How to update the old armchair or sofa - change the upholstery yourself


How to update the old armchair or sofa - change the upholstery yourself

We make modern upholstery on the old chair.

We make a new upholstery on the chair

Today pro Updating an old chair , about how you can make a beautiful detail of the interior fit into your design from the old thing (for sure at the cottage or even at home, many are preserved old Soviet chairs)

Especially since giving old things to the second life is even more likely to make something new ...

Let's start I. Turn the old ugly brown chair in the White Swan!

how to make a new upholstery on the chair

All work is divided into 7 stages, by time, repairing one chair takes about two days (if not strained)

1. First, we take the old armchair and slightly clean it from above so that there was no dust. It is even better if you do not work in the room, but outdoors or in the workshop.

2. Next, carefully, remove the upholstery, remembering where every piece of fabric was located and how it was attached to the frame. To do this, take out all the brackets and nails (fold them immediately in the jar, so as not to go down the leg and not collect all over the floor)

3. On old slices of fabric we make patterns. Then cut out new parts from purchased fabric and where you need sew new parts (for example, cushion covers)

When cutting and sewing, make sure that the lines and patterns on the fabric coincide and have the same direction.

4. Cut new seats from high density seats seats. Do not attempt to use the old filling or soft foam rubber it is not an output and then you have to redo it. Folon can be bought in the fabric store.

5 Carved pillows cover with Vatin to smooth out the angles, compounds and rubbers and they are not sticking out of the fabric. By the way, batting can be immediately sewed under the fabric when cutting up the upholstery, but someone like it.

6. Carefully and carefully uphater a cloth frame of the chair. Do not regret the bracket and do not forget to make sure that the drawing on the fabric goes in the right direction and coincides.

And the main thing you can always take out a few brackets if you need to fix something ...

7. And finally, at the end of the process, we make a new climbing of the bottom of the chair - because it should look good on all sides.

Properties that should have upholstery fabric

The fabric should keep the shape and not wrinkle, it should be easily wrapped, it must be impregnated with impregnation, which repels dirt and water, should be durable and rather dense, can be cleaned with soap solution, cloth can be cleaned with a sponge or soft brush. All these items indicate the quality of the fabric. The more properties has a cloth, the better it is suitable for the upholstery of the chairs.

What types of fabrics prefer for upholstery chairs?

The most popular fabrics are: Shenill, jacquard, tapestry, nubuck or artificial leather, flock, leather.

Calculation of the flow rate

Calculation of fabric consumption for armchair upholstery (4) (450x572, 80kb)

The most convenient way to determine how many fabric you will need to upgrade the furniture subject is to take the countfasts at the top of the crankscor's upholstery or when the old upholstery is still a mustache and can be removed on it. It is very important to properly approach this stage of work: there is nothing inhapping than to find that the fabric is not enough. Always round the values ​​obtained in the most side, especially when buying a fabric. It is useful to draw a sketch of the chair, which is to be done anew, and record the size of each part next to it. If your chosen fabric has a characteristic weave or drawing, the arrows indicate its direction on the upholstery.

When measuring furniture to buy decorative fabric, bring a centimeter tape to the very long point of each part. For example, the inner part of the back should be measured from the rear of the upper crossbar to the inner rear crossbar. Measurements should be carried out at the points of the highest width on the corresponding frame crossards. Remember that the receipt of a width of at least 10 cm greatly facilitates sewing.

Start from measuring the internal armrest panel. Attach the ribbon to the armrest inside, under the curl, circle it and lower it down to the seat, without forgetting to add 10 cm from both ends.

Measure the seat, applying the tape from the back of the crossbar between the rear crossbars of the back and the seat, across the seat, on the front edge of the seat to the lower edge of the front crossbar. Each end, add 10 cm.

Continue to shoot measurements from all the details of the chair. If you are going to wash the armchair, depending on the measurements removed, calculate the desired length of the gap. Remember that the fabric for the wreck is best to cut on the oblique. All furniture are different, some chairs are straight armrests, others are curved, third with buttons - try to take into account all the details that you need to cover with the cloth. If there are buttons on the chair, you will need to take into account the loops when calculating the flow of fabric. When measuring, tape into each hole.

Write down the resulting numbers in the table. With her you can check when working.

In size, draw the details of the chair on a scale at millimeter paper. Recote the maximum width and length of the panels, try not to customize them. Exactly in the size of the chair, as this can be done during the sewing process. Cut the panels and decompose them on a cut of a fabric with a suitable width taken on the same scale. There is a standard width of the fabric - 140, 200 cm. Find the most profitable location of parts with such a calculation to disappear as smaller than the fabric.

Monophonic fabric. The diagram of the left shows how you can decompose the parts on the fabric without a pronounced weave or pattern (this is one of several ways of laying the patterns on the tissue). If you have chosen a cloth with a weave or a pile, such as velvet, consider it during calculations, since such fabrics should be laid in a certain direction so that the pile will be topped down and back forward.

Fabric with pattern. If you intend to cover the furniture with a fabric with a pattern, it will be required more to combine the drawing. Measuring such tissue takes more time and requires careful planning. Measure furniture details, build patterns, as already done before. On patterns, mark the display points of the picture. The style and size of the pattern, as well as the length of the repeat, dictate the order of layouts on the fabric. If the fabric is a large drawing, lay the panels so that the drawing is in the center. At the same time, the picture will fit almost entirely, as on the inner and outer panel of the back, and at least the bulk of the picture should be fitted on the armrests and ears. In our example, the panels for ears are mirrored: the drawings on them are repeated, as if reflections, and create a balance. The same applies to the panels of armrests. If the drawing on your fabric is repeated often, it is better to align the panels so that the drawing continues on the next panel. For example, the inner panel of the back continues the seat panel. Do not forget about the allowances and that the fabric will have to be attached to the frame. On the insult chair, the drawing should not visually decay, it should be combined with a pattern on the adjacent panels. The panels on the fabric with a small pattern is best lay out in a certain order. First place the seat panel, then the inner backbone panel so that the drawing continues. Next, place the patterns for the internal panels of the armrests, remembering that the drawing on them should be symmetrical. The outer panels of armrests should also be cut off with a symmetric pair. Then place the outdoor panel of the back, taking care that it coincides in the drawing with the inner backbone and the outer panels of the armrests.

Calculation of fabric consumption for armchair upholstery (1) (195x700, 117kb)
Calculation of fabric consumption for armchairs upholstery (2) (229x600, 52Kb)

Calculation of the flow rate for the upholstery of the chair (3) (400x531, 96kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (11) (600x450, 111kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (12) (600x450, 117kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (13) (600x450, 140kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery for yourself (5) (600x450, 114kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery (6) (599x423, 192kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (7) (600x450, 130kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery for yourself (8) (600x450, 112kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery for yourself (9) (600x450, 136kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (10) (600x450, 184kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (14) (450x600, 161kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery for yourself (15) (450x600, 145kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (16) (600x450, 134Kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery for yourself (17) (450x600, 130kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (19) (600x450, 143kb)

How to update the old chair. We change the upholstery (1) (396x397, 89kb)

How to update the old chair. Change the upholstery for yourself (2) (396x472, 104kb)

To calculate the required amount of matter, it will be necessary to draw each item in a reduced scale and prepare the cutting circuit. Before you outline the firmware lines, place the parts of the cover on the sofa, the front side down, and stick. Use the seams of the old cover as a guide for marking the firmware lines of a new cover.

Measurements. For the manufacture of a new case, it is necessary to very accurately determine all the sizes. Make sofa measurements, as shown in two figures below. So the dimensions of the details of the cover are determined. To the dimensions of each part, add 4 cm input to the seams. Detail pattern can be done using a cutting circuit. If a cloth with a large pattern, striped or a cell, add an additional allowance for its alignment.

A new case can extend the life of even durable, but strongly shabby sofa.

Cutting scheme. Before opening fabric, draw the scheme of cutting. In a decreased scale, apply the dimensions of each part to millimeter paper, including inserts to the seams. If the width of the part is greater than the width of the fabric, it will be necessary to add pieces of the same size on each side of the same size or make a part of two pieces stitched through the line through the center of the sofa.

Put all the details of the case of approximate sizes. If the facial and irons of the fabric is difficult to distinguish with the eye, mark the wrong out of each part. Santimeter Measure the width of the back of the sofa. Determine the middle and mark it with a pin on the top of the sofa. Mark on the back of the cover of her middle. Protect the middle of the back of the hillside cover to the middle of the back of the sofa. Print to the back of the sofa the whole back cover.

how to sew a cover for sofa (2) (250x293, 42kb)
how to sew case for sofa (3) (250x306, 54kb)
how to sew case for sofa (4) (250x277, 46kb)

Remove the pillows. Mark the middle of the seat back details and place it on one line with the center already attaching to the sofa the details of the back. Scaliate two details. Holding excess fabric, torch, mark on the details of the firmware line.

When fastening parts in all places, where sofa does not have a rectangular shape, small excess fabric will appear. Cut the surplus, leaving the stack on the seam at least 1 cm. Connect the internal and external parts of the armrest just as well as the details of the back. Note the lines of the firmware on the back of the seat and the inner detail of the armrest in those places where they are found with the base of the seat. Skolit parts and scratch them along the connection line.

how to sew a cover for sofa (5) (250x273, 40kb)
how to sew case for sofa (6) (250x339, 67kb)
how to sew case for sofa (7) (250x336, 49kb)

Put the pillows in place, place the detail of the seat with an invalid outside, leaving the bend allowance and on the sides of the pillows. Subcontine and sew seats for the seat back to the back of the seat and the inner detail of the armrest according to the stored lines of the stitching.

Succession exterior edge gear details to the sidewall of an external armrest detail. Make it on each side of the sofa. Remove the cover with the front side and put on the sofa, complied with the pillows from all sides so that he does not shift. Fold and subcont the edges of 1.25 cm and 2.5 cm to the backrest details and external parts of the armrests so that the seams are not visible, if you look at the sofa. The edges should be wide enough so that it can be sewed to the Velcro.

how to sew case for sofa (8) (250x343, 74kb)
How to sew case for sofa (9) (250x334, 70kb)
how to sew a cover for sofa (10) (250x344, 68kb)

Print the "velcro" in place to the front of the edge of the external detail of the armrest and inside the edge of the back detail. Button "Velcro" so that the cover is sitting as much as possible. Remove the case and admitting braid-"Velcro" to the place. Be careful, since the needle will pass through the braid and three layers of fabric. Open the cover on the Sofa again and check the position of the "skirts" to make sure in accordance with the sizes. The "skirt" must have an allowance of 1 cm on the seam at the top and on the head of the edge below.

How to sew case for sofa (11) (250x334, 49kb)
How to sew case for sofa (12) (250x342, 67kb)
how to sew a cover for sofa (13) (250x280, 38kb)

Connect so much the details of the "skirts" so that their length is three times the perimeter of the sofa, adding the allowances for the end edges of each of the cuts of the back. Scaliate folds, as shown in the photo; 7.5 cm of fabric goes to each 2.5-centimeter fold. On the front side of the case, make a pins or a small line by 1 cm below the attachment line "Skirts". Put the "skirt" of the face on the cover so that its top goes through the planned line (and the rest of the material is above the line). Sun "Skirt", leaving 1 cmx.

how to sew a cover for sofa (14) (250x337, 54kb)
How to sew cover for sofa (15) (250x334, 51kb)

Turn up the "skirt" face up and scroll seam. Beat up, pinch and place the "skirt" edge. Remove the finished case inside out. In a sewing machine, by a zigzag line of the edge of the material to strengthen them and give the cover a more accurate look.

how to sew case for sofa (1) (330x216, 37kb)

A pair of chair refreshments:

Always check the fabric to make sure it goes in the right direction. So the chair will look like a professional made it.

The back is harder to do, here you can make upholstery parts. stripes, making folds or stitched in the right places fabric.

If you want new legs at the chair, then kiss them before rework, so as not to get a new upholstery.

In general, it's all necessary to spend on a new tissue and brackets, but the game is worth the candle.

I will add another one, having suffered with one chair immediately overestimate the work of people engaged in the repair of furniture professionally.

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