fill the eye protein with white paint, then we supply the browch, mouth and eyes brown. We draw the iris and pupil. We leave the paint dried.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

After complete drying, make a toning. We rub the pastel and make small accents with a tassel at the upper eyelid and at the nose, as well as rudy cheeks. For the "revival" of the view, we make the glare of white paint.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Pupae are ready and we can move to the final stage. For him we will need a box with a lid of 15 by 20 cm.

4 stage. Box Decoration

I decided to decorate the box with flowers from satin ribbons. They can be bought or done on their own, it is quite simple.

For roses, we need to take a wide ribbon. Bend the corner and twist the base. Next, bend the tape along and we flash and so that it will not be enough triangles. We assign a thread and begin to twist the rush, fix in the end of the thread.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

The second type of flowerflooks (honestly, I do not even know how to call them) is made from a fine centimeter tape. Cut the pieces of centimeters of 7, the ends of the ribbon are in fire, so as not to crumble. We flash in the middle and tighten, return the needle down and fix the thread. Ready.

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

We take flowers, print a beautiful greeting inscription and lay down all this on a prepared box. When the result of the layout suits us, we can arm with glue and consolidate it. :)

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Go to the inner decoration: We put into a box of pupae, we glue with the help of two-sided tape for another inscription and the remaining flowers. Mount for money make from satin ribbon. Fix it with a piece of cardboard on the bottom of the box. We are trying on the money and admire the result. :)

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls

Our box is ready. It will become an excellent gift for the newlyweds, which they will remember for many years. :)

Gift box for money with newlywed dolls


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