Shovel for lazy do-it-yourself: video


Shovel for lazy do-it-yourself: video

The article is not quite a season, but I hope it will be useful for those who do not only love to face in their summer cottage, but also with their own hands to make something new to help.

This homemade is a shovel, we call the "shovel for the lazy" in Kazakhstan, from where such a name is probably no one will remember. I personally use it for more than 10 years, and in the spring, two plots for potatoes jump only with this shovel.

The difference with the usual shovel, I immediately felt as soon as she collected and tried in the case, without any effort, all the plots have sunk, I'm not talking about the fact that the speed of work rises several times due to the width of the capture, it is 60 cm.

Such a homemade shovel will be very useful to people of retirement age, but it is especially useful for those who have a sick back (unfortunately, I know what it is, I know what it is, the surgery on the spine itself).

Here's the "drawing" with the size of the shovel, everything is clear here

Shovel for lazy do-it-yourself: video

To build a lazy shovel we will need:

- pipes by 15 mm,

- "Bulgarian",

- rod for 8-10 mm from high carbon steel,

- welding machine,

- Well, naturally, your desire.

Of all the most listed deficit, probably will be a rod, in our mine it goes in the pipes of ventilation, and you can replace it with teeth from ordinary forks.

Shovel for lazy do-it-yourself: video

Shovel for lazy do-it-yourself: video

Shovel for lazy do-it-yourself: video

How to work with a shovel, showed in the video, just I ask not to criticize much, was already the middle of the summer and I was asked to remove the video on this topic.

Believe me for the word, every spring I'm with the same ease of passing all the plots. Judis!

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