How to Clean Water With Red Rowan


How to Clean Water With Red Rowan

Water disinfection methods There are a great set. But our ancestors also used in this way - with the help of red rowan. Mailabine is rich in antibacterial and tanning substances, as well as all sorts of microelements and essential oils. It has a lot of vitamins, including vitamin R and C, provitamin A (Karoto), and pectins that suppress gas formation in the intestine, preventing excess fermentation of carbohydrates.

But the rowan is especially valuable in natural conditions, when it is required to quickly and effectively clear the water unsuitable for drinking. This plant contains acids in itself, thanks to the action of which the growth of microorganisms, fungi and mold is slowed down. After all, our great-grandfathers are randomly the cabbage in barrels (or when Uroation apples) We must also put a row of rowan, then the cabbage was stored for a very long time.

The antimicrobial properties of Ryabina were the first to take hunters for "weapons", which often replenished water reserves from rivers, ponds and other sometimes unsightly water sources.

In the water container, they lay a red rowan twig with leaves and berries. After a couple of hours, even the flutter water became suitable for drinking. The scientific literature indicates a pronounced antimicrobial effect of rowan rowan-active substances isolated from fruits:

Experimental studies found that ascorbic and parascrubic acids isolated from rowan fruits have the ability to slow down the growth of some microorganisms, fungi and mold.

Parasorbinic acid, which is rowan juice, has antimicrobial activity, it delays the growth of Staphylococcus aureus (golden staphylococcus), manifests a teratogenic effect on some viruses.

A pronounced antimicrobial effect has a sorbic acid. Possessing a selective action, this compound has the ability to simultaneously suppress pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, if you have found a source of water in the campaign, but doubt its fitness, do not be lazy to search around the village of Red Rowan.

Among other things, the rowan will saturate water with its useful vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Rowan is very useful, no wonder the birds like it. Especially after freezers when bitterness disappears in it.

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