Outdoor vase "from trash"


I quote the words of the author !!!

We need:

1. Corobs from under computer discs in the amount of 4 pieces; A small piece of cardboard: napkins and plow glue;

2. Login, glue-gun, well, and all sorts of unnecessary things (who have some ... I will describe my own);

3. And just in case - hacksaw (if you edit like me) ..

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..Progress does not stand still and instead of outdated disks came flash drives .. there was a long time ago, I have already spent a long time, but left the boxes .. Iberize 4 boxes ..

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.. I will advise from the picture and the films ..

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.. We turn a little and glue the first two boxes from the ends .. that way ..

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... We pass by a glue pistol ..

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..takimo glue two more boxes, and their among themselves .. everything is on the adhesive gun ..

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... This is how it looks from the side .. Just, right ???

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.. Cardboard and cut out our bottom ..

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... glit .. (I turned upside down my legs .. For convenience ..) ..

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.. So, how my hands are sharpened at one place, carefully cut I did not succeed .. bypassing the edges of the stationery knife ..

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... and now go slowly, but right to our hollable .. take two zippers ... stayed from the last century ..

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... we apply to one of the joints .. I have a long zipper - I had to trim .. I cut off and glued onto a glue gun ..

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.. on another junction ... only two junctions rushed ..

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..ostatki zipper let down at the bottom ..

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.. and so I got ..

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.. Neighp the napkins and pva glue ..

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.. Moving the whole surface ... And I entirely put big napkins .. I did not become .. it is fundamentally in this case .. let's dry .. I turned on the brass cabinet - I have everything dried in half an hour ..

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... And this is my "scatter" with all sorts of things .. there is a lot, I will not describe .. and so everything seems to be seen ..

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... ooooooooo, and this is just the culprit of the celebration, for the sake of them, I went to the experiment ..

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.. Dealed one of the processes I did not shoot - not for the faint of heart ... It is clear that and how ... it will be hangers for need on our "object" ..

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.. Dealer, proceed to the most interesting one - the decor .. one wall I have - a vase with flowers (the circle broke, the flowers were trial ... Lying for a month of three for now) ..

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... And this snapshot is not in the topic .. I so did, it is worth further to continue to delight and bring to people to the benefit .. I thought that the game cost the candle ... and went further ..

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.. The cargo wall is a scatter of all sorts of butterflies .. and there is no much ..

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..zoopark ... There is nothing to describe..innoye - I Saw Wisther sorted on wild animals, and homely ..

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.. It is a home nursery ..

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.. while the place ended and the baby came to my gold from school, it became no longer glued and covered everything with a black acrylic soil ..

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..proof dry tassel with silver walked ...

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.. and so I got ..

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... I painted everything with a varnish and left to dry ..

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.. well, it's already after drying - ready for posing ... I will not comment more ..

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..a now I intervene .. I advised those gum, our few jewelry .. like a good idea - and beautiful, and useful, and the whim is less ..

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.. it is an item can be used as a porridge, a vase for artificial or natural (if you first put in a plastic bottle) of colors, you can and in the hallway - type of keystone .. Maruska even smiled .. to know !!!!

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