Embroidery on ... Comb


Embroidery on ... Comb

Very interesting way! The main thing is simple. Found on a foreign site.

Step 1:

We look at the contours of the flower.

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

Step 2:

We look out the embroidery lines. Important: In each petal there should be an odd number of lines!

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

Step 3:

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

Create a base for weaving with simultaneous standing beads. Note how the thread goes to the bead!

Step 4:

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

After the beads are rolled down, we enhance the needle into the cloth at the desired point.

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

We bring the needle to the outside at the point just below the previous one and again enter the needle in the bead. It is necessary so that the beads do not slide on the threads.

Step 5:

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

That's what should happen in the end.

Step 6:

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

We begin to wear the base with the threads as with a weavion. Please note that after a certain level, the extreme yarns begin to deviate from the specified direction. We leave them and continue weaving on the central seven bases of the base.

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

Having done 7-8 turns again we leave two extreme threads and continue to determine the petal already on five threads of the base (I think you have already caught the principle).

We finish weave on the last three strands of the base slightly not reaching the beads.

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

Here is the result!

Unusual embroidery with beads. MK

And this is a training pillowcase.


I suggest see another:

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

And how is such beauty being created.

It comes to the rescue ... Comb

Thread - the base is tensioned by several teeth, and then this base is intertwined with color thread.

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

Embroidery ... on a comb!

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Such flowers embroidered the threads.

The filament is fixed by the pins - the bases and weave them with transverse stitches, the needle is pulled under the main longitudinal threads in a checker, imitating woven fabric.

Comb can be replaced with a thread tension using a pin:

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Stitches must go tightly to each other so that the embroidery is not deformed.

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So, the petal for the petal and embroider each flower.

In order to embroider large convex elements, combing comb.

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