33 Super ideas for home cleaning is just a miracle!


Bank with vinegar in the Bach Toilet

With the arrival of scientific and technological progress, a person has to work less and less. Some seamless - and the new era in the field of cleaning is not far off. With these techniques, cleaning becomes amazingly easy. You practically do not need to clean anything and wash yourself.

Silver plate It is easy to clean with boiling water, aluminum foil and salt. All this must be placed in a bowl or in the sink and leave for 30 minutes. The devices will be clean!

silver plate
Clear Soul nozzle From lime deposits is very simple. It is necessary to wrap it with a polyethylene package, a diluted vinegar or distilled vinegar in it, and leave overnight. In the morning you will need to wipe the nozzle with a sponge.

Shower Head
Marks from water On a wooden surface can be easily avoided, if you first wipe the tree with a cloth and then dry with a hair dryer.

Footprints from water
To clean ceiling fan With the help of an old duvette, then you can avoid falling dust falling on the floor.

Ceiling fan
Remove Spots on the sofa By sprinkling them with ethyl alcohol (70%) and wipe the pure sponge. Then carefully remove with the help of a rigid brush everything else.

Spot on the sofa
Mattress It is possible to disinfect with a bottle-spray bottle with vodka. So you can get rid of ticks and other parasites. In order to remain a pleasant smell, you can add flavored oil, for example, lavender oil.

Mattress cleaning agent
Rust From the hot metal is perfectly removed on the bulb. In addition, it will add taste to the next dish.

Divorces in the bathroom Easily remove with salt and grapefruit juice.

Grapefruit with Solua
Mixer May be perfectly cleaned yourself. Just pour into it the water, add a dishwashing agent and turn on the mixer - the result will not wait.

glass with dishwashing agent
Lime deposits On glass you can remove using vinegar.

A little bread - and Electric mill Like new. Click on the button - Finish!

Bread in electric mill
Clean jalousie It is possible in the following way: it is put on the hand to the sock, dim in a solution of water with white vinegar (50% water, 50% vinegar) and wins each lamella.

Cleaning blinds
How best to remove Footprints of lipstick from clothes? You just need to sprinkle the spots with a varnish of hair and leave for 10 minutes. Then notice with a damp cloth and wash in a washing machine - ready!

hair spray
Aluminum foil and dishwashing agents will help get rid of persistent stains on Baking form.

baking foil
Although it looks pretty unpleasant, but the cola is a very effective tool for Toilet cleaning.

Fat stains You can easily remove if you lose them with chalk.

a piece of chalk
If you pour vinegar from under the jam from under the jam, and then put the jar in the jar Tank Toiletza Each descent of water will occur automatic disinfection and smell neutralization.

Bank with vinegar in the Bach Toilet
The brilliant result can be achieved by attaching Brush to a battery screwdriver.

brush attached to the screwdriver
Add 4 Alka-Zeltzer tablets into a glass of distilled vinegar or diluted acetic essence, pour in Sink And wait 10 minutes. Then once with a rotten hot water - and the block is eliminated.

Alka-Seltzer in a glass
Sponges can be disinfected in Microwave oven.

Microwave Sponge
With help Scoop You can pour water in a bucket. It looks good.

Scoop in washbasin
To get rid of traces of vomiting on carpet , Sprinkle the stains of food soda. The next day, just spent the carpet.

Food soda on the carpet
Attaching Watering hose To the swing, you can easily wash the floor on the veranda.

Spots from carpet It can be derived using water and vinegar solution (2: 1 ratio). Processing the stain with this solution, then put a wet tissue on it and spaling iron for 30 seconds. The carpet will be clean.

carpet before and after
In a microwave oven Many dirt accumulates. If you put a container with water and lemon in it and give water to boil, then the microwave will be clean and with a pleasant smell inside. After that, it only needs to wipe it with a cloth.

Water and Lemon Container
To clean Skovorod. From burnt food, pour water into it and add vinegar. As soon as the water begins to throw, remove the pan from the plate and pour water. Delete everything remaining with a sponge.

frying pan before and after
Little toothpaste - And the headlights of the car will shine again.

Car headlight cleaning
Pour on Cold stove Last alcohol and leave for the night. In the morning there will be no trace from the stains.

ammonious alcohol
If in Wet shoes Put the newspapers or pour rice, it will dry much faster.

Kedy on the newspaper
Dishwasher It will shine cleanliness if you run it once with vinegar, and re-with food soda.

Vinegar in the dishwasher
If a Leather furniture Polish cream for shoes, it will look good for a long time.

Leather chair before and after
Spots from oil splashes On the stove it is best to remove oil.

Plate in the kitchen
Shards of glass From the floor you can easily assemble with a toaste bread.

Shards glass in bread

Now that I know all this, my life will change. From today, I love cleaning! At least in these 33 cases.

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