Wire sculptures do it yourself


Wire sculptures do it yourself

I suggest to see and try to understand how sculptures are made of wire with your own hands on the example of the works of Gavina Wort - then a small photo master class.

In our understanding, street sculptures are huge and heavy works impressive in bulk and massiveness. Looking at them usually feel small. Today's story about the Wet Wizard who proved that it is not.

We turn to other sculptures - wire. They are much easier and more compact. Materials from which they are created are available to all - wire and a wooden stand, it is easier to work with them, and the result in the form of silhouettes is sometimes not worse than real sculptures.

For the beginning, here are two examples of miniature sculptures from Gavin Wort Wire - Masters working in this artistic direction.

Two desktop sculptures from wire

Heavin says about himself that he and actor and musician, still "a little" draws, but the main thing is still the sculpture of this passion all the rest.

Materials and tools:

homemade wire sculpture

- WORT works with steel wire and claims that it is better than others by the contour, although it is more complicated.

- From the tools for creating sculptures from a wire, it uses conventional pliers, round-rolls and nippers - it is to give a form. In addition, it is necessary to work with grinding, skin and grinding and stubbles.

- the wire is connected either with the help of a gas burner (this is in large works), or a simple soldering - in miniature.

Work principles

Wire Sculptures - Hands

Wwort creates small sculptures using several pieces of wire (making silhouettes from a whole piece, contrary to emerging opinion, is unable or not beautiful). It is oppressed by the wire to start, gives the form, sees and then solders in the right places.

For fixing various elements of silhouettes, a wooden bar is usually used - a stand with twisted by the desired angle by holes. Wire is fixed with and glue.

Because All work is essentially silhouettes for them are the background. Sometimes it has to be created specifically adding the "back" and using paint.

Wire sculptures - Gavina Wort

Work on one silhouette usually takes a few days.

In addition to the "simple" desktop works from GEVIN wire creates more voluminous sculptures.

Wire sculptures - Old age and youth

Such, for example, these are the weeks about them. Under these sculptures, it is necessary to cook a special base and they can only fit on the pallets (besides, Worth says that so safer and more convenient to move them)

Each Master seeks to try more and Gavin Worth reached the creation of "oversized work". Here on this sculpture he spent several months.

And he worked not alone, but with assistants. This statue of the wire is now in Egypt, he called Egyptian Sibyl.

Dimensions are approximately 6 meters long and 5 meters in height. Gavin posted this sculpture in the open space to achieve the game of light - the sun rises and sits down and, passing through the silhouette, creates an effect that attracts attention.

This is such a small story about how Master Worth makes sculptures from the wire with their own hands turning cold steel into new emotional forms.

Wire sculpture - Egyptian Sibyl

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