How to make paper do it yourself


Creating paper with your own hands can be quite simple and easy process. It is also an excellent way to find the use of old checks that climbed the waste paper, unnecessary booklets, correspondence, unscaled leaves that you for a long time measured to throw into the trash can. And instead of getting rid of these things, you can create one of them a unique thing of handmade.

So do you have such a waste on pickup? And also plastic container and a kitchen blender? Having just a few components and adhering to simple instructions, you can easily create paper with your own hands and turn into a real environment of the environment.

How to make paper do it yourself

Materials that will be needed for creating paper:

  • water;
  • waste paper;
  • plastic container;
  • The kitchen blender (if there is no such thing, it is not necessary to buy a new, enough acquisition and used);
  • two frames, on one of which the small grid is stretched;
  • Boards or sponge and rolling pin;
  • Towels, woolen blankets, clothes, pellon, fleece rags and other, absorbing moisture, material.

How to make a frame with a mesh:

Step 1. Card paper

Cut either carefully paper for drawing to the same squares of 1 inch sizes. Then soak the paper pieces for a few hours, or leave for the night.

Watercolor, printed and drawing paper is suitable as it is impossible, as it is produced from durable fibers, which makes it a strong flap, and not chemically treated wood fiber.

And yet, this is an excellent experiment with unnecessary correspondence, office paper, paper bags from shops, advertising booklets and many others. Note, no plastic.

Well, of course, this is an experiment with different color combinations.

Step 2. Mix all and make paper handheld

Fill the food processor with water. Add a small handy of a two chopped waste paper (but no more to prevent the combustion of the motor of our equipment). Turn on the blender and mix until the waste paper becomes a homogeneous paper mass.

Do not think to make a smoothie from the resulting paper mix.

Then you need to find a container in which the main process of creating paper will occur. Fill about 1/3 of half the container with a paper mass, then add water. The more paper mixture you add to water, the thickness of the thickness will work.

How to make paper do it yourself

Step 3. Take out the sheets

To do this, you will need a frame with a shallow grid of the required size. In fact, it is two frames, one of which is equipped with a very small grid. It provides a delay in small particles of paper and filtering water.

To form a sheet: aligning two frames, lower the obtained device strictly vertically at an angle of 45 ° in a tank with a paper mixture. After that, gently turn the frame horizontally, immersing it completely into the water. Having removed the frame with the grid, try to give her a vertical position. The grid will be kept on the grid. Gently shake the frame and let the drain of the water.

How to make paper do it yourself

Step 4. Removing the grid

Next, we need to move the wet leaf from the mesh to dry, absorbing the water surface. The flaps made of wool felt are perfect, but this does not mean that only them should be applied. In fact, there are many alternatives: woolen blankets, soft and even paper towels, thick uncomplicated surfaces, pellon, fleece rags, bed sheets, etc. Separating the grid from the frame, lean it with a wide face to a predetermined surface so that the grid remains at the bottom, and the wet paper is at the top. Quickly and carefully turn the mesh movement, as if you close the door.

How to make paper do it yourself

Step 5. Pressing

Option 1: Manual pressing. Place a piece of pelleon fabric or a paper towel on the top of your received sheet of paper. Start the pressure of a small sponge - first with a light pressure, and then more and stronger and stronger. If you have a roller or a rolling at your hand, you can use them to create even stronger push.

How to make paper do it yourself

Option 2: Pressing with boards. Use all the existing felt fabric or paper towels by placing them on top of the grid one over the other. When the entire fabric material is over, cover the resulting structure with a wooden board, which can be placed, for example, heavy dumbbells, or stand for better pressing.

How to make paper do it yourself

Step 6: Drying

Option 1: Surface drying Find a flat and dense surface. Perfectly smooth wooden boards, plexiglass and heat-resistant plastic. Take a wet sheet and gently lay it on a flat surface. Make sure the edges are also under strong pressing. Leave the paper for 1-3 days to give her the opportunity to succumb. Drying time depends on the thickness of the paper and humidity of the room.

How to make paper do it yourself

Option 2: Alternate drying. Take a bit of rolling paper, towels or other, absorbing moisture, material.

Put the prepared dry material, and then lay out a wet needle paper sheet over it.

Repeat. Create a peculiar stack.

After completing the creation of the layers, put a wooden board on top or a heavy book. Check the paper daily and replace the wick material on dry.

Option 3: Normal drying. This method is simple. Take your wet sheet of paper, put it on the shelf, the usual or desktop and leave to be dried. Yes, it is wildly strange and primitive, but sometimes just such a kind of method is the most optimal.

Option 4: Drying on pellon or clothing. After pressing, take the pellon or the flap of clothes with a wet paper attached to them, and neatly, for the top edges of the fabric hang the material on the lounge rope. Drying in a similar way will take from one to two days, after which the paper can be pulled off from the fabric. True paper will succeed a bit rough.

That's all, we dried paper!

How to make paper do it yourself

Also, if you still have a little paper mix in the container, you can safely save it. Take a fine sieve to remove the paper mass of the water. Then roll it into the ball and let it seek. To reuse, just soak the ball overnight, cut into small pieces and scroll into the blender again.

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