How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD


How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD
How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD
How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD
How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD
How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD
How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD

How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD
How to make a pickup for curtains from a CD

Famous truth: old things are not necessary to throw away, they can always be turned into designer. They can at the same time carry both purely decorative character and have a certain functional accessory.

I suggest you extract old CD or DVDs from the cabinet and make pickups for curtains.

And for this, it is absolutely optionally to use expensive materials and tools. Do it Beautiful holders for curtains from C-di drives by issuing them with jute twine.

So ... you will need:

- 2 CD -Disc (better 3-4, in case of damage),

- 2 Wooden shockts for kebabs,

- Tight cardboard,

- jute twine,

- durable scissors (I have kitchen),

- glue thermopystylene.

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 1

Disk preparation is the most difficult stage. Therefore, it is better to have a couple of disks in the reserve, in case one or two during work will be corrupted. We need to cut a circle inside the disk.

In advance with a sharp object (for example, the edge of scissors) and, using a glass of suitable diameter, approximately 2 cm less than the diameter of the disk, scratch the circle on the disk.

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 2

Cut the ... The main thing is not to hurry and cut neatly on the helix.

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 3

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 4

That's what should happen ...

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 5

There is one more option to extract the dialing card: burn the contour inside the soldering iron, after which it will fall out - but not everyone has such an opportunity.

Discs will bet on our holders strength and flexibility, but we still enhance and cut out similar blanks from cardboard. It will prevent our holder from damage if the disc is suddenly crawling.

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 6

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 7

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 8

Glue a blank from cardboard and disk with hot glue ...

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 10

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 11

Now you can start decoking.

To do this, overlapping some twine ...

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 12

The tip of the twine is fixed with hot glue and begin to wrap our workpiece, if necessary, making neat adhesions. At the end, fix the tip with glue.

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 14

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 15

The same must be done with another workpiece.

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 16

We decorate our billets with curls from the twine.

To do this, cut 8 35-40 cm long threads and from each side, fixing periodically hot glue, tighten the curl. Make 8 curls and secure them on our billets.

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 18

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 19

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 19a

Now you need to decorate the holder itself - wooden shockts for kebabs (in this case - flat).

The tail is wrapped with a twine.

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 20

With jute twine, burlap is very well combined, holders can be decorated with flax flowers and twine.

Pickup holders for curtains from CDs and twine 21

Our pickups from the twine are ready ...

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 22

Pickages holders for curtains from CDs and twine 23

A similar decor will fit well for linen curtains and cotton fabric of a monochrome color.

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