Infrared warm floor: myths and reality


Infrared warm floor: myths and reality

Infrared warm floor - phenomenon is relatively new, which causes the emergence of numerous disputes in the network of energy consumption for heating and utility for the health of such sex. In this article, I propose to understand these issues.

A bit of theory

Heat can be transmitted from one object to another three ways:
  • Contact - a hotter item heats the colder when contacting,
  • Convection - heat is transferred by heating fluid or gas flowing around the heated body, and the surrounding items are heated from them
  • Wave - heating is carried out using infrared waves.

Infrared radiation was opened in 1800 by the English scientist V. Gershlem. Determining using thermometers of the action of different sections of the visible spectrum, the Herschel found that the "heat maximum" lies beyond red (i.e. in the invisible part of the spectrum). In the XIX century, it was proved that infrared (IR) radiation obeys the laws of optics, so it has the same nature as visible light. In the XX century, it was experimentally proven that there is a continuous transition from visible radiation to IR radiation and radio wave radiation. That is, all types of radiation have electromagnetic nature.

Infrared radiation is generated by any body with a temperature above absolute zero (-273 ˚С). Specker and the intensity of emitted electromagnetic energy depends on body temperature. With increasing temperature, the radiated waves are shifted to the visible region of the spectrum: the object first becomes burgundy, then red, yellow and, finally, white.

Infrared range for us invisible. Today, the entire range of infrared radiation is divided into three components:

  • shortwave;
  • middlewall region;
  • long-wave area;

This division is very conditionally and in different sources you can find different wave ranges corresponding to the above areas. Let us dwell on the following:

  • Shortwave region: 0.74 - 1.5 μm (source with a temperature of more than 700 ° C);
  • Weightwall area: 1.5 - 5.6 μm (source with a temperature of from 300 to 700 ° C);
  • Longwave region: 5.6 - 100 μm (source with a temperature of from 35 to 300 ° C);

The radiation with a wavelength of more than 100 microns today is isolated into a separate area, called terrahetz radiation. I emphasize that division is very conditional. On temperature, it is possible to determine only the wavelength, which accounts for a maximum of radiation, and approximately approximately. However, to obtain an idea of ​​infrared warm floors of such accuracy, it is quite enough for us. From the above classification, it is safe to say that infrared film floors are radiated in the long-wave and terragerz region (the operating temperature on the surface of the film is not more than 60 - 70 ° C).

Myth first: infrared film floors are not emitted in the infrared range

Often, on the forums, you can find the opinion that, since the film is closed with a coating (laminate laminate is laminated from above? "Href =" "> Laminate, linoleum, tile and Dr.), All radiation is absorbed by the upper layers of the coating, and they, in turn, give heat convection (like a conventional heating radiator).

As can be seen from the theory, any heated body emits in the infrared range. Even the heating radiator, which is familiar to convection sources of heat, transvects only about 80% of heat convection, and another 20% come to IR - radiation. The infrared sources of heat include those for which the main method of heat transfer is infrared radiation, and the transfer by the rest of the ways is minimized. The physical essence of this phenomena is that the IR radiation is not absorbed and is practically not dissipated by air, which means that the infrared rays transmit all its energy to the surrounding objects and surfaces.

For all the warm floors, the absence of air circulation is characteristic, therefore floors, under the surface of which the heating element is laid, are rightfully infrared floors.

Myth second: Film floors - a fundamentally new source of heat

Today it is customary to refer to infrared only film floors. With the filing of manufacturers and advertisers, these terms have practically become synonymous. Is it so?

As can be seen from the definition of infrared heat sources, they include all sources, the main method of transmitting heat of which is infrared radiation. Almost these are sources, the design and location of which causes the absence of air circulation. But on this principle, any warm floor operates, including aqueous hydrochritic. Therefore, statements that film floor - a fundamentally new source of heat is a myth.

Myth Three: Infrared floors significantly reduce heating costs

This question is complicated and individual. But I will try to illuminate those moments that I consider key in this matter.

First: the insulation of the walls is of paramount importance. The better the insulation is made, the less heating costs, since heat does not leave the room. Fairly for all heating systems equally.

Secondly: the difference between the outer and internal temperatures. Virtually any residential premises has one - two outer walls through which a significant heat outflow occurs. The larger the outer and internal temperature, the faster the heat "leaks" outward. And, since the volume of the street is much - much more than the volume of heated premises, then on each subsequent degree changes in the temperature difference have to spend much more than the previous one. After all, the room temperature depends on the cooling rate, and it, as we remember, nonlinear. Complicated? Then trust the word. To increase the temperature in a room for one degree, as well as to maintain the same comfortable temperature when the heat is lowered by one degree, the heat is consumed much more than the previous one degree.

From the first and second it follows that heating costs depend on the design solutions of the enclosing room structures, as well as the temperature zone of the location of the room. Therefore, if somewhere in the article or on the forum you have read that energy consumption for heating with warm floors of 20 W / h * m2 and the room is warm, then it is quite possible that this is true, but specifically it may not have any relationship. Perhaps who wrote lives in the Sochi area, or in the middle (retalious) apartment of an apartment building and consumes the heat of neighbors, or simply loves the coolness that you will not seem comfortable.

In order to determine the energy consumption for a specific case, it is preferable to calculate in accordance with SNiP II-3-79 * "Building Heat Engineering".

The other side of the question associated with the use of the design of warm, in particular film sexually, the warm floors allow it to heat up to comfortable temperatures only the lower part of the room, and not the space under the ceiling, where "life" is not. This really leads to cost savings on statistics in comparison with radiator water heating by different estimates by 15-50%. Of course, the effect is higher, the higher the height of the ceilings. Therefore, for workshops with ceilings 4-6 m and higher saving is obvious. In the apartments the result will be modest.

A part of saving the cost of heating with a warm floor is due to the possibility of lowering the temperature at the human head level in the room (> 1.5 m) by 2-3 ° C without losing the feeling of heat and comfort. Also, with the help of infrared rays, it is possible to heighten the entire premises, and separate areas and, due to the rapid heating and cooled, saving through the use of heating to those time segments of the day when necessary.

Another positive moment in terms of saving the moment associated with film warm floors is to use the shielding substrate. The fact is that the reflectivity of metals in the infrared spectrum is significantly higher than in the visible. So the reflection coefficient at a wavelength of about 10 microns for gold, silver, copper, aluminum is 98%. Other metals have similar properties. It follows from this that the film floor, made in compliance with the technology, does not pass the heat, while maintaining it for heating the room in which it is installed. Reducing losses - also saving.

But despite this, calculations in many special cases (especially in Siberia and the Far East) show that in monetary terms the costs of the warm floor, used as the main heating in residential apartment buildings higher than on central heating. The reason for this is a large drop of outer and internal temperatures in the winter, insulation of houses in line with old low heat engineering standards, the high cost of electricity. Therefore, in the presence of central heating, film floors are better to apply as an additional system for a comfortable heating. In other cases, one rule: money loves the bill.

In any case, saving on the heating of residential premises - in my opinion, not the motivator who should be guided by choosing heating in favor of the film floor; Warm floors have many other positive qualities (in detail here).

Myth Fourth: Infrared floors are useful / harmful to health

What you just do not meet on the Internet! Manufacturers and sellers in the merger tell about the miraculous properties of IR floors, representing them almost panacea from all diseases. Forums, on the contrary, come back to the top messages about their harm and danger to life. Let's try to figure out.

After the Runet's advertising articles, it discovered that the miraculous properties of IR radiation explain to his penetration into a person's body to a depth of 4-5 cm, whereby effects directly on the cell and the processes of life in it. As a result, deep processes are launched, allowing to improve blood circulation, remove toxins and slags, fight with chronic fatigue syndrome and much more good ... After that, a smooth transition to IR film floors is made.

As for the deep penetration of infrared rays into the human body, this is a scientific fact. On its basis, many medical procedures related to physiotherapy have been developed. Also on this effect, the effect of infrared saunas is based. But it has nothing to do with the floors.

The fact is that only short-wave radiation penetrates deep into the human body. And in the film floors we are dealing with long-wave and terrahertz radiation. Long-wave infrared radiation penetrates mainly into human skin. Moisture contained in the skin absorbs about 90% of the total radiation thermal energy. Nervous receptors responsible for the feeling of heat are located in the most upper layers of our skin. It is them that absorbed infrared rays are excited, which causes a feeling of warmth. The shortwave radiation can penetrate into the cells of the internal organs, heated directly by them, reinforcing the temperature, blood flow, pressure. As a result of such an impact from the body, unrelated water will be leaving, the activities of specific cellular structures increase, the level of immunoglobulins increases, the activities of enzymes and estrogen increase, other biochemical reactions occur, which causes all therapeutic effects of IR radiation. However, the prolonged effect of short-wave infrared radiation on the human body is not only undesirable, but also harmful. The investigation can be leaning the skin in places of irradiation, blisters and burns. Driving on a brain tissue, shortwave radiation causes a "sunshine". The person feels the headache, dizziness, the increase in the pulse and breathing, the darkening in the eyes, violation of the coordination of movements, is possible a loss of consciousness. With intensive irradiation of the head, the ecases and tissues of the brain occurs, symptoms of meningitis and encephalitis are manifested.

When exposed to eyes, the danger also represents short-wave radiation. The possible consequence of the effects of infrared radiation on the eyes is the appearance of infrared cataracts.

It is these symptoms most often describe the forum users who prove the harmfulness of infrared floors. But the speech again comes on shortwave radiation, not peculiar to the warm floor.

Another favorite harm argument of warm film floors is electromagnetic radiation. However, the design of a warm floor film is such that the conductive elements in it are located very close, and the direction of the current alternates, which creates opposite fields in the amount of giving zero. Of course, in practice, actual radiation is somewhat different from zero, but still significantly less, for example, radiation of the usual TV.

Thus, warm film floors are not harmful to health, but not the wonderful means of recovery and rejuvenation. The only medical effect is due to the principle of work. Since the film floors do not create convection flows of air movement, therefore dust does not rise in the room, which significantly reduces the manifestation of recurrences from asthmatics and allergies. In addition, infrared heaters do not burn oxygen, therefore, do not distinguish harmful combustion products and unpleasant odors and retain the natural humidity indoors. And, of course, the film floors warm.

Myth Fifth: Film Floors Fire Wood

Fire safety designs - a serious question that requires close attention. Warm electric, including film, warm floors are essentially an electrical appliance that is constantly working in the winter. However, in this matter I trust manufacturers: Offering goods with a guarantee of 15-20 years, it is necessary to have 100% confidence that it will last long.

Modern high-quality film floor is concluded in such a strong film that it is possible to use it by setting under the carpet, or even just spreading on the floor over the coating. At the same time, the film floor withstands mechanical effects, daily walking, heels, legs of chairs, and so on. Most films are provided with grounding. If there is no grounding layer, it should be used on top of heating film, and attach land to it.

A modern heat transfer substrate has a metallized lavsan coating that does not conduct the current, so the closure of the film with the substrate is not possible.

Included with a film floor for connecting to the power source, clips are supplied. For greater confidence in connections, professionals are recommended to make connections using recordings and tips or solders.

Compliance with installation technology provides high fire safety of the film floor. But if these arguments were not convinced of you, install (if this was not already done) in the electrical switch automatic shutdown and the RCD. They are needed in any house (apartment), and will save you from short circuit under any circumstances.

Well, summarize. Infrared warm floor - a modern and comfortable means of heating housing, radiating in the long-wave infrared range. Film floors do not possess miraculous properties, but also at the same time not more than any other domestic instrument. However, film warm floors can bring comfort to your home and warmth.

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