How to clean the carpet at home cheap



The carpet on the floor, according to the majority of people, gives the dwelling more comfort and the sensation of comfort. Designers with enviable regularity use carpets for the purpose of an additional decor element and a combination of style.

how to clean the carpet
How to clean the carpet at home cheap

In the process of service, various stains, divorces, scuffs that are not eliminated by a conventional vacuum cleaner appear on the carpet. And more than marks are more in families where children or pets have. Of course, the ideal option, allowing to clean the carpet, is to circuit in dry cleaning. But, since the stains can appear with enviable regularity, then a dry cleaning with such frequency to visit is hardly anyone who will.

To avoid so tedious and cheerful lessons, many hostesses are trying to clean the carpet of the house.

How to clean the carpet correctly?

how to clean the carpet
How to clean the carpet at home cheap

The people exhibit the wonders of ingenuity and savings in the methods of how to clean the carpet at home. Among the inhabitants of various corners of the country, you can collect a unique collection of useful tips on how to effectively clean the carpet.

Consider the most popular outdoor cleaning agents:

    1. One of the frequently encountered methods for cleaning the carpet is the use of a mixture of kerosene and washing powder. These funds are not deficient and expensive. By the way, such a mixture you can clean carpets, synthetic and natural-based. The length of the pile also does not matter much.

To begin the process of purification, it is necessary to decompose the carpet on the floor and spend it, removing from the surface of the litter and dust. Next, you need to prepare a soap solution of warm water and a powder for laundry laundry. Powder concentration must be obtained as for washing in manual mode. Kerosene is added to the resulting soap warm water in small quantities. Further, everything is simple - you need to dip a sponge into a soap cocktail and wipe the stains and other contaminants. The result will be seen immediately. This effective method can be found one significant disadvantage - the "aroma" of kerosene, which will destroy two or three days. It is for this reason that you can advise to apply such a carpet cleaning agent only in summer when you can open the windows for airing the room.

how to clean the carpet
How to clean the carpet at home cheap

    1. The second method to which can be resorted to cleanse the carpet is the use of salt and soda powder. This dry cleaning method can be applied even for natural carpets with a long pile that has lost their original appearance. You can refresh the carpet coating by applying a thick layer of a powder mixture from the "Extra" salt and food soda. With old powder withstanding for 20 minutes, it can be removed by a conventional broom, pre-dipped in a weakly concentrated soap solution.
    2. Cleaning carpets at home with gasoline and wood sawdust. If the previous method allows you to slightly refresh the fabric flooring, then using gasoline and sawdust, it is possible to remove such serious pollution such as chocolate, wine, nail polish and plasticine. It is necessary to have wood sawdust under hand, which can be purchased at the pet store; petrol; and soap solution.

Preparations. A concentrated soap solution from warm water and a laundry washing powder is preparing, better than liquid. Gasoline is added to the soap composition at the rate of 1/10. In the resulting liquid, hydrofins are immersed, mixed to obtain a mixture of thick sour cream. The prepared mixture is ready for use. It is worth it to apply a generous layer on the stains, divorces or the entire surface and wait for the time until the sawdust dry in a natural way. The final stage will be the removal of sawdust by a broom, and then a vacuum cleaner.

Tip: "In such a grandmother, like sawdust in soap-gasoline solution, you can get rid of not only from spots, and an unpleasant smell, for example, urine."

    1. Do not forget about such a popular tool for cleaning fabric flooring, like ammonia. The method is extremely simple - you should take five liters of warm water and add 2 tbsp to it. l. Powder and 1 tsp. Summer alcohol. Using tissue losquets, all problem areas on the carpet are processed by this solution. Additional actions are not required, only wait until the carpet will dry.

how to clean the carpet
How to clean the carpet at home cheap

    1. A carpet from a living room or a bedroom, which has not been exposed to strong pollution, can be cleaned by a classic method - dry snow. It is clear that this cleaning can be performed only in the winter season. As soon as the snow falls, and a light frost will be standing on the street, you can refresh the fabric flooring. The whole process is to endure a carpet into the street, spread it on a flat surface, turn over the involving side and knock out. Then the carpet turns over, stacked on a clean snowy platform, and generously flies with snow, and then lowered by a broom. On this, dry frosty cleaning with snow is finished, and the carpet can be added to the house again.
    2. Cleaning carpet with a vacuum cleaner.

You can refresh the carpet with a solution of salt and a few drops of lemon juice. It will be necessary to make a solution of one liter of warm water and one tablespoon salt, add lemon juice and start wipe the surface of the carpet.

Tip: "When cleaning carpets with the help of brushes, it is important to do it only in the direction of the pile."

Walking in a brush throughout the area of ​​the carpet, you need to wait until it dries and spend.

    1. The brightness of the carpets with the help of a table vinegar.

how to clean the carpet
How to clean the carpet at home cheap

After the cleansing procedures described in the sixth paragraph, it is additionally necessary to treat the floor with a solution of bite and warm water, prepared in proportion 1/5. A similar solution will make a carpet brighter, and to remove a specific smell room should be used.

    1. If it is necessary to urgently remove the fresh spot from tea or coffee, you need to get into the dry napkin, and treat with soap solution. After the spot dries, glycerin is applied to it for the night, and in the morning they are again cleaned with soap mortar.
    2. Everyone knows that bloody spots remove only with cold water.
    3. If ordinary dirt got on the carpet, then you do not need to try to remove it until it dies. It is necessary to wait a little, and remove contamination can be using a conventional vacuum cleaner and brushes with a small pile.
    4. Delete stains from a wax candle or paraffin should be using cold. Turning out a piece of ice from the freezer, it should be wrapped in polyethylene, and attached to the stain. After some time, the frozen paraffin is easily removed. If after removing the paraffin, the track remains on the carpet, it can be removed using cotton fabric and hot iron.

Tip: "Chewing gum from the carpet need to be removed, like paraffin."

How to clean the carpet at home cheap

  1. Very often, after a feast of carpets, you can detect traces from wines, salads, cakes, etc. As soon as it becomes possible to start cleaning the carpet, you need to prepare a solution from the crushed household soap and wine vinegar taken on 1 teaspoon and divorced in one liter warm water. All processed pollution is removed without problems.
  2. To remove fatty spots, a solution is used, based on the gasoline and ammonia, taken in equal proportions. Mixing these two liquids, stains are processed, from which there will be no trace later.

Taking advice on weapons, you can significantly save on the cleaning of the carpet, without resorting to the services of dry cleaning.

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