Drawings smoke inside bottles


Drawings smoke inside bottles

The artist Jim Dindhilian creates quite unusual paintings. It fills empty bottles with smoke, and then carefully considers Gare from the walls of the Court. As a result, it turns out surprisingly detailed, but enough dark patterns in black colors.

"Thumbnails that I create depict certain places on the outskirts of the metropolis, which, despite the fact that everyone knows, carry a mystery and even some threat to themselves," says Dindeilian about his works.

Drawings smoke inside bottles

"The bottle themselves add the scenes of work a sense of impairment, incorrectness.

Empty alcohol bottles, which can be found in the roads and in bournas growing in parking lots are symbols of consumption, joy or fear. As art objects, they are spacing for images, their emptiness is filled with asking memories, "explains the artist.

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

Drawings smoke inside bottles

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