Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands


For many men, a pleasant walking time is fishing. Alone with nature can not only relax, but also get the charge of energy and vigor. Today, for fishing, you can purchase everything you need. However, it is much more interesting to do something with your own hands. Consider more detailed which you can collect homemade for summer fishing, using drawings and schemes.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

Homemade fishing devices

Each fisherman can make anything, for example, floats, pumping, feeders, coasters under fishing rods, all sorts of bait and much more.

Simple Float from Cames

For the manufacture of the float will be needed:

  • acrylic paints;
  • reed;
  • carpentry glue;
  • epoxy;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • scissors;
  • Sucks;
  • the cloth;
  • Painting tape.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

Step-by-step production:

  1. Cut the reed, for which you choose fat and dry shoots.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  2. We make blanks with a length of 12 cm and grinding sandpaper.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  3. With the help of glue and speakers, we make an antenna and keel. To do this, we cut 6 cm from the spanks, and the tissue is fine strip. The glue is applied to the fabric and turn it around the antenna and keel, after which we insert into the workpiece from the root as in the photo.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  4. Color the float so that the bumps are clearly visible. Colors of paints can be chosen at its discretion. In the example, the red for the top of the float and black for the bottom is used.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  5. After drying paint, the float is covered with epoxy.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

Jumping Primanka

Among the many fishing homemakes for summer fishing, you can highlight a simple jumping bait "Jabka". Her behavior with wiring is quite realistic. If a predator is nearby, he will certainly respond to such a game. The process of assembling the bait is quite simple.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

It will take such a list of materials and tools:

  • a piece of wood woods;
  • Tin Georgic;
  • stainless steel and copper wire;
  • gum;
  • paint and varnish in aerosol;
  • knife;
  • hacksaw blade;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • sandpaper;
  • Super glue.

Make the bait in this way:

  1. From the bar cut off a small piece of 35 mm long. Stationery knife give the wood shape as in the photo. For the form to be smooth, bring it to sandpaper.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  2. In the length of the workpiece with a knife, we do the cutoff, in which we put the leash from the stainless steel. In the leash on both sides we make a loop. Then it was cut off by sprinkling sawdust and shed superclaim. After drying the glue, we proceed the detail of the sandpaper.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  3. From the bottom of the workpiece, we do a non-separation hole in which we put the ship. It will ensure the correct position of the bait on the water. Georgic climb by analogy with a leash.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  4. To make the workpiece with a stronger, soak it completely superclosure, and after spinning the sandpaper. Strace the bait of paint from the can, and to protect against water and damage to varnish.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  5. To form a tail, we recruit a bundle of fine rubber bands and associate their copper wire.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
During the posting, this tail will be well attracted by a predator.
  1. On the loop we fix the hook.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

All-season Gerlitsa

The most difficult in capture predator is a pike. Her behavior is characterized by an instant throw to the fry, which she grabs across and sails a few meters. After the pike stops for a short time, turns the liver in the mouth and swallows his head forward. The proposed stroke design can be used both for summer and winter fishing, from the shore or boat.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

For the manufacture of gallows prepare:

  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 32 mm;
  • fat fishing line;
  • Georgic Olive;
  • Hook-tee.

Manufacturing process:

  1. From the plastic tube, we cut a blank with a length of 10 cm.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  2. We proceed the edges with a file or emery paper.
  3. Heat the nail and we do 3 holes: two on one side of the workpiece with a diameter of 3 mm and one on the other side is not more than 1 mm.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  4. From the wire with a diameter of 1 mm, they make a stopper line. He will not give her to go from the pipe.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  5. From the fishing line of 0.5 mm, we make a suspension that ends with a loop. It will help you quickly hang the thrill towards any stick, a rod, a rod. The length of the main fishing line should be up to 10 m. If fishing will be held on a reservoir with snags, then no more than 5 m fishing line leave for work. On water bodies with great depths, it will be necessary to prepare anger with a fishing line for greater length.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  6. We skip the free end of the fishing line in the load and make a loop with a length of 30 cm, fix the tee.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
Since the tackle does not have a metallic leash, its catchiness rises at times.

Oscillating brilliance

The most simple for manufacturing at home is glitter-spacing. Make it from non-ferrous metal (sheet copper, aluminum, stainless steel). To do this, the metal draws the contour brilliantly and cut with scissors. The edges are processed by sandpaper.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

With the help of tees, give the blank the shape of the brilliance. Then we water the surface of the detail with felt with paste gay. In the oscillation drills a hole for a wreck ring and a tee. It is worth considering that silver brilliance is considered the most catch.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

On the video in the details you can figure out how to make the oscillating flashes and what are the subtleties and tricks in its manufacture.

Side nod from plastic clamp

Catching with the help of side noddes is great for fishing in thickets, corrjer, as well as with an uncomfortable cast. For such a tackle choose a light flying fishing rod.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

Tools and materials:

  • plastic clamp;
  • tube from dropper;
  • thick wire;
  • price tags of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • nippers;
  • waterproof glue;
  • Cambricks.

Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands


  1. At the clamp, cut the edge to get a tape.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  2. On the wire we put 3 pieces from the dropper. In the tubes, we produce a prepared clamp. By moving it, you can adjust the rigidity of the shoulder of the nod.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  3. Lever Make a length of 10 cm.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  4. We glue the cambricks under the fishing line.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  5. On the edge of the clamp glue the price tag.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands
  6. Fresh kivok to the form.
    Steep homemade for summer fishing with their own hands

It remains to fix the fishing line on the edge of the rod, to skip it through the Cambricks on the cottage and tie the chomper.

Self-timers for summer fishing can make every fisherfish lover from simple materials that will be at hand. Make useful fishing accessories on the proposed photo and video or to show fantasy and make devices designed for hunting or catching a certain species of fish.


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