How to twist a USB cable in a spiral


How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

You did not think why some electrical wires twist into the spirals? It is convenient - so the wire takes less space. But here there is another convenience - the wire does not need to be satisfied, he himself is going back to the spiral. Why not adopt this convenience, and do not make twisting USB cables that are constantly hanging noodles next to the computer? Make such a cable is very simple.

It was before the start of work:

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

Will be after work:

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

In order to turn the USB cable to the spiral, we will need:

  • USB cable itself.
  • Pencil.
  • Thin scotch tape.
  • Hairdryer.

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

Take a pencil, attach a USB cable across to it, and at one end of the pencil, from the very edge, securely secure it by shifting the scotch tape.

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

After that, tightly wrap a USB cable in a circle of a dense spiral around a pencil.

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

So that the helix does not work out, secure the cable on the other side of the pencil with the help of the tape, as you did at the very beginning.

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

Take a hairdryer and set the most powerful heating mode. Send a hairdryer to a pencil with a wound USB cable, and keep so far as plastic insulation will not be under the action of hot air soft. It will take 20-30 minutes. Equally warm the cable from all sides so that it finally accepted the shape of the spiral.

  • How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

  • How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

  • How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

  • How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

Cool the USB cable, remove the tape, and pull out the pencil - your cable will reliably remember the shape of the helix.

How to twist a USB cable in a spiral

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