What than laundering? Home Tips


Armed with buckets, rags, put on rubber gloves and apron, and for work! It is not necessary to buy special needs, we will fight with mud with the help of proven folk remedies. What and what can be laundered with your own hands?

How to clean the furniture

How to brush from dust upholstered furniture?

The recipe will be useful for those who have no vacuum cleaner, or to whom it seems that the vacuum cleaner "only raises dust" ...

So, we take the old sheet, we warm her in water and press it. We cover the sheet with a sofa and carefully knock the sofa with a flacp or a stick. We repeat the procedure several times: the sofa is well cleaned and dries quickly. Checked!

What than laundering

How to wash the bath?

Snow-white bath - the subject of pride is a good housewife, but Rust stains From poor-quality water can not be reduced any efforts. Get rid of them, in addition to shopping specials, folk recipes will help.

  • If the stain rust is fresh, it will remove the food soda.
  • It will be effectively cope with a rust mixture of cooking salt and vinegar in proportion 1: 3, the mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes.
  • Sattail with a stain with a solution of ammonia alcohol and hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal proportion.
  • Skipidar cope with the old rust. Before applying it, stain staining the cook salt.

How to wash the bath

How to wash the stove?

The glass ceramic plates are becoming increasingly popular, but to keep the mirror glitter of their surfaces in flawlessness, some effort will be required.

The glass-ceramic does not tolerate rapids, such as sugar, salt, plastic and aluminum foil. It is urgent to remove such stains, while the stove is hot. In other cases before wash the stove let her cool.

Special tools and scrapers are sold to clean these plates. Responsive housewives replace scrapers with razor machines. Forget about abrasive products and metal brushes! Do not use the used sponge for washing dishes - the remaining detergent during heating will necessarily give a divorce and discourage the surface. By the way, in addition to special use, you can use the means for washing the glasses and drinking soda.

How to wash the glass ceramic plate

What to wash linoleum?

Does your linoleum sweat? Try the folk remedy for giving shine. Wipe it unsalted decoction from potatoes or a mixture of milk and water 1: 1. You can also grate Woolen cloth moistened in linen oil or olife, which can easily replace mastic. By the way, this tool is used as the prevention of cracking and is recommended for regular use 1 time per month.

Of course, the most linoleum suffers from the effects of repair. White divorces and plaque are well washed off with warm water with the addition of the economic soap or 5-6 spoons of salt, as well as several crystals of manganese.

To remove complex spots, it is permissible to use gasoline, kerosene or turpentine, but in minimal quantities and with great caution. Spots from Zelenkaya Remove with liquid for removing varnish, camphoring alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or 10% ammonia solution, after which this place is washed with water. Linoleum does not tolerate soda, alcohol and various acids. And also hot water: water for his washing should be warm.

How to wash linoleum

What to wash the laminate?

Laminate, along with plastic, refers to delicate surfaces, for cleaning which aggressive solvents will not fit. Take advantage of the home first-aid kit - Dimeksid. Dimekside is sold in pharmacies to reduce inflammation in the joints. He deeply penetrates inside, so work with him exclusively in gloves. To begin with, try its action on an invisible area. Unsteracted drug, apply for a few minutes on the stains on the laminate, and then wipe with a damp cloth.

How to wash laminate

How to wash fat?

Fat from cooking sedates not only on the stove, but also on the surface of the surrounding items: countertops, kitchen apron and cabinets. In combating fat can be used Oven cleaning agent But if you are not an amateur chemistry, take advantage of folk recipes.

Sprinkle fatty deposits with a baking agent used for baking and moisten with water from the pulverizer. If there is no such, mix the nutritional soda and citric acid. After a while, fat will gather in lumps, which can be removed without any problems.

How to wash fat

How to wash the tile?

Fat stains from the tile are removed by means of dishwashing dishes, splitting fat or solid food soda. Tile dirt Effectively launder the ammonia alcohol or table vinegar (first check the chemical response at an invisible area). After processing, rinse the tile with clean water.

The chlorine-containing bleach will save from mold. Pour into the sprayer bleach, diluted with half water, and spray the contents at the placement site. After 10 minutes, wash everything with water.

How to wash tiles, tile

If the mold settled on a tile in the bathroom, dry the room before processing. Prepare a solution of 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil on 2 glasses of water. Apply it on the seams and leave until complete drying, without flushing.

Occasive clarifying the causes of mold. Check the condition of the ventilation, with insufficient thrust, purchase an exhaust fan. Check the operation of the heated towel rail, if its work is unsatisfactory, replace it.

Well, and finally, another advice: with any work with home chemistry, do not forget to ventilate the room and wear personal protective equipment - respirator and glasses. We wish good luck and good mood!

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