6 ways to distinguish original perfumes from fake


6 ways to distinguish original perfumes from fake

How often we see perfumes that one in one look like the original ... and stand in two, and even three times cheaper than those we saw in the store. It seems well why pay more, but torment doubts about authenticity. It seems the name is written correctly, Made in France, smell normally ... So, how to figure it out?

1. Cleanofan packaging

Cleanofan packaging

You can't sleep perfume at once, so let's try to calculate their authenticity visually:

1. If the package is wrapped in cellophane, it should fit tightly to the box

2. Cleanofan packaging is fixed by the thermo-method, and not gluing

3. Original packaging will never be made of dense cellophane

2. Box.


Carefully examine the box from perfume. The minimum that you should pay attention is the name. In fakes, letters are often missed or extra, then it is a little more difficult:

1. On this French perfume, you will never find the inscription "Parfume", because the only right will write "Parfum"

2. On the box should not only be indicated by the country manufacturer, but also the fact that the spirits are made in this country, Ie, not just "Italy", but "Made in Italy"

3. On the original packaging must be: its expiration date, the country-producer, its composition, millilitage (volume).

3. Signs


"Clean the signs" taught you since childhood! At the originals are looking for signs:

1. Bar code that would be good to check. Just download the desired program to the phone, which reads the barcode and calls the place, from where the barcode came to us. If it coincides with the place of production, which is indicated on the product, then we put a plus (but not fat, because there are good fakes)

2. Look at the Recycling sign. He must be clear

3. Further on the box is looking for a number that is literally driven or printed on the cardboard (in the picture circled a circle, but it may look different). The same sign you will have to see on the bottle after unpacking

6 ways to distinguish original perfumes from fake

This is another type of code that must be on the box.

6 ways to distinguish original perfumes from fake

And so this code may look on the bottle. This is a serial number and it should not be stitched. Check it easy - just persistently pull your place with your finger.

4. Additional design

Additional design

Inside the box should be an additional design that prevents "chatting" of the vial on the box. Most often it can be easily made of cardboard. It can be any form, but almost in all cases it is required.

5. Color


If your favorite perfume is pronounced brightly, look at the manufacturer's website, as it looks, well, and if you sin on the brightness and color of the screen, then just remember that the colors of the original spirits are usually tender. If the color even intuitively seems to be strange, then this reason to think about it.

6. Pay attention to the bottle cover

Pay attention to the bottle cover

The cover must be perfectly smooth and symmetrical (if, of course, there is no asymmetry in the idea of ​​the design). Be sure to find out what material the lid should be made.

Usually this kind of information can be found on the official website of the perfume manufacturer.

You can never guess which consequences will lead the use of fake. If you do it consciously, I just remember that on your own health and the quality of what falls on your body does not save, it is fraught with serious consequences. In addition to all, the fake will disappear quickly, leaving after himself only memories.

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