How to leave a new year's Christmas tree


Remember, in the distant happy childhood, when the parents brought the New Year tree, the house was immediately filled with fresh smell of needles and resins. There was a feeling of a fabulous holiday, waiting for something wonderful, mysterious, what can happen only in the New Year ... Childhood has long been gone, and the desire again and again feel herself in the New Year's fairy tale. For me, the urgent New Year attributes are three things: garlands, tangerines and a Christmas tree!

Christmas tree

However, the older I am becoming, the more carefulness treats nature. Therefore, it was added to the festive mood. Note was added: sorry for small fluffy Christmas trees and pines, who died in order for us for a week or two decorated their homes. I understand that if there is no demand, the offer will disappear, who will offer the goods that no one buys? In the meantime, the Christmas Bazars are full of thirsty to purchase a New Year's tree, but I do not buy a firm church ! Now I will tell you what has become the last straw for making such a decision.

We have a Christmas tree not only on the market, but also in supermarkets, the dressing is in general, wherever there is a constant cluster of the people. It so happened that on the first day of the new year I drove past a large store. From the evening there was noisy and buried the Christmas Bazaar, buyers tried to bring down the price - after all, before the holiday, a few hours remained, - and the sellers tried to raise it, realizing that it was already nowhere to buy sellers in the village.

Craved Christmas trees

Early in the morning when people went on vacation after a festive feast, spruce and pines, which no one bought, lonely stood, leaning towards the walls of the store. Some fell, straightening dogs laid on them, trying to escape from the cold ... A little later, employees of utilities simply uploaded them to the garbage trucks and sent to the landfill. And for what they cut down?! In general, the experienced feeling of pity for vainly destroyed plants was delivered to the cross on acquiring contemplated conifers in the future.

So what to do, because without a Christmas tree and a holiday - not a holiday? Personally, I do not like the synthetic analogues of the firs - except for longing, they do not cause any feelings in me. Yes, artificial trees have advantages. But you can find an alternative when and the real live tree in the house will be, and after the holiday, it will remain alive and healthy!

Method 1 - Take a fir ride

Choosing christmas

Now such offers is becoming more and more, there is from what to choose! What is the advantage: order and choose a Christmas tree in advance , and take you it on the specified day. Live fir does not appear, do not have to constantly remove the fallen needles. The most important thing - the tree will remain alive!

Some hypermarkets offer ate with a subsequent disposal - provided they will be returned until January 24. I will say in secret: immediately returned from the holidays Christmas tree is not destroyed! For 2 weeks they are trying to reanimate them. Those that were injured from high air temperature or late irrigation, not so much - about 47%! The remaining 53% depart back to the greenhouses!

Therefore, a convincing request to everyone who will take the Christmas tree (Pine, Fir, larch) hire - do not put them in the room with a temperature of the air above + 20 ° C, and if possible, even lower! Next to the fireplaces, heating batteries, under the right sunlight, the New Year's trees are not a place! High humidity in the room where the Christmas tree is bangling, you can maintain regular ventilation.

Method number 2 - buy a coniferous village in a container

Christmas trees in containers

Of course, followed by disembarking in open ground. In this case, it will have to prepare the place of disembarking and take care that the Christmas tree in the container lives safely to spring in the room. You can read the article General recommendations for choosing a seedling and landing conifers to know in advance what should be prepared for.

Conditions of detention The village of the house is simple: timely watering with estate water, spraying (coniferous I really like the irrigation of the crown!), and the cool room: preferably +12 ... + 18 ° C.

How to prepare landing : dig a hole, pour the coniferous ground there, mixed with sand in equal proportions, sprinkle a little from above with ordinary soil. In the spring, when the disembarkation time comes, the landing fossa will need to deepen a little, to close the drainage layer 2-4 cm. The Christmas tree is good to hide so that you can easily remove the earthen car from the container, and gently roll into the prepared hole. You can handle the root system of growth stimulants and anti-stress drugs.

I fall asleep in soil: the soil selected when the yam is deepened, the coniferous land (in the finished form, from the store), sand and ordinary soil - all in equal parts. Pour, if necessary, we plunder the soil. Then the rolling circle by mulching the cheese, finely chopped with sprigs of coniferous rocks, pieces of cones. The most important thing is to reliably hide the nose from direct hit on the crown of spring sunlight, otherwise the burn is not avoided!

Method number 3 - to root the firing fir

Christmas tree

Well, in this case, I am ready to argue with those who claim that it is easy and simple. I did not succeed at never, although I tried repeatedly: the stimulants of the root formation, spraying, comfortable temperature regime ... The Christmas tree was in a bucket with sand, which never stopped. Useless.

Several times the Christmas tree created the illusion of rooting: they bloomed the kidneys, of which the young, light green, moonloggy needles appeared. Believe it, I kept the Christmas tree in the house until mid-May - she did not dry, and did not show out explicit signs of growth. In the end, I decided to land her outdoors. Slow out of the bucket with sand, and there are no roots and in risen. It came to the conclusion that lovers, with the arsenal accessible to us, chemical preparations, it is difficult to return the firing Christmas tree to life, and maybe it is generally impossible.

And you know, it was fun to see the expression of the facial controller, in the middle of April who came to remove the testimony of the gas meter, and saw in me in the hallway christmas tree in a bucket with sand) he did not ask anything, but very much, it was clearly visible)))

Method number 4 - rooting cuttings


Suppose you bought a fired coniferous tree, but you want to give a chance to the life of his cuttings. This method in practice gave positive results, although not very high: out of 40 cuttings ate ordinary was rooted only 6 pcs. Not good, but better than nothing!

Immediately want to warn you, Various types of conifers can be staring with varying degrees of success. ! For example, larchs, pines and fir fools almost impossible to multiply with cuttings! We have more chances with fans with fans, and cypress and thuu are rooted. I advise you to take lateral (growing horizontally), annual cuttings, 5-15 cm long.

To remove the resin from the cutting sections by 2-3 hours to immerse in warm water. Then the locations of the sections are frozen root, heteroacexin - to stimulate the root formation. Sprinkle cuttings in a container filled with soil: soil, coniferous earth, river sand - all in equal proportions. Each cutlets to cover with a glass or plastic can, determine them into a room with diffused light and air temperature not lower than + 20 ° C.

Even if from 50 cuttings you will survive alone, it is already a victory! Which I sincerely wish you!

And how do you save from the death of the New Year's trees? :)

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