Embroidery on the hair: New Trend, who conquered the heart of fashionistas around the world!


Embroidery on the hair: New Trend, who conquered the heart of fashionistas around the world!

Not so long ago, the whole world discussed fashionistas, who demonstrated the power of makeup and laid out photos with cosmetics for half of the face.

Embroidery on the hair: New Trend, who conquered the heart of fashionistas around the world!

Today, fashion continues to travel on female heads and got to the most important decoration of any representative of the beautiful floor - hair. These fashionists have already managed to make embroidery on her hair and full photos of the network are exposed! How do you like this trend?

Embroidery on the hair

You will need

  • Fall
  • Threads Muline
  • needle

How to do

  1. Stretch on the blocks strand hair. This will be your "cloth".
  2. A needle with threads Moulin "Embroidery" straight through the hair. If you know how to handle a needle and thread - it will not be problems for you.
  3. The ends of the threads are chatted by nodes, hiding them by hair.

Embroidery on the hair

Bright colors will remind of sunny summer!

Embroidery on the hair

Classic black and white tones will be relevant at any time of the year.

Embroidery on the hair

Embroidery on the hair: New Trend, who conquered the heart of fashionistas around the world!

The main thing is that the "victims" of beauty will be required - prudence!

Embroidery on the hair

Embroidery that equates to the work of art!

Embroidery on the hair
If you or your girlfriends can Easion on the canvas - Such a new-fashioned trend will certainly won't bypass you. Share this creative idea with friends, for sure they will also want to try their talents or experience patience and preferably!

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